Algebra I Syllabus

Algebra I Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Katie Masterson
Room: 609
4A lunch, 5 hour prep
Contact information: (preferred method of contact)
Hello, I am Mrs. Masterson, and I will be your Algebra I teacher. I am looking forward to getting to
know you all. You will hopefully find this course to be both challenging yet fun as the year
progresses. That being said, I believe every one of you has the capability to be successful in this
course as long as you are committed to learn.
 Course Description: The study of Algebra I focuses on building fundamental algebra skills,
developing problem solving strategies, and gaining a deep conceptual understanding of algebraic
functions. This class is not just about the computation of numbers; you will be required to support
your numbers with logic and sound explanations. Assignments will be given on a regular basis and
a notebook will be kept throughout the semester. This course is required for high school
 Rules and Expectations:
1. Respect: Respect
Emotional well-being,
Culture, and
2. Be prepared for class, have all materials, turn in assignments, and sit in your designated
3. Follow all school rules and policies.
4. You are responsible for your educational experience.
5. Give yourself permission to succeed
If you do not follow the rules and/or disrupt the learning of others, any combination of the
following negative consequences will take place depending on the severity:
1. Verbal warnings
2. Student-teacher meeting
3. Parent contact
Serious one-time or repeated offenses will be referred to an administrator.
 Materials: Students who are successful bring their materials EVERY DAY
1. 2 in (or larger) 3 ring binder with loose leaf lined paper and graph paper
2. 4 tab dividers
3. Pencils/erasers/highlighters
 Grading
Grading scale:
A= 90.0-100.0%
B= 80.0-89.9%
C= 70.0-79.9%
D= 60.0-69.9%
F= Below 60%
Grading Categories:
30% Assignments/Projects
50% Assessments
20% Final Exam (will be
semester’s end)
Assignments will be given 4-5 days per week. It is important for your success in this class that you
make an earnest attempt to complete all assignments. Students should become proficient with the
concepts assigned for practice and to get in the habit of showing all work. That being said, if
homework is assigned while a student is absent, assignments are due the same number of days that
were missed in class, if it was excused. If you are absent it is your responsibility to make up any
Late Work may be turned in before the end of a quarter, but students will receive half credit for late
work. Binders must be kept organized according to my instructions. For the way the course is
structured, it is imperative that students keep an organized binder of all their work from the textbook
and class. Periodically, I will check math binders to see if students have kept their work and are
prepared for upcoming units.
Tests and Quizzes will be announced. You will have quizzes throughout the unit and a test at the
end of the unit. Point values will vary depending on the amount of information being tested. If you
miss the review for a test, you will still be expected to take the test as scheduled. Make-up for
tests/quizzes is mandatory and your responsibility to schedule. Retakes for tests is an opportunity
given in this class—regardless of your original test score—within one week of getting the test back.
Before retaking the test, you must complete test corrections. These test corrections will be your
“ticket” to retaking the test. The scores of the original test and the retake will be averaged to form
the new test score. No retakes for quizzes will be given.
If a student would like to come in for tutoring from me and I do not have a professional obligation
to attend such as a meeting, I am available before school from 7:30-8 in the morning (except
Wednesdays) and after school until about 3:30.
Academic honesty is expected of all students. I will have a zero tolerance policy when it
comes to cheating, and I will involve administration if I feel it is necessary to do so.
Cell phones should be turned off during class and may only be used when directed to so by
the teacher. Students will not allowed to charge their cell phones during class time.
Communication: Grades are updated weekly on Synergy. You are responsible for checking your
grades and resolving any problems by communicating concerns with me.
Things to keep in mind
Expect the challenge to come. Understanding takes work, but it will come in time.
Take responsibility for your learning. You’re the only one who can make you succeed.
Listen and take notes in class. Ask questions and write down the examples.
Review your notes and do the assignments, even if you’re not totally comfortable yet.
If you’re lost, don’t wait. Come right in and get help before you get far behind.
Give yourself permission to succeed!
Note: This syllabus is subject to change.