All Quiet on the Western Front Using your viewing notes from the video respond to the following statement: "Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die. ~Herbert Hoover" You have until April 9 to respond. Comments That is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. The older men have arguments they should solve them in a civilized manner instead of killing younger men in useless battles. So both world wars were just a bunch of old guys arguing and killing younger people for their cause. Old people are self centered. Posted by: conrad burnap (unauthenticated) | April 20, 2009 10:27 PM all of the younger people that are in jr high and high school are off at war having a terrible time just wanting to go home while all of the older men were telling the boys that it is such a great thing and youre a real man but they have no idea Posted by: netasha 4 (unauthenticated) | April 15, 2009 6:00 PM I agree with Curly. The youth really can't handle a war by themselves. The teacher told them it was their duty to fight for god and land, and the old men told Paul how they should beat the other side and that it must be fun fighting for their country. Posted by: Jace (5) (unauthenticated) | April 9, 2009 7:24 AM yesterday in class when you said that you were gonna save mine for presentations, what did you mean by that? :-D Posted by: k-mart (unauthenticated) | April 9, 2009 7:20 AM I think the quote,"Older men declare war. But its the youth that must fight and die." -herbert Hoover- is exactly correct because the older men would put pure pressure on the youth saying they have to join the war or they would be failures to their country if they didn't join. But in reality, the older men weren't even in the war its like playing the game from the side lines, it just can't be done! Posted by: ashley im not late tanori(5) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 10:37 PM I don't think that just "older men" declared war for others. I still think that is unfair for one person to declare war for another. I also think that the people that haven't fought on the front lines, but are still pushing so hard are acting very unfair.I believe that before a official makes any harsh decisions about war plans, that they should have to serve some time on the front lines. Posted by: Andrew(5) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 10:07 PM Sorry, but I think that is just plain stupid. Because it's like saying to your friend" oh I hate that person, go beat them up." That's weird because it's your problem, your opinion; go deal with it yourself. I mean, they are old and have health issues, but to force a person to fight is mean. They should have volunteers. Usually they make the best soldiers because they are the ones that are willing to fight. I also agree with hannah 5 because the old men really did volunteer the youth. Posted by: Grace with one L 6 (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 9:14 PM I agree with Maria(5). If the older men declare war then they should be the ones who fight not the youth of the country. However, if a young man honestly by his own free will wanted to go to war and fight for the country that he loves, then he has every right to do so. They would be considered disrespectful to their country if they didn't fight and I honestly don't think that is right. Posted by: Emma (5) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 8:16 PM wel I agree with Fernando(4) most of the people away from war that have never been to war think its so easy and they have no idea what its like. In the movie when paul came home for that short time the older men were telling him what he should do, and I think paul was thinking like what the heck are these guys talking about. Posted by: Rat (5) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 7:39 PM I think that it is unfair to have younger men be in the war. The reason why is because the older men declared war but, they are having to fight war and see all the horror. Also, if the older men declared the war, then they should be the ones who should fight the war not the younger men, beause they didnt declare the war!! Also the older men mostly volunteered and if they did and declared the war they should be the ones who fight and die!! Posted by: Ashley (5) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 7:27 PM The men that are too old to fight in the war encourage young men to join the war. They don't know what the war is like, so they convince the young men that the war is some great thing that brings honor to your country and your god. These older men can speak great things about war when war is nothing they expected. Young men are very excited to join war because they have heard nothing but great things about war from their fathers, grandfathers, and educators. I definitely agree with this statement. Older men encourage young men to join the war, fight, and die. Posted by: Corinne(5) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 6:42 PM I agree that what Herbert Hoover said was the truth, even if some people didn't like the sound of it. You can not have a seventy year old go off and fight in war, it would not turn out so well. Although, I did not like the fact that in All Quiet on the Western Front, the old men were criticizing the young men, even though they themselves hadn't even been to the front. (Teacher