Cañada College Academic Senate Governing Council Minutes of December 9, 2010 Building 3, Room 104, 2:00 – 4:00 pm ASGC members present: Martin Partlan, David Clay, Leonor Cabrera, Monica Malamud, Evan Innerst, David Meckler, Karen Olesen, Ana Miladinova, Alicia Aguirre, Denise Erickson. Senate members: Paul Roscelli, Patty Dilko, Anniqua Rana. Guests: Tom Mohr, Rita Sabbadini 1. Call to order: 2:05 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda Moved/seconded/approved unanimously. 3. Approval of Minutes of November 11, 2010 Moved/seconded/approved unanimously. 4. Public Comment None. 5. Committee reports 5.1. Curriculum: Accepted and approved many courses. Now working on graduation requirements, making sure we’re aligned with our sister colleges. Alicia reminded faculty to look at SB 1440 and participate. 5.2. Budget: Committee did not meet last time and it will not meet next week either, so the next meeting will be in late January. 5.3. College Planning Council, IPC, SSPC: CPC: next Thursday’s meeting is cancelled. Bart Scott gave an update on Noel Levitz survey that students took last spring; main concern from students is campus safety, especially at night. Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011 President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158); Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147); Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447); Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352). IPC: Looking at department/program level SLO, and how the process can be streamlined to avoid duplication of work between the department and program level SLOs, and how best to cluster disciplines together. SSPC: there was a district-wide counselors meeting called by administration. Skyline researcher did a 3year study. 5.4. AFT: For PT faculty: position of PT faculty organizer is open until filled; vote is underway for PT to elect or not SDI coverage. Negotiations are ongoing; district and union are working with a mediator to help make progress in negotiations. The district continues to submit policies for consideration and approval to the DSGC, while the union continues to demand to negotiate on those policies that are negotiable. 5.5. Professional Personnel: Professional Development committee has been approving funding, but the committee has had to deny some application as well, which has caused questioning of the committee and its criteria for awarding professional development funds. CIETL will host a forum to inform faculty of procedures and criteria for accessing professional development funds. 5.6. Finance Current balance in AS account: $13600. 6. Old Business 6.1. Committee Appointments: Facilities Master Planning Committee: President Mohr wants to constitute a committee to make facilities recommendation based on what the college should look like in 5 years. Preliminary thoughts: the campus needs a new Science and Workforce Division building, for example. ASGC members discussed what the faculty representation on this committee should be: by division? By special-needs disciplines/areas? There was consensus to go with the second option, and have representation from areas that have specific needs when it comes to instructional spaces. Motion to form this committee, with five faculty members coming from the following areas: career tech, student service, athletics, science, fine and performing arts. Seconded, approved unanimously. Faculty for the committee: Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011 President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158); Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147); Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447); Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352). - Career Tech: Nancy Wolford Fine and Performing Arts: David Meckler Athletics: Ana Miladinova Student Services: Karen Olesen, as interim, until a rep is selected Sciences: Martin Partlan Motion to approve these faculty members for the committee, seconded, approved unanimously. 6.2. Faculty Hiring Procedures Revision Martin distributed a draft document. ASGC discussed B. Selection of Screening Committee Members, in particular: - Who proposes faculty to serve on screening committee Who decides whether a student and/or classified needs to be a member of the screening committee The role of the VP and the College President in the process of selecting a screening committee 7. New Business 7.1. Academic Success President Mohr stated that data on completion and success for our students are very discouraging. When it comes to performance of students, it’s all about teaching and support. According to research he has read, there are three essential components: the teacher, the student, the content around the curriculum; there’s also the counseling component. Research says that where faculty come together and talk about their work, they become better and better at their work over time and student performance improves. So faculty need to be the ones at the center of the discussion about student success. AS discussion: success rates have remained constant for decades. Why can’t success rate be higher? What can we do to improve? Should we improve? (if this is the reality everywhere else, then this may be a much larger issue). Discussion will be continued at a future meeting. 7.2. Honors Program Update Patty gave an update of the Honors Program. Our program is aligned with the UCLA honors program. Starting in the Fall 2011, requirements to enter the program will be GPA 3.3 for continuing college Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011 President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158); Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147); Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447); Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352). students and GPA 3.5 for high school graduates, plus eligibility for English 100 and Math 120. Six students graduated as Honors transfer students last spring. Patty showed highlights from the honors website, which has relevant forms, information and samples of students’ honors projects. 7.3. Faculty Handbook Anniqua Rana proposed that we create a series of workshops in order to support new and current faculty. She created a faculty Handbook, which contains a number of resources for faculty, all in one place, with forms, links, etc. Anniqua requested that we take a look at the document and give her feedback on it. 7.4. Testing Center Our Learning Center is not equipped to provide strict proctoring, so when professors schedule tests to be taken at the Learning Center they should keep this in mind. ASGC members also entertained the idea of having a dedicated proctor during one or two afternoons and evenings per week; this would require funding. 8. Matters of Council Interest None. Meeting adjourned: 4:15 p.m. Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011 President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158); Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147); Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447); Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352).