ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT AND PLANNING REPORT Part Two: Goals and Objectives for 2004-2005 (Conceptual Framework = CF; Mission Statement = MS) University Strategic Goals School Goals for 20042005 Specific Tasks and Objectives for 2004-2005 Provide innovative, relevant, and rigorous academic programs CF: 3. Pedagogy 4. Knowledge MS 5,6 Create an exceptional campus environment for a diverse community of learners. CF: 1. Democracy & Community 2. Habits of Mind 6. Leadership MS 1,2,3 Promote the scholarly and CF: 4. Knowledge Analyze and address NCATE Report from BOE and address unmet standard 2 for the advanced programs. Continue developing M.S. in Special Education. Begin new program in Fall, 2005. Continue Program Review of graduate programs in Elementary and Secondary Education. Begin revised programs in Fall, 2004. Continue work on new Literacy Certificate. Continue ongoing assessment of all programs as articulated in the Unit Assessment document. Continue to develop an Ed.S. program. Continue to develop partnerships with schools to create service-learning opportunities for students. Continue working with minority students who entered IPFW as part of the now discontinued TEAM grant. Provide faculty workshops/inservices to raise awareness of diversity issues. Initiate new SOE journal in partnership with EACS, to Bottom Line See draft of proposals for revised Elementary and Secondary master’s programs, including options for minors in reading, gifted and talented, and early childhood. The Educational Studies department has created a servicelearning opportunity in Jefferson Middle School for students in secondary Educational Psychology courses. This will be done in collaboration with the 21st Century Scholars Foundation, a federal program for promoting academic success among poor and minority students. creative achievements of faculty, students, and staff. 6. Leadership MS 3,6 Advance the quality of life in Fort Wayne and the surrounding region CF: 1. Democracy & Community 5. Experience 6. Leadership MS 1,2,3 Pursue the continuous improvement of university operations CF: 1. Democracy & Community 2. Habits of Mind 6. Leadership MS 2,4 promote collaborative scholarship following the Scholar-Practitioner Model. Establish the ScholarPractitioner Center for the Advancement of Educational Leadership and Learning Organizations. Encourage and reward faculty who are actively productive. Continue Research Discussion Forums for faculty to showcase and discuss their research. Encourage collaborative SOE faculty initiated book proposals. Encourage more faculty and student research activities. Continue awarding the Faculty Advisement Award. Pursue Academic accreditation for School Counseling Program. Expand Counseling and MFT Clinic to new facilities. Invigorate the mentoring of new faculty by developing a new mentoring plan. Continue active schooluniversity partnerships. Create more university community partnerships. Faculty continue to initiate memberships in service organizations. Student opportunities for service learning projects as a part of class requirements will grow. Improve effective marketing of SOE graduate and undergraduate programs. Continue to update governance documents as necessitated by university requirements. Actively participate in university initiatives, such as assessment of diversity components in curricula, and first year student retention activities. The Center would house the journal. Its mission would be to develop professional practitioners (scholarpractitioners) who utilize research as key components to inform decisionmaking and problem solving in the school and university contexts.