SGA Minutes- November 17, 2009 5:30pm; CSRB 563

SGA Minutes- November 17, 2009
5:30pm; CSRB 563
Meeting called to order by Rachel Pastorek at 5:30pm
a. Will vote on Student Technology Committee Bylaws tonight
b. Congratulations to newly elected L1 class officers
i. President: Renford Cindass
ii. VP Community Affairs: Annette Zacharia
iii. VP Social Affairs: Ryan Rebowe
iv. Education/Technology Chair: Jenny Zhang
v. Secretary: Maria Abascal-Ponciano
vi. Treasurer: Richard Kelt
vii. Yearbook: Jenna Jordan
c. LCME accreditation is going on this week – lunch meetings with L1/L2s yesterday and
with L3/L4s today. The site visit is going well so far.
Ryan Vega –Executive VP
a. Family Day is scheduled for Saturday March 27th
b. Schedule will be updated this year, more information to come
c. Proposal that winners of class skits will earn $500 bar tab to encourage student
Stephanie Bourque – Community Affairs VP
a. Tiger Run – committees have been formed. If you are interested in volunteering please
let Stephanie know (
b. Anyone who knows of businesses or individuals who may be interested in sponsoring
Tiger Run please contact Stephanie or Whitney Nichols. We are in need of new donors!!
c. SLE Update – in process of updating the activity list. Thanks to all project coordinators
who emailed updated information to SLE. Stay tuned for more SLE information as well
as website updates.
Lisa Dang- Social VP
a. Tiger Run Fundraising Party is tentatively planned for January 22nd– details to come
b. Joint service project with Tulane and Habitat for Humanity with an after party
c. Next SGA Meeting December 1st will be a holiday party with good food!
Jay Huber – VP Student Health
a. Meg Marino, L4 worked very hard to put together LSU-SOM Needlestick policy together
– thank you to her!
b. Met with CAP and plans to have a spring series with speakers to LSUHSC about various
topics such as how to deal with failure, stimulants/study drugs, stress and anxiety,
policies and procedures written for LSU students, own health self-assessment.
c. PALS (Peer Advocacy Liaison Services) - will start by selecting two individuals from each
class to sit on each committee to act as a resource for classmates dealing with issues
mentioned above to help them get in touch with appropriate resources.
Jamie O’Neal – Treasurer
a. Out of town in Baton Rouge. Will update account details soon.
b. New microwave purchased for student lounge.
VII. Catherine McGee- Secretary
a. Out of town in Lafayette.
b. Interest Group presidents – start thinking about spring meeting dates. Please submit
desired dates ASAP.
c. Weekly Announcements- must be submitted by 5pm on Sunday to be included in the
weekly email.
VIII. Kevin Gipson – Technology Chair
a. is up and running. Based on a platform called WordPress
which has been tested and is currently being used to update the SGA website. Visit it at These websites are both on LSUHSC
servers and are being monitored by LSU administration.
b. Class website for 2012 will soon be added to the LSUHSC servers. Banners are photos
and sketches done by students and will be incorporated into the class sites.
c. Remotes in SLC Conference Rooms – all rooms have remotes chained to the drawers.
No need to climb onto tables! Let Kevin know if the batteries need to be changed.
d. Color/BW Printer – is up and running. If you want to print color right now you have to
print from the 4th floor computer lab. Working on getting required laptop software to
be able to print remotely.
e. Aesculapian Scanner and Software – undergoing approval process. Would be used to
assist Aesculapian Society generate their reports.
f. Student Technology Fee – will be voted on tonight. Once bylaws are in place, Kevin
needs ideas! If you have new educational ideas such as software, laser pointers, etc.
please let Kevin know in order to make this money available.
g. Vote for Student Technology Fee Bylaws – unanimously approved.
h. Committee Members include:
i. Educational Technology Chair from each class
ii. Rachel Pastorek – SGA President
iii. Kevin Gipson – SGA Technology Chair
iv. Catherine McGee – SGA Secretary
v. Dr. Lorusso
vi. Dr. Whitworth
vii. Ms. Brenda Galle
IX. Jason Gray- Intramurals
a. Ping pong tournament – thanks to Carl for assisting with organization. It was a great
b. Flag Football just ended – L1 team made it to semi-finals, L2 team Public Enema beat the
PT team in the final.
i. Cadaver Bowl – annual match between LSU and Tulane will take place soon.
Stay tuned for a date and time.
c. Will have lunch meeting after Thanksgiving about soccer.
d. Softball in the spring – dates will be announced soon.
e. Basketball – may move to an indoor facility.
f. Talking to Tulane about hosting another Paintball tournament
g. Questions or Suggestions – send to Jason
X. Camp Tiger Golf Tournament – Matt Giglia and Christian Hernandez
a. Over 80 players participated to raise $15,000+ for Camp Tiger in October.
b. Huge success- hope to continue in upcoming years.
XI. L4 President- Danny Robinson
a. In the process of interviewing for residency programs.
