Course Syllabus/Assignments BA/CS 406 Managing Web Technologies Summer 5W3 2004

Course Syllabus/Assignments
BA/CS 406 Managing Web Technologies
Summer 5W3 2004
Joanne Robinson
303-785-2976 (home) 303-424-9168 x118 (work)
Course Description: This course introduces the web development process. It provides the
concepts of developing interactive web sites and covers web security and e-commerce.
Course Prerequisites:
 Working knowledge of Windows operating system and 40 hours of hands-on experience
using a personal computer. Specific knowledge in the following: disk formatting, word
processing/editing, and file creation, maintenance and printing.
 Working knowledge of Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer or Netscape
 CN457 The Internet or basic knowledge of the web and HTML
 You must be able to transmit homework/lab assignments by email.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Discuss the evolution of the world wide web
2. List the members of a web development team and discuss each member’s
3. List the steps necessary to develop a successful web strategy
4. Explain the function and operation of e-commerce systems
5. Understand the languages and systems used to build sophisticated web sites
6. List the languages used for client-side programming of a web site
7. Discuss strategies used for providing various degrees of web security
8. Design and build a basic web site
Student Responsibilities
Students undertaking an adult education must take a great deal of responsibility for their own
learning outcomes. Students are expected to actively participate in classroom discussions and
complete all assignments on time.
Students should expect a minimum of 15 hours per week of study, homework/lab assignments,
and/or case study work. If you are not willing or able to spend the necessary time, please
reconsider whether this is the correct time to take this class.
Reading Assignments
It is expected that all reading assignments will be completed per the assignment schedule. They
will be the basis for all classroom discussions and in-class lab assignments.
The labs for this class have been developed to enhance your experience and to reinforce some of
the concepts you will be learning. I hope you enjoy them.
Final Project
Your project for this class is a functioning web site. You will design and develop the site and
present it to the class during the final class meeting. The project may be done as a group or
individual project, your choice. The lesson material for each week will provide you with the tools
you need to complete your web project. Make this a valuable learning experience and give it your
best shot. But, don’t forget to have fun with it to.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Unit 1 – Web Strategies for Business
Unit 2 – E-Commerce
Lab 1 – Web Site Generations
Lab 2 – E-Commerce Models
Lab 4 – Search Engines
Unit 4 – Web Page Authoring and Graphics
Unit 5 – Web Technologies
CSS Supplemental Material
Lab 6 – Practice with HTML
Lab 7 – Cascading Style Sheets
Lab 9 – Practice with JavaScript – Basic
Lab 10 – Practice with JavaScript – Basic Program
Control (Extra Credit)
No Class
Unit 3 – Web Development Process
Unit 6 – Legal, Ethical, Social, Global, and Taxation
Unit 7 – Web Security
Lab 5 – System Development Life Cycle
Lab 11 – Exploring Trademarks and Copyrights
Final Web Site Presentations
Grading Criteria
Class Participation
Final Project