Programmability in SPSS 15 The Revolution Continues Jon Peck

Programmability in
The Revolution Continues
Jon Peck
Technical Advisor
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Recap of SPSS 14 Python programmability
Developer Central
New features in SPSS 15 programmability
Writing first-class procedures
Updating the data
The Bonus Pack modules
Interacting with the user
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Quotations from SPSS Users
"Because of programmability, SPSS 14 is the most
important release since I started using SPSS fifteen
years ago."
"I think I am going to like using Python."
"Python, here I come!"
"I now think Python is an amazing language."
"Python and SPSS 14 and later are, IMHO, GREAT!"
"By the way, Python is a great addition to SPSS."
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
The Combination of SPSS and
SPSS provides a powerful engine for statistical and
graphical methods and for data management.
Python® provides a powerful, elegant, and easyto-learn language for controlling and responding to
this engine.
Together they provide a comprehensive system for
serious applications of analytical methods to data.
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Programmability Features in
SPSS 14 and 15
SPSS 14.0 provided
Multiple datasets
Variable and File Attributes
Programmability read-access to case data
Ability to control SPSS from a Python program
SPSS 15 adds
Read and write case data
Create new variables directly rather than generating syntax
Create pivot tables and text blocks via backend API’s
Easier setup
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Programmability Advantages
Makes possible jobs that respond to datasets, output,
Allows greater generality, more automation
Makes jobs more robust
Allows extending the capabilities of SPSS
Enables better organized and more maintainable code
Facilitates staff specialization
Increases productivity
More fun
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Programmability Overview
Python extends SPSS via
Runs in "back-end" syntax context (like macro)
SaxBasic scripting runs in "front-end" context
Two modes
General programming language
Access to variable dictionary, case data, and output
Access to standard and third-party modules
SPSS Developer Central modules
Module structure for building libraries of code
Traditional SPSS syntax window
Drive SPSS from Python (external mode)
Optional install
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Legal Notice
SPSS is not the owner or licensor of the Python
software. Any user of Python must agree to the
terms of the Python license agreement located on
the Python web site. SPSS is not making any
statement about the quality of the Python program.
SPSS fully disclaims all liability associated with
your use of the Python program.
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The SPSS Programmability SDK
Supports implementing various programming
Requires a programmer to implement a new language
VB.NET Plug-In available on Developer Central
Works only in external mode
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
How Programmability Works
Python interpreter embedded within SPSS
SPSS runs in traditional way until BEGIN PROGRAM
command is found
Python collects commands until END PROGRAM
command is found; then runs the program
Python can communicate with SPSS through API's (calls to
Includes running SPSS syntax inside Python program
Includes creating macro values for later use in syntax
Python can access SPSS output and data
OMS is a key tool
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Summarize Categorical Variables
import spss, spssaux
spssaux.OpenDataFile("SPSSDIR/employee data.sav")
# find categorical variables
catVars = spssaux.VariableDict(variableLevel=['nominal', 'ordinal'])
if catVars:
spss.Submit("FREQ " + " ".join(catVars.variables))
# create a macro listing categorical variables
spss.SetMacroValue("!catVars", " ".join(catVars.variables))
DESC !catVars.
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Programmability Inside or Outside
Two modes of operation
SPSS Drives mode (inside): traditional syntax context
X Drives mode (outside): eXternal program drives SPSS
Python interpreter (or VB.NET)
import spss
No SPSS Viewer, Data Editor, or SPSS user interface
Output sent as text to the application – can be suppressed
Has performance advantages
Build programs with an IDE
Even if to be run in traditional mode
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PythonWin IDE Controlling SPSS
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Python Resources
Python Tutorial
Global (standard) Module Index
Python help system and help command
1627 packages as of Sept 21, 2006
SPSS Developer Central
SPSS Programming and Data Management, 3rd ed, 2006.