Comment: Good expression of your views, but a pity I have no idea who you are!!) Posted by: (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 6:23 PM I kind of agree that if the old men declare a war that they should fight in it. The only thing is that the old men probably wont be in the best of shape and wouldn't be the best fighters. Its called a country for a reason. A country isn't one person, its a group of people. Anyone from that country should go to war. Young or old your part of the country. Cade also brings up a good point. Before Countries go to war they should talk it over. Posted by: colton 5th hour (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 5:51 PM I think that none of the older men really know how brutal the war is. The way they are encouraging Paul to go to war, they make it sound fun and if you don't go to war you're useless. The teacher was pressuring the young boys to go to war even though they weren't ready. In my opinion I don't think that the kids who looked 14 should even be allowed to fight in the war. Posted by: Alysha4 (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 4:45 PM also I believe that it is not right that youth must fight and give their lives for its country while (and i quote) âœolder menâ stay behind and hope for victory. I believe that Hoover was dead accurate on his observation ps pikachu you used the wrong their it should have been their not there and whitehead the translator on this blog is bad it said that this was what i said also I believe that it is not right that youth must fight and give their lives for its country whereas the quote âœless menâ feels behind and the hope of the victory who did not take care of for the vacuum cleaner of the lives of youth was dead in exact in this concept and observation. pikcahu of the picosecond that you used the incorrect class of his he must have been his Posted by: sam(5) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 4:35 PM I agree with Turtle that Paul's experience was a good example of the meaning of the quote. Even though the older men might be wise about declaring war, they do not know how the war really is like the young soldiers do. The soldiers are fighting and experiencing the horrors of the war, while the older men were telling more young people how the war would be an adventure and they needed to serve their countries. Yet, well they are telling the young this, some are sitting back and eating fancy food instead of doing their duty for their country.The young have to suffer, well the old get to sit back. Posted by: Cassandra (4) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 3:25 PM I 100% agree with Madison. The older men kind of forced them to go out and fight.They told them that is was God's will and the right thing to do. It was like peer pressure in a way. If they didn't do their job than they were know as a failure. The quote "Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die. ~Herbert Hoover" This is unfair because all people of all ages should fight for their country, the older men should fight if they declare it. Posted by: Katie 4 (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 8:45 AM Its unfair for the old people to declare war and have the young people fight. If they want to go to go to war they should go fight themselves. Its very easy to tell other people to do somthing but if your not willing to do it yourself, then you shouldn't tell them to. Posted by: Kristiana (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 8:27 AM I think that Hoover said the truth, even if people don't really like the truth. In reality, the young people have no say in a war, but they are the only ones who have to pay for it. Wars are pretty lame. I think that Bertrand Russell said it best in his quote, "War does not determine who is right. It only determines who is left." :) Posted by: Kinnon 4 :) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 8:26 AM I also agree with the quote, the older men are the ones who usually declare war(congress, politicians,people with more power, etc.)even though the younger people must fight it and face the horrors of it. Althugh,the older men were once young and had to possibly face a war too, so they may know what they're talking about at the same time. Posted by: Shelbie (4) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 8:20 AM I agree with the statement and Colton(6). I also think that it was unfair to the younger men because they knew what it was like and were always being pressured into doing certain things by the older men who didn't know what it was like up at the front. Posted by: Tayler(4) (unauthenticated) | April 8, 2009 8:07 AM I think this quote is very true about the war although i agree with brody and must say i do not agree with the quote. I do think that the older men do not have to go into war because they are most likely too old to be hoping up and down every 10 seconds while fighting.But I don't think it is very fair for the older men choosing the younger men and then the men must go. Posted by: emerson(6) (unauthenticated) | April 7, 2009 10:41 PM I think its really unfair that the younger men have to fight when the old geezers just declare the war and make ideas then they get the younge men who still have lives to live to believe that they have to fight for the father land thats so unfair Posted by: Anna(4) (unauthenticated) | April 7, 2009 6:52 PM I agree that it is unfair that the older men are declaring war for the younger men. I find that very wrong and unacceptable that their letting younger men die because of them declaring war. So, what if the old men don't like it, why can't they just get on with their lives and don't destroy others?? It's just best if the old men don't fight about it and then nobody will die because of their mistakes. Posted by: Kiana Alaniz!