SMS 6 Grade Elective Courses th

SMS 6th Grade Elective Courses
Students in need of acceleration in Math and/or Reading will be assigned to those courses which will take the place of 1 or
more electives.
6 PE The physical education class provides each student with the opportunity to participate in a program with a variety of skill
developments, team sports, individual sports and physical fitness activities. The students receive instructions in rules, skills and strategies
associated with different sports. Students are required to dress out in PE clothes and participate in activities daily.
*BEGINNING BAND 6 is open to all 6th grade students; no prior band or musical experience is required. Please call Mr. Bell (940-3694259) for more information. Instruments include flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba
and percussion. Band is a great place to become a better musician and make new friends.**
HANDBELLS Students will learn proper handbell and handchime techniques and music reading. Prior musical experience is helpful,
but not required. The group performs at school and in the community.
CHOIR 6 is made up of students divided into two choirs based on gender. Students enrolled in the course will begin developing their
singing, listening, sight-reading, and music theory skills. Sixth grade choirs frequently travel to local and regional choral competitions.
Enrollment requires attendance at extra-curricular activities, including concerts and various community events. **
*ORCHESTRA 6 is made up of students who have been in 5th grade orchestra AND students who have no previous experience.
Students who played in 5th grade are encouraged to remain on their previous instrument, unless they would like to switch to bass- please
contact Mr. Burris (940-369-4253) if you want to switch. For students who have not played before- they may play the violin, viola, cello,
or bass. 6th grade orchestra students perform in many exciting concerts and contests throughout the year including solo and ensemble
contest and going to the NRH2O water park music festival! In addition there are various extra activities in which orchestra students are
invited to participate. **
ELECTIVE WHEEL Part I – For one semester, students will participate in the following classes for 9 weeks each:
CAREER INVESTIGATION This course is an introduction into Career and Technology Education (CTE). Students will
gain knowledge and skills for managing the challenges in family life and in the workplace. They will utilize these skills to enhance
career and personal effectiveness, promote family strength and well-being, and pursue career options.
MULTIMEDIA Students will learn to use Microsoft Office by creating attractive documents using word processing and
desktop publishing, and designing a multimedia presentation in PowerPoint. Spreadsheets and Databases will be highlighted as
INTRO TO TECHNOLOGY students will study how technology impacts the world around us. You will also be introduced
to various technology topics by using computerized modules and completing hands-on activities.
ELECTIVE WHEEL Part II – Students will be in ONE of the following courses for one semester:
ART will be an overview of the elements of art and fundamental art techniques experienced through various mediums that may
include drawing, painting, clay, fibers, technology, printmaking, watercolor, metal tooling, and collage. By learning about the
artwork from other cultures, students can incorporate the same concepts and media into their own artwork, thus creating an
important cultural connection between the two.
THEATRE ARTS students will experience introductory parts of theatre such as movement, vocal techniques, memorization,
staging, and more. Students will improve their creative thinking skills through games, pantomime, improvisation, skits and
memorized pieces. There will be a strong emphasis on performance and productions throughout the semester.
*Waivers are available to those students who receive free or reduced lunch. The waiver is intended to help cover the cost of the
instrument only.
**Students must maintain grade eligibility in order to participate in extracurricular or UIL activities.