Time Place: A regular meeting of the Saugus School... Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:24...

Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 27, 2013
Time Place: A regular meeting of the Saugus School Committee was held this date at the Roby School
Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:24 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mr. Doucette
Mr. Grabowskipresent
Mr. Malone
Ms. Riley
Ms. Reed
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to adjourn the open session and to enter into executive session for the purpose of
Roll Call:
Mr. Doucette
Mr. Grabowskiyes
Mr. Malone
Ms. Riley
Ms. Reed
The Committee returned to open session at 7:08 p.m. with a salute to the flag.
Roll Call:
Mr. Doucette
Mr. Grabowskipresent
Mr. Malone
Ms. Riley
Ms. Reed
Ms. Reed noted that the meeting was being recorded by SCTV and one audio recording.
Public Comment: None
Student Report: None
Minutes for Approval:
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
to approve the Minutes of June 13, 2013 Open Session as amended.
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
to table the Minutes of June 14, 2013 executive session.
Ms. Andrews noted that they are trying to pay all the bills for the FY13 end.
Mr. Grabowski stated that he will not support the payment of the warrant because in the
warrant is a payment for a trip for a school employee who will be going to another district.
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was
VOTED: to approve the warrant in the amount of $315,002.59.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 27, 2013
4 in favor
1 against
Finance Report:
Ms. Andrews reported that as of May 31, 2012 the SPS has expended and encumbered
$21,208,510 against the town appropriation of $25,610.250.
Ms. Andrews reported on the gas bill for the high school. The district owed $198,174.49 to
heat the high school. The cost exceeded $450,000, which is 2.5 times the cost to heat the
building last year. After many calls to National Grid and Santa Buckley, the school dept.
has received a credit of $175,000.
Ms. Andrews has submitted the FY12 End of Year Report to DESE.
Healey Bus Company is the winning bidder for transportation for next year. There will be
an increase in costs of 17%.
Ms. Andrews discussed the extension of Aramark’s contract for one year and their
marketing commitment to the district. Aramark has conceded that it will allow for
discussion of such a commitment if there is a profit. She also reported that the food
survey has been done and tomorrow is the last day to submit it.
Ms. Andrews noted that she intends to prepay three months of out of district tuition for
SEEM Collaborative from any remaining FY13 funds. She considers it an insurance policy
Discussion was held regarding the food service contract. School Committee members
were not aware that there were any changes to the contract regarding marketing. This will
be placed on the next agenda.
Superintendent’s Report:
The Superintendent was not present this evening. Mr. Bruno reported for the
1. FY14 School Budget: The School Committee approved FY14 budget reduction plan has been
implemented. Administrators have met to analyze student to teacher ratios, shift students, in
effort to balance class enrollments, maintain reasonable class size throughout the district, make
reductions, and reassign staff to maintain the integrity of services. This information has been
passed on to the new Superintendent and central administration for overall understanding and
implementation. There are plans to add two more sections to the Early Childhood Center at Ballard
because of increased enrollment.
2. “Kids Come First” Program: For purposes of public information, there will be no increase in the
Kids Come First tuition as previously rumored. Ms. Andrews conducted a cost analysis and has
recommended that the tuition stay at its current rate.
3. Chapter 71, §48, Provision of Instructional Supplies, Including Tablets and Computers: As a result
of a number of inquiries at DESE regarding whether or not public schools may require students to
purchase tablets or computers a response has been provided according to MGL Chapter 71, §48,
stipulating that school districts purchase at public expense textbooks and other instructional
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
June 27, 2013
Open Session
materials and supplies intended for use or re-use over a period of years. Such items are loaned free
of charge to students who must return them at the end of the school year. Tablets or other
computers or graphing calculators are categorized as instructional materials or supplies. Under
FAPE, if technology is required, the school may encourage students to purchase these devices, but
the district must be prepared to provide free of charge if students cannot afford to do so.
4. Administrator and Teacher Evaluations: Implementation of year 1 of the new administrator and
teacher evaluation is near completion. I have completed my principal evaluations for FY13. This
was an arduous task for administrators to complete due to the fact that the SEA collective
bargaining agreement was not finalized until late January. All administrators and teachers are to be
commended for meeting their duties and obligations in implementing this new system.
5. Educatius Internationale: The high school has accepted two students from Asia as part of the
new Educatius Internationale program. Saugus was accepted in FY12. These are the first students
to attend. Mr. Bruno reported that a revolving account will be set up to deposit money from this.