Many books
Look for books at the Python 2.4 level
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Python Books
Dive Into Python book or PDF
Practical Python by Magnus Lie Hetland
Extensive examples and discussion of Python
Python Cookbook, 2nd ed by Martelli, Ravenscroft, & Ascher
Second edition (July, 2006) of
Martelli, Python in a Nutshell, O'Reilly
Very clear, comprehensive reference material
wxPython in Action by Rappin and Dunn
Explains user interface building with wxPython
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Cheeseshop: scipy
scipy 0.5.0 Scientific Algorithms Library for Python
scipy is an open source library of scientific tools for
Python. scipy gathers a variety of high level science and
engineering modules together as a single package. scipy
provides modules for statistics, optimization, integration,
linear algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image
processing, genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, special
functions, and more. scipy requires and supplements
NumPy, which provides a multidimensional array object and
other basic functionality.
scipy rework currently beta
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
SPSS Developer Central
New Web home for developing SPSS applications
SPSS Developer Central
old url:
Python Integration Plug-Ins
Useful supplementary modules by SPSS and others
Updated for SPSS 15
Articles on programmability and graphics
Place to ask questions and exchange information
Programmability Extension SDK
Get Python itself from
SPSS uses 2.4. (2.4.3)
Not limited to programmability
Went Live
Key Supplementary
New for SPSS 15
GPL graphics
User-contributed code
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Approaches to
Creating New Procedures
You can extend SPSS capabilities by building new procedures
Combine SPSS procedures and transformations with Python
Poisson regression (SPSS 14) example using iterated CNLR
New raking procedure built over GENLOG
Calculate data aggregates in SPSS and pass to algorithm
coded in Python
Or use ones that others have built
Raking procedure starts with AGGREGATE
Acquire case data and compute in Python
Use Python standard modules and third-party additions
Partial Least Squares Regression (pls module)
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Adapt Existing Code Libraries
Common to adapt existing libraries or code for use
as Python extension modules
Extension modules are normal Python modules
C, C++, VB, Fortran,...
Python itself written in C
Many standard modules are C code
Python tools and API's to assist
Chap 25 in Python in a Nutshell
 Tutorial on extending and embedding the Python
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Partial Least Squares Regression
Regression with large number of predictors (even k > N)
Similar to Principal Components but considers dependent
variable simultaneously
Calculates principal components of (y, X) then use regression
on the scores instead of original data
User chooses number of factors
Equivalent to ordinary regression when number of factors
equals number of predictors and one y variable
For more information see An Optimization Perspective on
Kernel Partial Least Squares Regression.pdf.
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
The pls Module
Fetches data from SPSS
Uses scipy matrix operations to compute results
Writes pivot tables to SPSS Viewer
Third-party module from Cheeseshop
Subject to OMS
SPSS 14 viewer module created pivot table using OLE automation
Saves predicted values to active dataset
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
pls Example: REGRESSION vs
GET FILE="c:/spss15/tutorial/sample_files/car_sales.sav".
/METHOD=ENTER curb_wgt engine_s fuel_cap horsepow
length mpg price resale type wheelbas width .
begin program.
import spss, pls
pls.plsproc("sales", """curb_wgt engine_s fuel_cap horsepow
length mpg price resale type wheelbas width""",
end program.
plsproc defaults to five factors
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
PLS with 5 factors
almost equals
regression with 11
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Raking Sample Weights
"Raking" adjusts sample weights to control totals in n
Example: data classified by age and sex with known
population totals or proportions
Calculated by fitting a main effects loglinear model
Various adjustments required
Not a complete solution to reweighting
Not directly available in SPSS
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Raking Module
Strategy: combine SPSS procedures with Python logic
 (part of SPSS 15 Bonus Pack)
Aggregates data via AGGREGATE to new dataset
Creates new variable with control totals
Applies GENLOG, saving predicted counts
Adjusts predicted counts
Matches back into original dataset
 Does not use MATCH FILES or require a SORT command
Written in one (long) day
rake.rake("age sex",
[{0: 1140, 1:1140}, {0: 104.6, 1:2175.4}],
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Extending SPSS Transformations
SPSS 14 programmability can wrap SPSS syntax in Python
SPSS 15 programmability can generate new variables directly
Cursor can have accessType='a'
SPSS 15 programmability can create new datasets from
Cursor can have accessType='w'
SPSS 15 programmability can add cases directly
Useful when definitions can be expressed in SPSS syntax
Cursor can have accessType='n'
spssdata module on Developer Central updated to support
these modes
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
trans and extendedTransforms
trans module facilitates plugging in Python code to
iterate over cases
Runs as an SPSS procedure
Passes the data
Adds variables to the SPSS variable dictionary
Can apply any calculation casewise
Use with
Standard Python functions (e.g., math module)
 Any user-written functions or appropriate classes
 Functions in extendedTransforms module
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
trans and extendedTransforms
trans strategy
 Pass case data through Python code writing
result back to SPSS in new variables
extendedTransforms collection of ten functions to
apply to SPSS variables
Regular expression search/replace
Template-based substitution
soundex and nysiis functions for phonetic equivalence
Levenshtein distance function for string similarity
Date/time conversions based on patterns
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Python Regular Expressions
Pattern matching in text strings
If you use SPSS index or replace, you need these
Standardize string data (Mr, Mr., Herr, Senor,...)
