Cañada College Academic Senate Governing Council Minutes of October 28, 2010

Cañada College Academic Senate Governing Council
Minutes of October 28, 2010
Building 3, Room 104, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
ASGC members present: Martin Partlan, David Clay, Leonor Cabrera, Monica Malamud, Evan Innerst,
David Meckler, Karen Olesen, Ana Miladinova, Alicia Aguirre, Denise Erickson.
Guests: Tom Mohr
1. Call to order: 2:07 p.m.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Moved/seconded/approved unanimously.
3. Approval of Minutes of October 14, 2010
Moved/seconded/approved unanimously, with minor corrections.
4. Public Comment
Karen expressed concern for the creation of Tech Theatre course at Skyline. Martin responded that this
topic will be on the agenda at the next ASGC meeting.
5. Committee reports
5.1. Curriculum:
Committee has three subcommittees: computer Literacy, General Education, ??? and Technical Review.
Now the Curriculum Committee meets as a whole once a month, while the rest of the time is devoted to
subcommittee work.
Curriculum alignment:
80 courses that have pre-requisites in agreement with rest of district will be Banner blocked.
169 courses are unique to Cañada; these will be blocked.
62 courses where pre-requisites are not in agreement with the rest of the district will not be
blocked at this time.
Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011
President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158);
Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147);
Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447);
Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352).
Proposal for dealing with disagreements about pre-requisites across the district: District Academic
Senate will be final arbiter.
5.2. Budget:
Committee is trying to understand the Staffing Plan that Vicky Nunes presented. Divisions have been
asked to prepare an unmet needs analysis.
5.3. College Planning Council, IPC, SSPC:
CPC: Will be discussing Noel-Levitz survey, facilities planning, calendar for hiring in the Spring.
IPC: no report
SSPC: reviewed action items from the summer retreat. Elections will be held for student Trustee
5.4. AFT:
Part-timer Faculty Organizer job description is now posted on the AFT website. Negotiations ongoing,
mediator called in to help make progress, without calling for impasse.
5.5. Professional Personnel:
Committee met to consider long-term proposals. Three were submitted, all were incomplete. Faculty
are requested to make sure they forward complete applications for review. Form under review to
include funding from AS for travel costs.
CIETL: successful forum about Learning Communities. “Sustainability” will be a stand-alone topic at a
future forum.
5.6. Finance
Finances are ok.
6. Old Business
6.1. Committee Appointments:
Director of Student Support and TRIO: the faculty who have volunteered to serve on this hiring
committee are Lorraine Barrales-Ramirez and Jeannette Medina. Moved to support, seconded,
approved unanimously.
Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011
President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158);
Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147);
Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447);
Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352).
Dean of Enrollment Services: Cathy Lipe, Patty Dilko, Byron Ramey volunteered to serve on this hiring
committee. There were questions about the structure of Student Services, and the implications of the
renaming of the position of Dean of Student Services as Dean of Enrollment Services. With a Dean of
Enrollment Services, counselors report directly to the VPSS. Motion to support these faculty to this
hiring committee, seconded, approved, with one abstention.
Alicia pointed out that she liked the kind of diversity (in terms of areas of expertise) brought together in
these hiring committees.
6.2. FSA & Min Quals Document
Proposed changes:
Equivalency Committee: minimum of three faculty members.
Unanimous vote of the three faculty members, dean does not vote.
Can deans collaborate or not?
7.2. Library Book Buying Travel Expenses
Michelle Morton presented the reasons why the Library is requesting travel funds to go purchase books
in Mexico. Most Spanish language books are available in the US, but at roughly a 100% mark-up. Library
book budget is $7000; last year Michelle spent $2500 at the Book Fair in Mexico.
Observation: If this is an annual need of the Library, then it must be institutionalized and budget should
be allocated accordingly.
Motion: “That the AS pay the difference in airfare for Michelle to go to this book fair in November 2010,
approximately $475”. Seconded, approved unanimously.
6.3. Rules and Regs
There is a set of Rules and Regs that DSGC wants AS to provide input on. Martin said that the ASGC
would not be discussing the following policies, because the AFT has demanded to negotiate:
2.13.Dissemination of Employee Information
2.19. Non Discrimination
2.25 Prohibition of Harassment
2.28. Safety
2.60. Resignations
6.32. Intellectual Property
7.21. Speech: Time, Place and Manner
Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011
President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158);
Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147);
Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447);
Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352).
Monica proposed the following resolution: “that the Cañada AS support the AFT position that the Rules
and Regulations listed above must be negotiated, and insist that they be discussed only at the
bargaining table.” Seconded, approved unanimously.
Motion: Martin will work with Monica on the rest.
7. New Business
7.1. District Vision Statement
Tom Mohr expressed the need for the District to have a Vision Statement, so that funding decisions can
be made based on District Strategic Planning, not solely on a formula for resource allocation.
Motion: to support the District Vision Statement. Seconded, approved unanimously
7.2. District recognition Policy
Motion: to approve District Policy 2.80 on naming and recognition: seconded, approved (with one
7.3. Academic Calendar 2011-2012
Monica distributed proposed academic calendar for 2011-2012; it will be approved at the next AFT
meeting (11/10/10) and negotiated with the district very soon. Share with other faculty and send any
comments to Monica.
8. Matters of Council Interest
Put on next agenda: updates from Honors Program, Student Equity Program
Monopoly Event is coming up.
Meeting adjourned: 3:58 p.m.
Academic Senate Governing Council – 2010-2011
President: Martin Partlan (x3355); Vice President: David Clay (x3379) ; Secretary: Monica Malamud (x3442); Treasurer: Leonor Cabrera (x3158);
Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep: David Meckler (x3439); Business, Workforce and Athletics Division Rep: Ana Miladinova (x3147);
Science and Technology Division Rep: Evan Innerst (x3256); Student Services Rep: Karen Olesen (x3415) / Kathy Sammut (x3447);
Curriculum Committee Chair: Alicia Aguirre (x3222); Professional Personnel Chair: Denise Erickson (x3352).