Northeastern University International Relations Council Fall Executive Board Meeting #2

Northeastern University International Relations Council
Fall Executive Board Meeting #2
Date: September 14, 2014 5:25 PM
Location: Political Science Conference Room
Present: Rawan, Cam, Evan, Phil, Elise
Absent: Sarah
Department Updates
Phil: New Department of PoliSci position for an undergrad to serve in a
curriculum committee. The position will be shared between IRC and NUPR
o Elise will be the Fall representative in committee. Because it is directed by
the Department, it is not under the purview of IRC approval
o Faculty advisor will select the representative
Phil: Another new Department position in a broad CSSH committee: Dean Uta
Poiger needs PoliSci major representative from IRC to sit with the Dean for the
purpose of discussing the student’s perspectives on curriculum, out-of-classroom
programs, faculty, etc.
o Student cannot be on academic/disciplinary probation
o Will be picked by e-board. If President is not a PoliSci major, e-board
selects another representative that is a Senior member or emeritus
o Will be in tune with e-board and BoD decisions
Constitutional Amendment
Phil: All candidates running for a leadership position cannot accept a nomination
for anything unless they complete the paperwork for MiddleSex County on abuse
of minors.
Agenda for Next Class
In-Class Debates!
New office keys given to Cam, Sarah, and Elise.
Sarah and Cam must determine office hours
Evan: rooms for NERMAL pretty much set. Will move ahead on Peter Pan bus
reservations for McMun
Agenda for Next Meeting