(5) (unauthenticated) | April 7, 2009 5:26 PM I agree with Hannah because the older men declared war they should have to go and fight and not volunteer the future generation. They caused the problem so they need to solve it. Posted by: Gracie P. (6) (unauthenticated) | April 7, 2009 5:05 PM Emily(4th) The war was unfair especially to the younger men. I agree with a lot of people, the older men volunteered the younger men. They were going at the age of 13. I can't imagine going to war now. Back at home, the older men told the younger men how easy it would be to win and how great war was. I think the war was not fair Posted by: Emily Jane Margaret Graham (student) | April 7, 2009 4:39 PM I agree with almost everyone who has posted a comment. I think since the older men declare the war they should have to put towards effort and be part of it, they dont even know whats going on in the war!! The younger men are the ones actually working and the older ones are just talk. Posted by: Emily (6) (unauthenticated) | April 6, 2009 8:53 PM I agree with Herbert Hoover that the young men have to fight the older men's wars. I believe the older men should have to fight if they want a war. Also, people should try to talking it out using diplomacy and negotiation instead of declaring wars because wars are horrific and what is lost in a war can never be replaced(human life) Posted by: Cade(5) (unauthenticated) | April 6, 2009 8:23 PM I think Herbert Hoover's statement was very accurate. The older men don't know what it is like to be shot at. Instead, they have this picture in their head that shows war is just a game and that when they have a chance, they should declare war. But the younger men in the war know the truth and horrors of war. These young men know the reality of war while the older men just sit back and think of ways to win when it's not that easy. Posted by: Fernando 4 (unauthenticated) | April 6, 2009 8:20 PM It may be that the older men decide it's the best thing to go to war, But Daring youth will always go out to war no matter what. It's nationalism, Some People could care less about why there's a war but still run out to fight anyway. C*o*o*D **O** ((It's a monkey!)) ********* Posted by: Drummer boy 4 (unauthenticated) | April 6, 2009 7:56 PM I agree with Madison, Makaela, and Brody because it is unfair that the older men are declaring war. They don't understand that these younger men are seeing death. It obviously screws up the soldiers, and for the men, who aren't/haven't ever been in war don't understand at all. Plus, the older men don't see why the plans aren't working. Posted by: Kelly (4) (unauthenticated) | April 6, 2009 7:40 PM I agree with Herbert also because the old guys in congress declare that they want to go to war with some other country but they don't have to fight. They just want to win the war and enjoy the spoils. It's like Hannah in 5th said, the old guys basically volunteer for the young guys that have their whole lives ahead of them to fight and die. Posted by: daniel-4 (unauthenticated) | April 6, 2009 6:46 PM Ok well I definetley agree with Brody when he said that Paul from the movie was a great example. Because he really was. When he was at home on his leave he went out to lunch with his dad and some of his dad's friends, his dad wanted him to wear his army uniform so he could "show him off" also Paul's dad was saying things like "Yeah the war is great!! You can serve duty for your motherland and have victory! YAY!" but it totally isnt like that at all and i don't think that the old guys who aren't fighting the war have the right to say its great, because its not and tons and tons of young guys are dying and thats uncool... so I think that it's unfair for the old guys to declare war and make it sound great but the young guyshave to fight and die. But my question is, how come NONE of the old guys fight...or at least why didnt we see any, besides Cat, in the movie? Because I mean couldn't like 50 year olds fight because not too many of them are way old and not in shape and not strong? Posted by: Turtle[4] (unauthenticated) | April 6, 2009 6:33 PM It's unfair that the "older men" volunteered the "youth" to go fight. The "older men" don't understand the real horror at the front. They talk only about the goodness of serving their country. Posted by: madison-4 (unauthenticated) | April 5, 2009 8:55 PM I believe that Hoover meant, the older men are the politicians and statesmen that declare the wars but do not know the truths and horrors of war. They make the war sound fun and grand like a game of cowboys and Indians. Even so the young men must die at the front, fighting for their country. To them, war is not a game at all. It is an act of life or death. Posted by: Nadia(4) (unauthenticated) | April 5, 2009 8:50 PM I agree, the older guys are the ones that usually declare war but the teens are the ones who actually have to go and