10.2 G.R. Notes The Louisiana Purchase Pioneers - many were farmers

10.2 G.R. Notes
The Louisiana Purchase
- many were farmers
- risked dangerous travel through
mountains and forests
- very few roads; had to clear paths
- search for land to farm and settle
Conestoga wagon
- sturdy, topped w/ white canvas
- built to travel through rough terrain
- carried necessary cargo including rifles and axes
Louisiana Territory
- first belonged to Spain
- then France got it in a secret agreement
- this endangered the Pinckney Treaty
- new settlers in the area became
concerned about the use of the
Mississippi River
Mississippi River
- the KEY to trade for the interior of America
- lots of smaller rivers feed into it
- transportation of goods is critical to the economy
- whoever controls the Mississippi River, controls a
huge part of U.S. trade
Spain, France, New Orleans, & Secret Deals
suddenly Spain shuts off New Orleans in 1802 -- like it was pre-Pinckney Treaty
no American goods in or out of New Orleans! Bad news for U.S. economy.
U.S. raw materials (farmed goods) in the west had no easy way to get out to market
They needed the Mississippi River to transport goods & New Orleans controlled the
entrance & exit.
...and now a secret deal: Spain gives it all to France!
I wonder what’s going to
happen now that Spain
unloaded this territory
to France. Who is this
Napoleon guy & What is
he thinking? And what
will happen to our trade
...quick French Revolution
then who?
I’m dreaming of a
western Empire!
Napoleon dreamed of
controlling his future
Western Empire from a naval
base in Santo Domingo.
Where is Santo Domingo?
● Toussaint L’Ouverture led the resistance
from French control in Haiti and the
Dominican Republic.
● Enslaved Africans & other laborers fought
for freedom from the island’s plantation
● They won and gained independence!
● The French tried to come back and regain
control, but were unsuccessful.
● No more Napoleon dreams of a Western
● ...would Napoleon change his attitude
toward controlling North America?
Toussaint L’Ouverture
How & Why of the purchase
● Jefferson wanted an arrangement from France to protect U.S.
shipping in New Orleans.
● Instead, the French needed money to continue to fight their war with
● They offered to sell ALL of the Louisiana Territory.
● Now the U.S. would double in size, have inexpensive land for
settlers, and have control of the Mississippi River!
● Jefferson worried whether he had the authority to buy the land.
● He decided that the Constitution did allow him to do it because to the
treaty-making powers it gave the President.
● The Senate approved the purchase in 1803.
Lewis & Clark Expedition
● Jefferson sent Lewis & Clark to explore the new territory.
● They were to learn more about the land, its people, plants, and
● They surveyed and mapped the land to find good places for forts and
● They were also in search of the “Northwest Passage” to see if it
● They inspired many people to move west.
Pike’s Expedition
Pike explored the upper Mississippi River and moved south.
He then went west into what is now Colorado.
The mountain, Pike’s Peak, is named after him.
He went southward into Spanish territory.
He and his men were captured and taken through what is now
New Mexico & Texas.
● They were treated with respect as the countries were not at
● He and some of his men were later released near the border
of the lower Louisiana purchase area.
● Many of their notes were taken by the Spanish, but they were
able to smuggle some of them out by rolling them and putting
them in the barrels of their guns.
Response to the purchase
● Federalists in the northeast opposed the purchase.
● They feared that New England would lose power as the West
was settled.
● A few Federalists wanted to secede.
● They asked Aaron Burr for help.
● Hamilton accused Burr of plotting treason.
● The duel…
Hamilton & Burr - the duel
**another high school history project** ;)
Answers the question: What happened to Burr after the duel?
note: There is an ERROR in
this. Alexander Hamilton’s
son, Philip, was killed in a
duel but NOT by Burr.
Instead, George Eacker.
Philip accepted the duel in
defense of his father.
brief intro bio of Sacagawea…
Answers the question: How do you pronounce her name?
Sacagawea was the daughter of
a Shoshone chief. Lewis and
Clark hired her and her husband,
a French Canadian fur trader, as
interpreters. Sacagawea proved
extremely valuable. She
negotiated the purchase of
horses, found edible plants, and
made moccasins and clothing.
According to Clark, her presence
helped calm the fears of Native
Americans the group met during
their journey.
You will learn more about her in your webquest.