TEACHER: H. ROBERSON, JR. SCHOOL: Johnston Middle School SUBJECT: Science MONDAY 7.11B Explain variation within a population or species by comparing external features, behaviors, or physiology of organisms that enhance their survival such as migration and hibernation. Do Now: Notes Behavior Adaptations Finish Adaptation Artistry Announce outdoor lab for Tue/Wed. p. 512 in textbook courtship TUESDAY TEACHING, RETEACHING, AND ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES 7.11B Explain variation within a population or species by comparing external features, behaviors, or physiology of organisms that enhance their survival such as migration and hibernation. Do Now: Notes Behavior Adaptations Turn In Adaptation Artistry Muskox Outdoor lab for Tues. p. 512 in textbook courtship WEDNESDAY TEKS/CLEAR OBJECTIVES 7.11B Explain variation within a population or species by comparing external features, behaviors, or physiology of organisms that enhance their survival such as migration and hibernation. THURSDAY STUDENT OBJECTIVES Periods: ALL 7.11B Explain variation within a population or species by comparing external features, behaviors, or physiology of organisms that enhance their survival such as migration and hibernation. Video/Questions Galapagos Islands Unit 8 Exam Review Do Now: Notes Behavior Musk ox Dichotomous Key Practice Muskox Outdoor lab for Wed WEEK OF: Feb. 22-26 MATERIALS Football flags Football flags DESCRIPTION TEACHER: H. ROBERSON, JR. FRIDAY SUBJECT: Science 7.11B Explain variation within a population or species by comparing external features, behaviors, or physiology of organisms that enhance their survival such as migration and hibernation. SCHOOL: Johnston Middle School Periods: ALL Video/Questions Galapagos Islands Unit 8 Exam Review WEEK OF: Feb. 22-26