2009 Alcohol Research Trainee Workshop March 14-15, 2009 New Orleans, LA Abstract Deadline January 15, 2009 Abstracts will be presented as posters. Some abstracts may be selected for oral presentation. I am willing to give an oral presentation if selected. Name and address of presenting author: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Phone: _____________________ FAX: _____________________ Email:______________________ Presenting author is: Graduate Student Postdoctoral Fellow RETURN AS EMAIL ATTACHMENT TO: Betsy Giaimo mgiaim@lsuhsc.edu ABSTRACT INSTRUCTIONS: The abstract title should not exceed120 characters (a space is a character), followed by the first and last names of the authors, institution, city and state. One space should separate the title and abstract. The abstract should contain the rationale for the work, methods used, results, and conclusions. The abstract (minus title) is limited to 400 words. Paragraphs should be indented 3 spaces. Font size should be no smaller than Arial regular 11. HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF PULSATILE BLOOD PUMPS F.C. Dougherty and M.I. Townsley. Dept. of Physiology, Univ. of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688 The controversy over the use of nonpulsatile....