Vietnam War

Vietnam War
I. Early Conflicts in Vietnam
A. Early Control of Vietnam
French Take Over
1883 France takes over Vietnam
Combined Vietnam, Lao, &
Cambodia into French IndoChina
2. Ho Chi Minh
A Vietnamese Nationalist
Name means “He Who
Believed the way to fight the
French was through
communist revolution
3. Japan in Vietnam
Take over the country during
Ho Chi Minh starts the League
for the Independence of
Vietnam (Vietminh)
B. War Breaks Out
After WWII
Japan out of Vietnam
French want Indo-China back
Fighting between Vietminh and
Domino Theory
Pres Eisenhower supports the
Does not want Vietnam to become
Feared if it falls it will cause other
countries to fall to communism
“like dominos”
3. French Lose
Vietminh surround French
French surrender (May 7th)
4. Geneva Accords
July 1954: Vietnam split in
North Vietnam: Communist led by Ho Chi Minh
South Vietnam: Pro Western led by Ngo Dinh Diem
Free election in July 1956 would reunite N. & S. under
one government
American Involvement
 U.S. involvement started with Eisenhower when he sent
“advisors” to help the South Vietnamese as they fought
the communists.
 Kennedy inherited the war. He continued the practice of
sending advisors.
 Johnson picked up after Kennedy. He thought the only
way to end the war was to increase U.S. involvement.
 Congress wouldn’t allow him to send more troops over
 In 1964 a U.S. navy ship was fired on in the Gulf of
 Johnson used this to send in more troops.
 By 1965 the U.S. had sent about 500,000 soldiers
over to Vietnam.
 Vietnam was the first televised war
 In 1968 the Vietnamese started on offensive movement
called the “Tet Offensive”.
 By now the country was split over the war and
Johnson’s political career was done.
Vietnam War
Consequences of the
Vietnam War
A. Southeast Asia
1 million North
Vietnamese and Vietcong
185,000 South
Vietnamese soldiers
500,000 civilians
Almost 1 million
Vietnamese children
2. Damages
Cities and Villages destroyed
Forests and Farmlands destroyed
3. Laos and Cambodia
Both countries fall to communist dictatorships
Khmer Rouge kill around 2 million people in Cambodia
1979 Vietnam invaded Cambodia and drove out Khmer Rouge
Ongoing conflicts continue in Cambodia
B. The United States
58,000 Americans died in fighting
More than 2,000 remain MIA (missing in action)
2. War Powers Act (1973)
Requires president to get congressional approval before
putting troops into armed conflict
Nixon vetoes this bill
Congress overrode his veto to pass act
Gives congress increased responsibility over war policy
Forces presidents to be more cautious when sending
troops to war
1968 Election
A. Democratic Party Nominee
 Hubert Humphrey (Presidential Candidate)
 Johnson’s Vice President
 Johnson put his support behind Humphrey
 Edmund Muskie (Vice Presidential Candidate)
 Senator from Maine
B. Republican Party Nominee
 Richard Nixon
 Former Vice president under Eisenhower
 Said he would restore order to American Society
 Said he had a “secret plan” to end the Vietnam War
C. American Independent Party
 George Wallace
 Alabama Governor
 Conservative Candidate
 Wanted to overturn civil rights
 Wanted to eliminate most federal
social programs
D. Outcome of Election
 Close election
 Nixon wins with 301
electoral votes
 Humphrey received
191 electoral votes
 Wallace received 46
electoral votes