Department of Educational Leadership Advisory Council Minutes June 25, 2009

Department of Educational Leadership
Advisory Council Minutes
June 25, 2009
Present: Fr. Joseph Massucci, Dr. Dave Dolph, Fr. Dennis Hartigan, Dr. Steve Grant, Dr.
Frank DePalma, Dr. Reva Cosby, Dr. Keith St. Pierre, Dr. Kurt Stanic, Dr. Rusty
Clifford, Dr. Cheryl Reichel, Dr. Pam Young, Ms. Debra Baker, Mr. Bill Kirby, Ms. Erin
Doolittle, Ms. Janice Keivel, Ms. Jennifer Keyes
Welcome and Opening Prayer (Father Massucci)
 Father welcomed the advisory council and started the meeting with a prayer.
Internships I, II, and III (Dr. Dolph)
 Dr. Pam Young provided an overview of NCATE & ELCC
o The next NCATE visit is scheduled for September. Some Advisory
Committee members may be asked to participate.
 Dr. Dolph provided an overview of EDA 507 Internship I and updated the
committee on changes in EDA 607 Internship II. The newly developed EDA
733/833 Internship III was introduced.
 Currently, students taking EDA 507 have 2 years to complete the coursework. As
of Fall 2009 the number of activities will be reduced and the students must
complete the internship requirements within one academic year.
 Formerly EDA 507 incorporated the ISLCC standards but the revised internship
will deal with ELCC standards.
 Internship I (EDA 507) and II (EDA 607) will focus on building level
administration and Internship III (EDA 733/833) will focus on the district level
 A site supervisor will be assigned to each intern.
 Internship activities include: administrative experiences, administrative
interviews, board meeting critiques and an action research project or portfolio
 Students are required to complete a minimum of 150 hours of administrative
related activities. Job shadowing is being introduced as an option for completing
the necessary hours.
Discussion of Internship Activities (Dr. Dolph)
 Advisory committee members formed small groups to critique the administrative
activities associated with the respective internships.
 The following suggestions were reported:
o Offer a seminar or provide information on Politics & Education.
o Structured coursework in dealing with the media. Conduct a simulation
with aspiring building level administrators and a representative from The
Dayton Daily News providing an opportunity to practice interviewing
skills and interacting with the media.
o Provide information on how to effectively communicate in a variety of
settings and with a variety of people. Blogs, television, newspapers,
elected officials and peers. The students need to be able to demonstrate
competence and practice these techniques which will require some face to
face time.
o Provide more information on negotiations, more interactions with multiple
board members, and learning how to become effective leaders and not just
o Require students to attend various board meetings for different
experiences. For example, if a district just lost a levy or there is a
teachers’ strike the student should attend the next board meeting in that
district and reflect on the interactions.
o Have them present at the board meeting.
o Availability of students to complete coursework during school hours-share
the cost burden. UD could provide a stipend to the district to offset the
cost of hiring a substitute teacher.
 Suggestions specific for Principal Licensure candidates (EDA 607):
o Demonstrate competence in using data.
o Create improvement plans and establish goals.
o Demonstrate mastery of quality instruction.
o Facilitate conferences – students learn how to resolve conflicts effectively.
o Provide models for school reform.
o Demonstrate proficiency in technology. It is imperative that young
principals are knowledgeable in the creation and use of Power Point in
o Require students to become aware of current Special Education
 School improvement emphasis in 507. Use school improvement as a research
 EDA 607 – Job shadowing is a valuable experience. Possibly gather a group of
principals willing to help more with students.
 Site supervisor recommended - important to make sure that both the student and
mentor are on track
 Possible district specific internships for Cohort groups
 Partner with district office and ESC on internships
 Add mock experiences during EDA 607 to simulated principal issues such as
phone calls, angry parents, bullying, cafeteria duty, etc.
 Add a special education specific portion to internship Standard II
 Work with a team, guidance counselors, etc.
 Mentor should provide feedback to UD regarding student performance
 EDA 733/833 Internship III– Need good experience with a practicing
superintendent, should meet with site supervisor and mentee
 Collaborate with other districts
 Require student to make a presentation at school board meeting
 Stipend to district for assistance with internship
 Interviewing skills practiced
Catholic School Internship I Discussion
 Should use correct terminology when referring to school boards e.g.: Education
Commission, Board of Directors, Local Board and School Advisory Council.
 May be good idea to require student to attend a public school board meeting and
compare with the Catholic school counterpart.
 Include the following reflection question for interview tasks: “Was this a good
meeting and why?”
 Reference to Church education documents could be included with ELCC & Ohio
principal standards.
 Experiences could include:
*Opportunity to understand how elementary and secondary schools operate, how
the diocese operates, etc.
*Leading prayer with teachers/students
*Compare similar experiences between Catholic and public schools
*Attend diocesan principals meeting
*Attend a bishop’s educational council meeting
*Attend a school administrators meeting with the diocesan superintendent
*Could compare meetings with school administrators from schools within and
outside the see city
*Identify characteristics of a school’s Catholic culture
 Recruitment consideration:
*Sponsor a summer workshop (2 ½ days) addressing a topic of interest for
educators who teach in a specific subject area. EG: math teachers and
technology or science teachers and ….. Sometime during the workshop EDA
could make a pitch for programs offered in the department.
Marketing Strategy (Ms. Keivel)
 Ms. Keivel asked the advisory council to think about the marketing materials that
come across their desk and identify what aspects of those materials grab their
 Ms. Keivel provided a report on the implementation of marketing strategies by the
four School of Business Administration interns hired by EDA for the Spring 2009
semester. The marketing interns were hired from a senior capstone marketing
class and their duties included targeting online marketing, developing promotional
items and creating email blasts to promote the department within the community.
 Suggested marketing strategies included sponsoring a department open house,
creating an alumni database and faculty/staff blog, and providing candy with
EDA’s logo at conferences.
 The department plans to hire one marketing intern in the Fall term to assist with
EDA’s marketing efforts.
 The marketing materials were distributed to the advisory committee which
included a nail file, coffee cup, program brochures, magnet, tote bag and lap top
Large Group Remarks: (Ms. Keivel & Fr. Massucci)
 Ms. Keivel asked the committee members to comment on the marketing ideas
presented. Comments included:
o Look into advertising on local radio stations.
o Provide the program brochures on the department’s website with a PDF
version for easy downloading and printing.
o Create a Twitter account for the department and update with current
information on registration and department news.
o Provide more gender specific items with department information.
o Provide one gift to each student at some point in their academic career.
o When sending emails have an attention grabber in the subject heading and
name recognition. Possibly have a department wide email address.
o Recruit successful superintendents as adjuncts for EDA.
o Utilize the Alumni for input and promotion. Provide a 30 second clip of
Alumni talking about their experience on our website, provide testimonials
in brochures or online.
o Incorporate the University mission statement of Learn, Lead and Serve
into the department in various ways.
o Reestablish personal face among colleagues and community. Provide on
campus visits for students once or twice a year, visit the districts that the
department works with and see what the department can do to help those
Closing Remarks (Fr. Massucci)
 Father Massucci thanked the Advisory Committee for taking time out of their
schedule and providing the department with great ideas. A small gift of Esther
Price candy was presented each participant.