Class time: T, Th, 9:25 – 10:40
Office hours: Tues & Thurs, 10:45-12:00
Office: 210A of the Student Center
Office phone: 303-458-4109
Cell phone: 720-209-2770
E-mail: bgeger@regis.edu
Course Description: Study of the life and spirituality of Saint Ignatius Loyola (1492-1556), founder of the
Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), and the relevance of Ignatian spirituality for modern Christians. Principal
themes include prayer and discernment, meaning and vocation, reason and revelation, basic Catholic doctrine (as it is relevant to understand Jesuit spirituality), and the historical contributions of the Society of
Jesus to science, culture and theology.
1.) Munitiz, Joseph A., and Philip Endean, eds. Saint Ignatius of Loyola: Personal Writings. London,
Penguin Books, 1996.
2.) O’Malley, William J. The Fifth Week. Second Edition. Chicago, Loyola Press, 1996.
Other required readings will be available on-line at: http://academic.regis.edu/bgeger
93 – 100 %
90 – 92%
87 – 89%
83 – 86%
80 – 82%
77 – 79%
73 – 76%
70 – 72%
67 – 69%
64 – 66%
61 – 63%
60 – less
Quizzes: Eight quizzes will focus primarily on material of the immediately-preceding classes, but students
are accountable for any material already covered in the semester. Important: It is students’ responsibility
to see me about missed quizzes. Make-up quizzes might be oral. (10 points each)
Film Papers: Two essays on various elements of Jesuit Spirituality in film are required. Each essay will
pertain to one film only. If a student wishes to analyze a film that is not included in my film list, it must be
approved by me first. The brevity of the essays (3-4 pages) is to aid students in focusing on their writing
skills, especially grammar and conciseness. (50 points each)
Interview a Jesuit at Regis University (other than me), or any Jesuit in the Denver area, regarding his
vocation and ministry and how he talks about these in terms of the ideas which we discuss in class. The
interview must be in person and last at least 30 minutes. (50 points)
Term Paper: A choice between two options. (1) A reflection paper in which students articulate the
relevance of Jesuit spirituality in terms of their own life-experiences; (2) A research paper which explores
some aspect of Jesuit spirituality in more depth than what we cover in class. Students must approve the
content of their papers ahead of time with the instructor.
Mid-term and Final Exams: A combination of objective and essay questions. Students with an “A” at
the end of the semester are exempted from the Final Exam.
Eight Quizzes:
Film Essays & Interview:
Term Paper
Mid-Term Exam
Final Exam:
Total Points for the Semester:
80 pts total
150 pts total
100 pts
100 pts
120 pts
550 pts total
Extra Credit: No possibilities for extra-credit are offered.
Attendance: Student attendance is recorded for each class. Students who miss more than four classes in
the semester have their grade dropped by one letter. Exceptions are made for extraordinary circumstances,
but these do not include illnesses, weddings, funerals and similar occasions, since it is presupposed that
students will use their four permitted absences for such reasons. Student athletes must provide notification
from their coaches in the case of sporting events.
Writing skills appropriate to college-level students are expected and required. These include correct
grammar, spelling, punctuation, paragraph structure, and citation of sources.
All assignments must be typed, double-spaced, printed on one side of a page only, and in 12 point Times
New Roman font. All essays must be properly cited using the MLA Format only. Any paper not meeting
these requirements will be handed back to the student on the day that it is submitted. (Worksheets that
clearly explain the instructor’s expectations on grammar and style will be provided at the beginning of the
The default grade for all essays is a “C” (80/100 points). Papers are evaluated for both content and composition. (1) Content: Those who demonstrate better-than-average analysis of the topic under consideration,
that is, by not simply repeating what was affirmed in class, but bringing unique or careful analysis to the
topic, receive a higher grade. Conversely, grades are reduced for papers that are significantly lacking in
substance or length. (2) Composition: Two points are deducted for each error in spelling and grammar,
including incomplete sentences, poor paragraph structure, and improper citation.
Students are required to visit the Regis Writing Center at least once before the submission of an essay to
the instructor, in order to receive feedback about their writing. Consultants can help at any point in the
writing process, from brainstorming for ideas to polishing a final draft. RWC is a popular service, so
appointments are strongly recommended. Drop by Loyola 1 or call (303) 458-4039 for more information.
No quarter is given to students who plagiarize others’ work, whether the source in question is a book,
website, or another student. An assignment will be considered plagiarized if so much as one sentence or
phrase is copied verbatim from another source, or if a student makes only superficial changes, without
citation of his or her source. Plagiarized assignments receive a zero grade, which, in light of the high point
values for the assignments, will likely result in an “F” for the course.
In accordance with Regis’ “Academic Integrity Policy,” I will report all instances of plagiarism or other
violations of the policy to the Dean’s office. Students repeatedly guilty of academic dishonesty are subject
to penalties like probation, suspension or expulsion. The Academic Integrity Policy is described in the
Bulletin. Detailed information about it and the appeals process are found in the Dean’s office.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam