Ch. 23 Reading Questions pg. 1137-1146

Ch. 23 Reading Questions pg. 1137-1146
1. The process of accelerating engagement among distant peoples was widely known
as _____________________?
2. Global interaction quickened it pace and deepened its impact after World War
3. Global interaction is illustrated by four major processes: Transformation of the
world economy, emergence of global feminism, confrontation of world religion, and
mankind’s impact on the _______________________?
4. The creation of the _______________ Bank or International Monetary Fund laid the
foundation for postwar globalization?
5. Economic globalization taking place during the 1970’s is known as
6. Many capitalist countries such as the US and Great Britain abandoned earlier
political controls and began viewing the entire world as a _________________ market
favoring reduction of tariffs, free movement of capital, privatization of many state
run enterprises, and curtailing of government efforts to regulate economy?
7. The collapse of state controlled economies in _________________ countries furthered
unrestricted global capitalism?
8. Money achieved an amazing global mobility in three ways: Foreign _________________
investment, ___________________ movement of capital, and the __________________ funds of
9. Central to the acceleration of economic globalization have been huge global
businesses known as ___________________________ corporations, which produce and
deliver services simultaneously in many countries?
10. Accompanying the movement of goods and capital in the globalizing world were
new patterns of _________________ migration driven by war, revolution, poverty, and
the end of empires?
11. The most significant pattern of global migration since the 1960’s had featured a
vast movement of people from the developing countries to the _________________ world
of Europe and North America?
12. These people who migrated are considered “______________ migrants” as most move
often illegally and with few skills to escape poverty in their own land?
13. Many of the migrants in motion head to the ________________ drawn in by its wealth
and opportunity, and a lot of these migrants come from Mexico?
14. Economic globalization accompanied, and arguably helped generate the most
remarkable spurt of economic ______________ in world history?
15. Far more problematic has been the __________________ of this emerging world economy
and the distribution of wealth it has generated?
16. Nothing since the Great Depression more clearly illustrates the unsettling
consequences of global connectedness in the absence of global regulation than the
worldwide economic ___________________ that began in 2008?
17. An inflated housing market in the __________________ collapsed triggering millions of
home foreclosures, growing unemployment, the tightening of credit, and declining
18. A new _________________ took hold between the rich and industrialized countries of
Europe and North America and everyone else?
19. Disparities between the Global ____________ and the Global ______________ laid the
foundations for a new kind of global conflict?
20. What is anti-globalization?
Ch. 23 Reading Questions pg. 1147-1154
1. An “__________________ Empire” some have argued is the face of globalization?
2. In some ways the ___________________ global presence might be seen as an
“informal empire”?
3. American dominance has been termed an “empire of _________________” which uses
its immense wealth to entice or intimidate potential collaborators?
4. When the US was attacked by Islamic militants on ___________________________ the
military dominance of the US was unleashed?
5. Since the 1980’s the US faced growing economic competition. Accompanying
this relative decline in economic production was a sharp reversal of the
country’s trade balance as US __________________ greatly exceeded its _______________?
6. By the early 21st century the US international policies had generated widespread
7. The 1960’s witnessed an unusual convergence of protest movements around the
world, suggesting the emergence of a global culture of _______________________?
8. In 1968 a new Communist Party Leadership in _________________________ led by
Alexander Dubcek, initiated a sweeping series of reforms aimed at creating
“socialism with a human face.”
9. In the 1960’s the icon of third world ideology was ___________________ the
Argentinean born revolutionary who embraced Cuban revolution and attempted
to replicate its experience of liberation through guerilla warfare in Africa and
Latin America?
10. No expression of this global culture of liberation held a more profound potential
for change than ________________?
11. The emphasis in the 1960’s on feminism and women’s rights was focused now
on ________________ and education rather than voting rights?
12. Many women preferred ____________ action instead of political lobbying favored
by equal rights feminists?
13. Many African governments and many African men defined feminism of any kind
as “______________________” and associated with a hated colonialism?
14. Women’s movements in the global south took shape around a wide _______________
of issues, not all of which were explicitly gender based?
15. Feminism registered as a global issue when the _________________ under pressure
from women activists declared 1975 International Women’s Year and the next
ten years as the Decade for Women?
Ch. 23 Reading Questions pg. 1155-1163
1. Buddhism, Christianity, and ______________ had long functioned as Trans
regional cultures, spreading far beyond the place of origin?