6. Moving On: Throughout the past two weeks schools have celebrate award and moving on
ceremonies from PK to Kindergarten, grade 5-6, and grade 8-9. Congratulations to all students
moving on. Our new grade 6 will be the first to experience the new facility at the Belmonte for
three years beginning this fall. Our high school Academy of Advanced Studies will have 35 more
students matriculate into the program as it spans over grades 9-11 with the Class of 2015 to be the
first to complete it. Our kindergartners are better prepared today to succeed because of the Ballard
program and the aligned curriculum we have built between PK and Kindergarten. They have had
wonderful experiences, teachers, and opportunities, and I wish them well as they Move On in the
Saugus Public Schools.
7. Information /Handouts:
Ms. Riley stated that she enjoyed all the moving on ceremonies and especially the Lynnhurst
passage of duties.
Mr. Grabowski would like to see a report of the teacher and administrator evaluations to see how
many fell into each category.
Report of Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Mr. Bruno commended 20 teachers who spent a full day today and will spend a full day tomorrow
for professional development on keys to literacy and keys to comprehension. The elementary
leadership group worked on curriculum establishing priorities for next year.
Report of Subcommittees:
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the ADDA policy C.O.R.I. requirements as read.
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the JLCEAB Policy to deal with serious allergies.
Mr. Doucette completed a second reading of policy BDE
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
VOTED: to approve the policy BDE as read.
June 27, 2013
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to waive the reading of the policy regarding the Use of School Facilities.
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve policy KFRA.
Old Business
Macero Letter Regarding Renaming of SHS Auditorium for Nancy Lemoine
A discussion was held regarding the renaming of the SHS Auditorium for Nancy Lemoine.
Dave Watika spoke in favor of the naming of the auditorium and reported that he was on the
committee to look at the policy. They went through the policy sentence, be sentence and felt it fit
all the criteria.
Ms. Reed noted that she is not opposed, but just wants it done right.
Mr. Grabowski said he appreciated the interpretation of the policy, but he interprets it to mean it
should not be named for one person. He spoke with a pastor at Ms. Lemoine’s church and he
suggested a time of healing go by and then discuss it.
Mr. Grabowski also spoke with Mr. Smolinski at the SBEC and he is willing to step forward to do a
program/dinner for all retirees in the schools and do a plaque of honor each year.
Mr. Doucette said he would support the naming of the auditorium, but he would not support going
against the policy. He is not opposed to relooking at the policy. He would like to send it back to
the policy subcommittee.
Ms. Reed stated that Ms. Lemoine certainly deserves the recognition, but there needs to be a
change to the policy.
Mr. Watika noted that there are two gyms, the library and a wing at the high school are named for
Mr. Grabowski stated that those were named prior to the policy.
The following people spoke in favor of modifying the policy and naming the auditorium for Nancy
Susan Raiche, former selectman
Stefanie Izzacupo, Jones Drive
Bernie Sacco, retired teacher and drama coach
Tom Raiche, former school committee
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to refer the policy on naming buildings to the policy subcommittee for review.
Update on Tennis Courts:
Ms. Riley gave an update on the tennis courts at the BMS. The award letter went out last Friday.
Chapter 70 Update: There is no news at this time.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 27, 2013
Mr. Grabowski received an email that he would like to read into the minutes. Ms. Reed stated that
they would put it on the next agenda.
New Business:
School Committee Appointment to Shore Collaborative for FY14:
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to appoint Ms. Corrine Riley to be the Shore Collaborative representative for FY14.
Appointment of New PPS Director:
Ms. Reed thanked everyone who served on the search committee for the PPS Director. The
recommended candidate is Ms. Lisa Howard.
Ms. Howard had the opportunity to speak at the meeting.
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation to appoint Ms. Lisa Howard to the
position of PPS Director.
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to accept a gift of $2388 from the Class of 2013 for liberal arts.
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to accept a gift of a Yamaha keyboard from a private donor for the BMS.
Field Trip Request-SHS to China, July 2015:
Mr. Bruno noted that this field trip is coming at a time when they are expanding the Manderin
program at the high school.
Mr. Doucette moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the SHS trip to China, July 2015.
More discussion will follow on this trip. The committee had questions regarding students that have
just graduated and liability insurance.
Shore Collaborative Quarterly Review:
Ms. Riley took the test for Shore Collaborative and passed it.
Ms. Riley would like to invite Executive Director, Jackie Clark, to a School Committee meeting in the
School Committee FY14 Schedule:
The School Committee schedule for the fall is posted on the website.
A parent requested to be able to speak to the Committee. The topic was not on the agenda. The
School Committee will put the topic on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mr. Malone moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 27, 2013