Cañada College Academic Senate Governing Council Minutes of February 24, 2011

Cañada College Academic Senate Governing Council
Minutes of February 24, 2011
Building 3, Room 104, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
ASGC members present: Martin Partlan, David Clay, Leonor Cabrera, Monica Malamud, Evan Innerst,
David Meckler, Karen Olesen, Ana Miladinova, Alicia Aguirre, Denise Erickson.
Senate members: Lene Whitley-Putz
Guests: Greg Stoup, Tom Mohr, Sarah Perkins
1. Call to order: 2:12 p.m.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Moved/seconded/approved unanimously.
3. Approval of Minutes of February 10, 2011
Moved/seconded/approved unanimously.
4. Public Comment
5. Committee reports
5.1. Curriculum:
Prerequisites will be turned on next semester.
SB 1440 is moving ahead (participating disciplines: Communication and Speech, Sociology, Psychology.
Rule about waiting one year for a 2nd degree at Cañada has been changed in order to be consistent with
other campuses.
Eliminate computer literacy requirement? Literacy could be incorporated into courses. CSM requires
information competency. Should computer skills be required early in college careers?
5.2. Budget:
Mohr presented numbers that indicate that we may have 1 million surplus next year. Vicki suggested
that we spent 225 K on new faculty. The means 2 faculty and staff.
Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011
President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158);
Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147);
Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447);
Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352).
5.3. College Planning Council, IPC, SSPC:
The hiring timeline is in place.
IPC: discussing hiring criteria
SPCC: had a retreat – working on SLO’s – hiring timeline
5.4. AFT:
No report.
5.5. Professional Personnel:
March 1 is the deadline for long term proposals. CIETL flex day is March 11. Anniqua is working on a
technology day. Do we want a sub committee to review proposals for travel grants?
5.6. Finance:
No report.
6. Old Business
6.1. Committee Appointments:
Martin reported on appointments to bond expenditure committee membership. There were several
responses to requests to be on the committee. Patty and Leonor have been appointed.
The committee will meet at odd times, and will get input from architects – on going. Appointments
6.2 Trust Committee:
The proposal has been approved by District Academic Senate, and it is on the way to the next Board
6.3 Hiring Process Spring 2011
The timeline is reviewed. Notice that there will be a special ASGC meeting on March 31. The deadline
for submitting justifications will be March 8.
Moved/seconded/approved unanimously to endorse the Hiring Timeline.
6.4 Greg Stoup: Academic Success discussion
Pathways – or scheduling cohorts to make it easier for students to schedule.
Perkins – why don’t we in California make better use of Pell grants which don’t have to be repaid, and
will facilitate the 12 unit load that is the basic predictor of success.
Mohr: With the right levels of support, we can make a large difference in socio-economic concerns. No
matter how poor families are, we can work with them to keep their students in school at full load level.
Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011
President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158);
Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147);
Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447);
Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352).
Greg Stoup presented data on the best predictor for student success: students who take 12 or more
units for three or more semesters in a row, have a 97% rate of success. Tom Mohr added that students
who participate in extra-curricular activities are more successful.
Discussion: The profile of the successful student as discussed may not be consistent with our student
demographics. If students have family obligations, for example, it may impossible for them to attend
college full-time. So perhaps instead of trying to get all our students to fit this profile of the “successful
student” and enroll in 12+ units per semester, it would be more productive to figure out what
characteristics of successful students could be shared with all students in the form of tips.
6.5. District Rules and Regs
Martin will send members of the ASGC a list of the Rules and Regs currently under review by DSGC, with
a hyperlink to the website. ASGC are asked to review these Rules and Regs and send comments to
Martin. These Rules and Regs will be up for vote at the March 7 DSGC meeting.
Moved to authorize Martin to represent Cañada ASGC at the March 7 DSGC meeting based on
comments received from ASGC members.
7. Matters of Council Interest
For a future agenda: revise the By-laws of ASGC.
Close this meeting in honor of Walter Owyang and Stan Easter.
Meeting adjourned: 3:36 p.m.
Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011
President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158);
Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147);
Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447);
Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352).