2. No longer a primarily European or American religion, ____________________ by
the early 21st century found 62% of its followers in Asia, Africa and Latin
3. __________________________ is a militant piety- defensive, assertive, and exclusive
idea that took shape to some extent in every major religious tradition?
4. The _______________ and secular focus of global modernity challenged the core
beliefs of religion, with its focus on an unseen realm of reality?
5. Although fundamentalism everywhere looked to the past for ideals and
models, their rejection of ____________________ was selective not wholesale?
6. Extensive educational and propaganda efforts, political mobilization of their
followers, social welfare programs, and sometimes violence were among the
means _____________________ employed?
7. Derived in the US where religious conservatives were outraged by critical
and scientific approach, they called for a return to the “fundamentals” of
8. The fundamentalist movement in India is known as ___________________?
9. This movement took political shape in the increasingly popular party called
the ___________________________?
10. The most prominent fundamentalists of the late 20th century are of
_______________ faith?
11. In 1967, Israel inflicted a devastating defeat on Arab forces in the
________________ War?
12. Leading figures India’s Mawlana Mawdudi and Egypt’s Sayyid Qutb insisted
that the Quran and the ___________________ (Islamic Law) provide a guide for all
13. The effort to return to Islamic principles is labeled ____________, an ancient and
evocative religious term that refers to struggle of striving to please God?
14. The earliest mass movement to espouse such ideas was Egypt’s
15. Islamic revolutionaries took aim at hostile ________________ powers?
16. The ____________________ invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 prompted widespread
opposition aimed at liberating the country from atheistic communism and
creating an Islam state?
17. Osama Bin Laden created _________________ to funnel fighters and funds to
Afghan resistance?
18. Al-Qaeda planned their attack on the ______________________ and other targets in
the US on September 11, 2001?
19. In Turkey a movement inspired by the teachings of _________________, a Turkish
Muslim scholar and preacher, has sought to apply principles of Islam?
20. “_________________ Theology” in Latin America sought a Christian basis for
action in the areas of social justice, poverty, and human rights?
Ch. 23 Reading Questions pg. 1164-1171
1. Three factors that vastly magnified the human impact on the environment
are: the explosion of population, tap the energy potential of fossil fuels, and
phenomenal _________________________?
2. The global spread of modern ____________________, heavily dependent on fossil
fuels, created a pall of air pollution in many cities?
3. The release of chemicals thinned the _____________ layer, which protects the
Earth from excessive ultraviolent radiation?
4. The most critical and intractable environmental transformation was
5. Second wave environmentalism began in the West with the publication in
1962 of Silent Spring by ______________________?
6. The German environmental movement entered the political arena called the
_______________________, with a focus on opposition to nuclear energy?
7. Environmentalism was more ________________ based than developed countries
8. In the _______________________, the focus was on protecting the foreign mining
industry seeking to challenge established power structures?
9. The globalization of environmentalism also disclosed sharp _____________
between the Global North and the Global South?
10. Activists and governments in the ___________________ countries have often felt
that Northern initiatives to address pollution would curtail their industrial
1. Globalization
3. Environment
4. World
5. Neoliberalism
6. Single
7. Communist
8. Direct, short-term, personal
9. Transnational Corporations (TNC)
10. Human
11. Industrialized
12. Labor
13. US
14. Growth
15. Instability
16. Contraction
17. US
18. Inequality
19. North, South
20. International coalition of political activists, concerned scholars and students,
trade unions, women organizations, environmental groups from rich and
poor countries aimed at criticizing and counteracting globalization
1. American
2. US
3. Production
4. September, 11 2001
5. Imports, Exports
6. Opposition
7. Liberation
8. Czechoslovakia
9. Che Guevara
10. Feminism
11. Employment
12. Direct
13. Un-African
14. Range
15. United Nations
1. Islam
2. Christianity
3. Fundamentalism
4. Scientific
5. Modernity
6. Fundamentalists
7. Faith
8. Hindutva
9. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
10. Islamic
11. Six-Day
12. Sharia
13. Jihad
14. Muslim Brotherhood
15. Foreign
16. Soviet
17. Al-Queda
18. World Trade Center
19. Fethullah Gulen
20. Liberation
1. Economic growth
2. Industry
3. Ozone
4. Global Warming
5. Rachel Carson
6. Green Party
7. Locally
8. Philippines
9. Conflict
10. Developing