fight. I think that the people that declare war should be the ones that have to deal with it. Posted by: Miranda5 (unauthenticated) | April 5, 2009 8:32 PM I think this statement is true even though it's unfair because the older men have had a longer lifetime and the younger men are pushed and convinced, by nationalism, to go to war or they are not worthy of their country Posted by: Makaela V (6) (unauthenticated) | April 5, 2009 7:03 PM I don't agree with Herbert Hoover. I think he is right when he says the older men declare the war, but wrong when he says the young MUST fight and die. The older men do not have the ability to fight the war, so why should they be able to declare it.Yes, when the older people declare the war, all the young men have to go fight when there is a draft, but that shouldn't be how it works. If you declare the war you have to be able to stand up for why you think there should be a war. Although I feel this way, it has everything to do with All Quiet on The Western Front because the ruler(he was older than others) declared the war, but people down to the age of 13 had to go and fight. Posted by: Brody -4 (unauthenticated) | April 5, 2009 6:13 PM I agree with this quote as well. I think that most of the time, the older men do declare the war. They think they know everything, but they really don't know anything because the young men are the ones who go to war. I think Paul in the movie was a great example. The older men he was with were telling him what he should do and Paul knew that it wouldn't work. Posted by: Alyssa 5 (unauthenticated) | April 5, 2009 5:16 PM I disagree with this quote because if the older people declare war then the older people should be the people who should fight in war. Also because the younger people are the future generation and without the young people there would be no future. Posted by: Maria (5) (unauthenticated) | April 5, 2009 4:44 PM ok... personally i think that it's totally true. the older dudes declare the war and by the time that the war starts, their not strong enough to fight it. (lame). Also, i think that it's completely and totally unreasonable to put old farts in charge of declaring wars. they don't tend to think about all the people dying while fighting. i mean seriously, if they're gonna be the "big guy" and declare the war, then they sure as heck better be able to get off their butts and fight it!!! oh and also, there's slight possibility that the dude who declares the war, might actually be dead by the time it starts. (sorry for that negativity, but you gotta admit that it's kinda true) :-D Posted by: k-mart (unauthenticated) | April 4, 2009 6:48 PM I agree with Dylan that it is the "older men" in congress and other political positions that declare the war and send the younger generation to the front lines. I believe that the âœolder menâ need to experience the severity of the battles and then I believe that they can come up with a truly educated solution to the dilemma that the nations have come upon. Posted by: Daniel (6) (unauthenticated) | April 4, 2009 5:46 PM Hey witehead i just wanted to say one more thing... I LOVE THIS BLOG THING SO I CAN BUG U ON THE WEEKENDS!!! <3 <3 x Wirz is gonna check this.... u better post it... Posted by: (unauthenticated) | April 4, 2009 1:04 PM Hey whitehead... Its me. I was just reading Curly's and Madi's comments and they are totally right. The old lazy fat men declare war saying " you will fight and "defeat" the others when they can't even fight thremselves. they are very hypocritical and need to get a life. BUT The young men need to get a chance at living because if the men are all at war how is the population going to survive I mean like how are we going to get pregnant or even married if ALL of the REAL men are gone. The way that they totally bring others in to thier deaath because they simply are too lazy or just don't want to die. I think that the statement is how it works but that is NOT how it was meant to when war was first started. Posted by: wirz... Captain Henry Wirz... (unauthenticated) | April 4, 2009 12:50 PM Hoover is absolutely right. All of the older people make the younger people think war is an honor and to fight with dignity. So while the old people sit back and relax, the young people are getting blown to bits. For example, in the movie, the teacher told the students that they had to fight the war for their Kaiser, the fatherland, and their god. That's a pretty big deal to most of those kids. Posted by: nick(6) (unauthenticated) | April 4, 2009 10:08 AM I agree with Curly in 5th hour, the older men think that the war is easy and that war is not for old men who cant fight. Herbert hoover said the quote "Older men declare war,but it is the youth who must fight and die." This quote is saying that the young men that have energy should go fight for the older and not as energized older men. This isnt really fair to me because it says that if you are young, you have to possibly go to war, and die. Posted by: Mark~6 (unauthenticated) | April 3, 2009 11:51 AM I strongly agree with this statement. I think that Hoover made a great point by saying this because it is very true: The older men are the ones who declare the war(they are usually the presidents, congress, etc.) but it is the soldiers who actually fight it (these soldiers were usually drafted, being ages as young as 15.) I think that this quote perfectly describes All Quiet On the Western Front. Posted by: Dylan (6) (unauthenticated) | April 3, 2009 8:31 AM Well, to be honest, I believe Hoover's opinion of war is not right at all. If "Older men declare war", then it should be the older men's problem to deal with said war. They shouldn't let the younger generation on the front lines and die for what the "older men" have to handle themselves.