XII. L3 President – Jimmy White
a. In the middle of Block 2 – exams will be on December 18th
XIII. L2 President – Danny Eads
a. In Block C of the semester – moving towards exams in December.
b. Welcome to the L1 elected officers
c. Student Lounge – addressing current issues including cleanliness. On January 4th, the L2
executive board will clean out the Student Lounge. ALL personal items will be removed
on this date. Don’t leave any personal items in the lounge over the Christmas break!
d. Step 1 Forum will be held in January. Will work on this after the LCME site visit is over.
e. Looking forward to transferring Class of 2012 website onto LSUHSC server soon.
XIV. L1 President – Renford Cindass
a. Finished Head & Neck exam – now in the middle of Block C.
b. Held first mock practicals and first post-test party which both went well. Thanks to
those who organized these events.
c. Starting with Camp Tiger selections – will have a meeting this Friday to get committees
XV. Ms. Bobbie – Student Affairs
a. Thanks to the L2s who have already scheduled Step 1. Right now NBME is about 3
weeks behind in sending out scheduling permits. About 90% have signed up for Step 1.
b. L3s – need to start signing up for Step 2 CS in January. Will receive Financial Aid funds
for taking Step 2 this year.
c. L4s – need to talk to Ms. Bobbie about how their names will be written on their
diploma. Contact Ms. Bobbie if this is an issue.
XVI. Dr. D – Student Affairs
a. H1N1 vaccine – LSUHSC has given out 1395 vaccinations. SOM has received 637
vaccinations including faculty and students. Overall a good turnout.
b. Step 1 Forum – will give L2s data on scores in the past to get an idea of how LSU’s
performance has been in the past 5 years. Average scores have fluctuated between
215-219 over the past 5 years. Names will not be released.
c. LCME site visit is ongoing. Thanks to students who have participated so far. LCME has
shortened their visit secondary to the positive results thus far. They are happy and
surprised at how LSU has addressed insurance and student health issues.
d. 167 Dean’s Letters uploaded to system on November 1st for the L4s who are
interviewing for residency positions.
e. Student Football Tickets – when you pick up a ticket it is for you to use or for you to give
to another person. It is inappropriate and unethical to sell these football tickets. Any
persons found to do this will be investigated appropriately.
f. Congratulations to L1 elective officials!
XVII. OSR Updates – Ben Kurz (see attached document)
a. NBME wants to stress that all official information is on their website, not from third
party sources such as First Aid or other review books.
i. 2011 target (L2 class) – will make Step 2 CK more difficult with multimedia,
evidence-based questions, etc.
ii. Will not combine Step 1 and Step 2 tests. Step CS will remain.
b. Away Rotations Applications
i. 64 schools participated this year in the program
c. Match
i. New Charting the Outcomes is available, 280pg PDF file giving information
about match results.
d. Managed Scramble –
i. Trying to implement in 2011/2012 – will be a time-out and reapplication
through ERAS to help applicants get positions who don’t match initially
e. Expect more information to come via email
XVIII. Danielle O’Banion- Homeless Clinics
a. Supply Drive for Homeless Shelters is ongoing. Seeking hygiene items such as soap,
LOTION, etc. NO RAZORS. Used sheets, pillowcases, and towels are being accepted as
well as NEW underwear, especially large sizes. Also accepting donations, make checks
payable to “LSUHSC Foundation”.
b. Stay tuned for more Homeless Clinic updates.
XIX. Meeting Adjourned at 6:30pm by Rachel Pastorek. Next meeting on Tuesday, December 1st
In Attendance:
Rachel Pastorek – SGA President
Ryan Vega- SGA Executive VP
Stephanie Bourque – SGA Community VP
Jay Huber – Student Health VP
Lisa Dang – Social VP
Kevin Gipson – Technology Chair
Jason Gray – Intramural Chair
AAMC-OSR – Ben Kurz
AMA – Lena AlDujaili, Stephanie El Hajj
AMSA – Jenna Jordan
AOA – Evan Atkinson
APAMSA – Do-Quyen Pham
CMDA – Ashley Stanley
CORE – Stephanie ElHajj, Lena AlDujaili
DIG – Shih Tan
Edgar Hull – Renee Gravois
FMIG – Sara Doguet
Heme/Onc – Daniel Johnson
Homeless Clinic – Danielle O’Banion, Melissa Spera
MPIG – Scott Laura
OBIG – Alexa Bollinger
OIG – Lisa Dang
OSIG – Ryan Richard
PIG – Catherine Tridico
RIG – Jason Gray
SIG – Matthew Giglia
SIGNNS – Christian Hernandez
SIHO – Sarah Dendy, Ashley Stanley
SMILE – Lisa To
SNMA – Angela Pressley, Alicia Pressley
WIM- Whitney Nichols
Danny Robinson – L4 President
Danny Eads – L2 President
Renford Cindass – L1 President
Ariana Beck
Ryan Rebowe
Megan Marino
Annette Zacharia
Graham Luke Machen
Curtis Bashkiharatee
Scott Hebert
Dr. Delcarpio
Ms. Bobbie