Document 15554458

Strand 4: Life Science
Concept 4: Adaptations
PO #: 5: Analyze behavioral cycles of organisms.
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SC08 : Test Bank
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ASSESSMENT TYPES (Grouped by school and teacher)
Multiple Choice/Matching/True-False
Short Answer/Fill-in/Essay
Strand 4: Life Science
Concept 4: Adaptations
PO #: 5: Analyze behavioral cycles of organisms.
Multiple Choice/Matching/True-False
Rhodes – Little
Cycles Vocabulary: Write the letter for the term that correctly matches its definition.
A. adaptation
B. behavioral cycle
C. dormancy
D. estivation
E. hibernation
F. migration
1. A land snail closes the lid on its shell to sleep through the heat.
2. A group of bats leave their cave at dusk every day.
3. A tree drops all of its leaves and stops growing during the winter.
4. A giraffe survives because of its long neck allows it to reach food and it runs when it sees predators
5. A herd of elk move to a warmer area during winter.
6. A dormouse sleeps through a harsh, cold time of the year.
Shepherd – Code
1. A period of inactivity during hot summer months to avoid a dry season is called
A. estivation
B. migration
C. hibernation
D. immigration
2. A bear sleeping through the winter is an example of
A. migration
B. hibernation
C. competition
D. immigration
Fremont – McGee/Franklin
Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.
A. Estivation
C. Migration
B. Hibernation
D. Dormancy
1. ___________________ is an adaptation that helps a plant survive harsh winters or dry conditions. During the this
time, the plant drops its leaves and reduces photosynthesis.
2. When an animal such as rodents, bears, & reptiles cannot survive harsh winter climate and lack of food, it may
become inactive. To prepare for this period of _______________________ they may “bulk up” by eating a lot while
food is plentiful or work during the summer to store up food.
3. Spade-foot toads bury themselves in the desert sand until it rains. When it rains they emerge find a mate, lay eggs,
and then return to the sand. This behavior that helps it deal with the heat and dry conditions of the desert is known as
Strand 4: Life Science
Concept 4: Adaptations
PO #: 5: Analyze behavioral cycles of organisms.
4. Some animals like the lemming, elk, birds and whales will travel from one place to another to deal with lack of food,
weather changes, or reproduction rituals/cycles. This behavior is called____________________________________.
Smith – Gratkins
1. What describes the process when an animal’s body temperature lowers and the heartbeat slows causing a
sleep-like state in winter?
A. dormancy
B. estivation
C. hibernation
D. migration
2. What describes the seasonal movement of animals, such as birds, from one place to another?
A. dormancy
B. estivation
C. hibernation
D. migration
3. What is happening to a plant during dormancy?
A. new leaves sprout
B. plant stops growing
C. flowers bud and bloom
D. flowers are cross-pollinated
4. What would be an example of estivation?
A. plants stop growing
B. bears “sleep” in winter
C. frogs bury themselves in the ground during summer
D. whales move to a new location to find food
5. Hummingbirds move south to warmer climates as winter approaches and the days grow shorter. What type
of behavior is this?
A. dormancy
B. estivation
C. hibernation
D. migration
6. Some frogs conserve energy by burying themselves underground as the temperatures get higher and water
becomes less available. What type of behavior is this?
A. dormancy
B. estivation
C. hibernation
D. migration
7. A plant becomes inactive during the winter months. No new growth is seen. What type of behavior is this?
A. dormancy
B. estivation
C. hibernation
D. migration
Strand 4: Life Science
Concept 4: Adaptations
PO #: 5: Analyze behavioral cycles of organisms.
8. Female fur seals spend the winter in the ocean off the coast of California. In the spring, they then swim
thousands of miles northward to islands off the coast of Alaska. What type of behavior is this?
A. competition
B. estivation
C. symbiosis
D. migration
9. Hibernation gives animals which of these benefits?
A. less need for food
B. easy access to food
C. ability to hunt prey
D. opportunities to attract mates
10. Hibernation is an important survival behavior for some animals. Which of these environmental factors are
avoided during hibernation?
A. high temperature, low water
B. high temperature, heavy rains
C. low temperature, heavy rains
D. low temperature, low food supply
11. Estivation is an important survival behavior for some animals. Which of these environmental factors are
avoided during estivation?
A. high temperature, low water
B. high temperature, heavy rains
C. low temperature, heavy rains
D. low temperature, low food supply
Strand 4: Life Science
Concept 4: Adaptations
PO #: 5: Analyze behavioral cycles of organisms.
Short Answer/Fill-in/Essay
Rhodes – Little
Short Response: Write the words that best complete each statement below.
1. Dormancy helps organisms survive by ___.
2. Migration helps an organism survive by ___.
3. Organisms can adapt to survive by changing their ___ or using their ___.
Strand 4: Life Science
Concept 4: Adaptations
PO #: 5: Analyze behavioral cycles of organisms.
Strand 4: Life Science
Concept 4: Adaptations
PO #: 5: Analyze behavioral cycles of organisms.