Market Structures

Name __________________________Period _______
Quiz Date / due date ______________
Market Structures
Principles and Practices of Economics
Chapter 7 Study Guide
Directions: Referring to your text, read pages 150-178, and answer the following
questions. Use this as a reference when studying for the chapter quiz, and be prepared to
turn it in for credit prior to taking the quiz.
Section 1:
1. A perfectly competitive market with a large number of firms all producing essentially
the same product is known as ___________________ competition.
2. Do many industries meet all of the conditions for perfect competition? _________
3. The four requirements of a market to be perfectly competitive are:
a. _________________ buyers and sellers
b. Sellers offer identical ______________________
c. Buyers and sellers are well _______________________ about products
d. Sellers are able to enter and exit the market __________________
4. In perfect competition, can one individual or company be powerful enough to
influence the total market quantity or market price? ____________
5. In a perfectly competitive market are there any differences between the products sold
between different suppliers? _________
6. Identify an example of a product that would exist in a perfectly competitive market.
7. A product that is considered the same regardless of who makes it is known as a
8. Studies show that markets with more firms, and thus more competition have what
kind of prices? _____________________
9. Any factor that makes it difficult for a new firm to enter a market is known as a
_________________ _____ _________________.
10. Common barriers to entry include ___________ - _____ costs and _____________.
11. Expenses that a new business must pay before the first product reaches the consumer
are called ___________ - ______ costs.
Section 2:
12. When a single seller dominates a market, it is known as a _________________.
13. What is the principal condition that allows monopolies to exist?
14. What is the problem with monopolies?
15. Factors that cause a producer’s average cost per unit to fall as output rises are known
as ________________ _______ _______________.
16. A market that runs most efficiently when one larger firm provides all of the output is
known as what kind of monopoly? _______________________
17. What is an example of a natural monopoly? ________________________
18. What must a firm with a natural monopoly do to be able to maintain the monopoly?
19. When the government creates and regulates a monopoly, it is known as a
_______________________ monopoly. (U.S. Postal Service is an example of this.)
20. When a company has exclusive rights to sell a new good or service for a specific
period of time, they have a _____________________.
21. What do patents guarantee?
22. A contract issued by a local authority that gives a single firm the right to sell its goods
within an exclusive market is known as a ___________________.
23. When a restaurant gives a senior citizen discount or runs a “kids eat for free”
program, this practice is known as ______________ _______________________.
24. With price discrimination, companies can find the customers who need to good the
most and charge them _____________ for that good.
25. For price discrimination to work, a market must meet the following three conditions:
a. The company must have some market _________________, which means that
it cannot be in a highly competitive market.
b. The company must be able to divide the customers into distinct ___________
c. There must be difficult __________________ of the product or service. Price
discrimination works best with goods or services that are consumed on the
Section 3:
26. In monopolistic competition, each firm hold a monopoly over its own ___________
27. Monopolistically competitive firms sell goods that are similar enough to be
substituted for each other, but are not _______________.
28. The four conditions of a monopolistic competition are:
a. Many _______________
b. Few artificial barriers to _____________________
c. Slight control over _____________
d. Differentiated ____________________
29. When products are made different from other similar products, this is called
30. When the market competition is based upon things other than price such as physical
characteristics, location, service level, advertising, etc. it is known as
____________________ competition.
31. If a monopolistically competitive firm started to earn profits well above their costs,
the following two market trends would take those profits away:
a. Competition would encourage rivals to thing of new ways to ______________
their products to lure customers back.
b. New firms would enter the ______________________
32. A market dominated by a few large, profitable firms is known as an ______________
33. Two examples of oligopolies would be __________________ & ________________
34. An agreement among members of an oligopoly to set prices and production levels is
known as ___________________, which is illegal in the U.S.
35. An agreement among firms to sell at the same or very similar prices is known as
___________________ __________________.
36. An agreement by a formal organization of producers to coordinate prices and
production is known as a ______________________, which is also illegal in the U.S..
Section 4:
37. When a company sells its product below cost to drive competitors out of the market,
it is known as ____________________ pricing.
38. Laws passed to outlaw anticompetitive practices are known as what kind of laws?
39. The combination of two or more companies into a single firm is known as a
40. Which two government organizations watch large firms closely to make sure they do
not unfairly force its competitors out of the market?
41. When the government steps back and no longer controls operating and pricing issues
for an industry or company, it is known as ______________________.
42. What is the purpose of both deregulation and antitrust laws? ___________________
Read the chapter summary on page 178 carefully.
Complete the Key Terms activity on page 178 by putting the correct answers in the lines
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________