WESTERVILLE SOUTH THEATRE BOOSTERS Elected Offices Meeting Date: December 2, 2014

Meeting Date: December 2, 2014
Meeting Location: Westerville South Guidance Conference Room
Elected Offices
Co-Presidents: Craig Charleston & Andy Wilson
1st Vice President: Vicki Williams
2nd Vice President: Kathy Hayman
Secretary: JB Hagerman
Treasurer: Heidi Wilson
PRESENT: Craig Charleston, Vicki Williams, Kathy Hayman, Heidi Wilson, JB Hagerman, Holly Kirkpatrick, Pam Warrick, Michele
McNabb, Amy Parker, Michelle LeWinter, Hannah LeWinter, Matthew Wolfe and Derrick McPeak
The meeting was called to order at 7:37 PM by Craig Charleston.
Attendance was taken with the name of parent, student name, phone/cell number, email address and volunteer hours recorded. Everyone
is reminded to use the sign-in sheet. There were 13 present at the meeting. The minutes from the November meeting were distributed for
approval. The motion was made by Vicki Williams and seconded by Michelle LeWinter to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
A. President's Report – Craig Charleston
A welcome was extended to all in attendance as the Westerville South Theatre Booster Committee business was brought forward. The
Executive Committee had previously met and discussed topics of concern to the WSHS Theatre program. A scholarship recommendation
was made about providing at least 2 booster scholarships of $1000, in addition to 2 $500 scholarships. The scholarships will be further
discussed in the spring.
B. Treasurer's Report – Heidi Wilson
Budget/Current Balance:
The current budget from July 1st through December 2nd was presented for perusal.
The current cash balance is $10,698.97.
The Scholarship Show:
The Scholarship Show provided $2,490 in ticket sales. Expenses totaled $302 for janitor, Tech Saturday and the show banner.
Fundraising income:
Kroger Rewards has provided $195.
Sales Tax:
The issue of sales tax was presented about fundraising items vs. items used for public sales.
C. First Vice President (Food) – Vicki Williams
Theatremas party donations are needed. Theatremas will take place on Friday, December 12 from 3 to 5pm.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream:
No intermission for A Midsummer Night’s Dream was reiterated. Fundraising ideas are encouraged.
20 DVDs for the Scholarship Show have been ordered.
D. Second Vice President (Membership) – Kathy Hayman
We currently have 32 booster members, 17 of those members are Angels.
Show Banner:
The 4x6 show banner cost $45. It was recommended we put the banners back to back. A motion was made by Vicki Williams to
purchase 2 banners, seconded by Heidi Wilson. Motion carried.
We paid $166 for 4 poster boards.
Business Program Ad:
The ad form was redone to fit the rest of the season. Logos and ideas for the banner will go to and from Kathy and Matt.
Dine-Out Fundraiser:
Skyline Chili sent a check for #131.54.
April 16 – Chipotle (possibly).
California Pizza Kitchen – Coming up.
IV. Director's Report – Matthew Wolfe
The light board is installed. The lighting inventory check is still in progress.
Theatre Banquet:
12 Varsity letters are being ordered and will be available at the end-of-year banquet.
Gift card:
Matt suggested giving a $25 to $50 gift card to Betsy Butler. A motion was made by Michelle LeWinter to purchase the gift card,
seconded by Vicki Williams. Motion carried.
Future Needs:
Derrick needs rope, bulbs, printed fabrics and a rented LED star curtain.
A Charlie Brown Christmas:
A Charlie Brown Christmas will be performed at local elementary schools. The WSHS performance will take place at the end of the
Orchestra/Choir concert. There will be no extra performances for A Charlie Brown Christmas as previously discussed.
Spring or Summer 2016 NYC Theatre Trip
Customize a NYC theatre trip for next year – 40 people are needed to be cost effective.
Constitution and By-Laws Revisions:
The Theatre Boosters By-Laws and Constitution need to be updated and revised by April, 2015. JB Hagerman volunteered to be in charge
of the committee. Heidi Wilson and Pam Warrick volunteered to be on the committee. An invitation to be on the committee will be
posted and sent to the Theatre Booster membership.
End-of-year cash balances:
Cash balances should be used by the end of the year or earmarked for special projects.
WSHS Theatre Facebook:
Michele LeWinter will keep the public Facebook page active.
There being no further business a motion was made by Vicki Williams to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Matt Wolfe. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:49 PM.
Next board meeting: January 6 at 7:30pm in the WSHS Guidance Office Meeting Room.
NOTE: January meeting was rescheduled for January 13th to coincide with the parents meeting for A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Respectfully Submitted,
JB Hagerman – Theatre Boosters Secretary