Patterns can be simple strings (as with SPSS
index) or complex patterns
Pick out variable names with common parts
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Regular Expressions:
A Few Examples
"age" – string containing the letters age
"\wage" – string containing the word age
"abc|xyz|pqrst" = string containing any of abc etc
"\d+" – a string of any number of digits
"x.*y" – a string starting with x and ending with y
Can be case sensitive or not
Can greatly simplify code currently using SPSS index and
replace functions
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Using trans and extendedTransforms
search Function
import spss, trans, spssaux, extendedTransforms
tproc = trans.Tfunction(listwiseDeletion=True)
tproc.append(, 'match','a8',
['names', trans.const('Peck|Pech|Pek')])
tproc.append(, 'matchignorecase','a8',
['names', trans.const('peck'), trans.const(True)])
tproc.append(, ('match2','startpos','length'),
('a12','f4.0','f4.0'), ['names', trans.const('Peck')])
spss.Submit("SELECT IF length > 0")
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Using trans:
Writing Your Own Function
begin program.
import trans, re
def splitAndExtract(s):
"""split a string on "--" and return the left part and the number
in the right part. Ex: "simvastatin-- PO 80mg TAB" -> "simvastatin", 80"""
parts = s.split("--")
number ="\d+", parts[1]).group()
number = None
return parts[0], number
tproc = trans.Tfunction()
tproc.append(splitAndExtract, ("name", "number"), ("a30", "f5.0"), ["medicine"])
end program.
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
soundex and nysiis
Algorithms for approximating phonetic equivalence of
soundexallwords can be used on unstructured text
Applied to database of 20,000+ surnames
import spss, trans, spssaux, extendedTransforms
tproc = trans.Tfunction()
tproc.append(extendedTransforms.soundex, 'soundex','a5', ['names'])
tproc.append(extendedTransforms.nysiis, 'nysiis', 'a20', ['names'])
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
soundex on Unstructured Text
(Overly) simple processing of unstructured text
Use soundex word by word to abstract spelling
No stemming, linguistic analysis etc
Use STAFS for serious work
Very simple to use
begin program.
import spss, trans, extendedTransforms
t = trans.Tfunction()
t.append(extendedTransforms.soundexallwords, 'allsoundexn66',
'a108', ['n_66'])
end program.
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
soundex on Unstructured Text
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Creating a Graphical User
Python comes with Tkinter, a gui toolkit
There are better ones freely downloadable
E.g., wxPython
Very easy to do small user interactions
Message box
File chooser
Variable picker
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Simple Message Box Using
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Simple File Chooser Using
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Variable Picker Using wxPython
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Other New spss Module API’s
User-missing values
Pivot table API's
Output Text block support
Good for writing comments to the Viewer
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
SPSS 14 introduced major programmability features
SPSS 15 adds
Reading and writing case data: new variables; new cases
Creating pivot tables and text blocks
Writing first-class SPSS procedures
Bonus Pack and Partial Least Squares modules illustrate
these features
Developer Central improves ability to provide modules and
Will soon have four new SPSS 15 modules
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
Copyright (c) SPSS Inc, 2006
SPSS 15:
The Revolution Continues
SPSS 15 programmability makes it easy to add
capabilities beyond what is already built in to SPSS
SPSS 15 makes it easier to build complete
applications on top of SPSS
SPSS 15 programmability makes you more
SPSS 15 has lots of other great features, too
Try it out
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