(not saying that just because I'm a kid, I think it's just plain wrong to send men into battle) Posted by: "John" (5) (unauthenticated) | April 3, 2009 7:33 AM I think it means that the big older dudes declare war, then have the younger people that can auctally do the work go out and fight the war. So basicly it like saying o ya, I'll clean up your yard, then have your brother do it. Posted by: Michael Hefner -4th (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 8:28 PM I think that what Herbert Hoover said is very true. I also believe that if an older person is going to pick a fight, the ones who are actually gonna fight should be able to have their say in this. It depends their future and may define whether they live or die. Also, did Herbert Hoover say this as a positive thing or a negative thing? (TEACHER COMMENT: This is certainly an interesting question-how you read into the quote changes the meaning of. Hmm-what was he meaning?) Posted by: Max(5) (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 8:00 PM The statement by Herbert Hoover means, in my opinion, that older men are the people who keep the economy running. They also run our government. If the government fails then chaos happens and we have our own little war here at home. The youth are the only ones left at school or home looking for jobs. If a war starts then the army starts asking for men. If this happens the jobs available increases. This is where boys are able to get a job so they enlist. Posted by: pikcahu (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 6:48 PM I believe Herbert was right because politicians are the ones who anger countries and introduce wars and these people are quote "Older men" but they don't fight instead they send the youth to fight even though its not there war Posted by: Hunter 4 (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 5:52 PM I think that the statement made by Herbert Hoover can be looked at two ways. I mean, true, the older men usually do declare war while it is the younger generation that fights, but it is a bit of a hardship that they think it was right to declare the war when they nothing of what will happen or what IS happening because of that declaration. I also think that the generation who declares war should follow through and fight alongside the younger generation. Posted by: Sydney 4 (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 5:30 PM all of the older men are talking about how wonderful it would be to go to war and about serving your country and how it is their duty and an honor while the soldiers start to get younger and younger and learn about horror of going to war and that it is not as simple as the people at home make it out to be Posted by: meagan 6 (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 5:02 PM On All Quiet on the Western Front when Paul comes back home there is some old guys telling him how to win the war with a strategy. They had no idea what the war was like and neither did Paul's teacher. I think that what Hoover is saying is that the people that declare the war (the older men) don't see the reality of the war or suffer like the youth do. idk Posted by: madi-4 (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 4:55 PM HE means when the old people don't like something they start a war but the youth have to fight it because they're to old to fight. An example when the guy got shot in the leg and was on leave he met with some elderly men and they said all you have to do is go around the side and squash them. But that wouldn't work because they didn't know what it was like out there on the front. Posted by: curly 5 (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 4:35 PM Herbert Hoover means the old men don't like something and they start a war. The youth fight it because the oldies can't. Like in all quiet when he went home on leave the old men were saying you have to come around here and squash them. They didn't know what it was like and that that wasn't possible. The teacher was also convincing men to join the war when he couldn't because he was to old. Posted by: curly 5 (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 4:29 PM I don't think that it is fair for just the youth to fight the war, but in a way it is also necessary because if a old man is fighting a war he is most likely to die before a man in his 20's. So for the statement it also depends on the age of the "older men" and the "youth" Posted by: Shyla4 (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 4:28 PM I agree with the statement because usually the younger men are fighting in the war and they aren't very old. Posted by: colton(6) (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 4:23 PM I think it is unfair to the young men that have to fight. The older men pretty much volunteered the younger kids to fight and die because the older men declared war and aren't going to fight. Posted by: hannah(5) (unauthenticated) | April 2, 2009 4:09 PM