To whom/for whom: Los objetos indirectos

To whom/for whom: Los objetos indirectos
The indirect object in a sentence answers the questions to whom or for whom.
I am buying a car for her. You are buying a car for whom? For her – she indirectly
receives the action of the verb. An indirect object pronoun replaces the indirect
object in a sentence by saying “me, you, he/she/it, us, and them”.
Indirect object pronouns go before the verb or attach to the end of a raw verb or a
gerund (“ing” form).
The indirect object pronouns in Spanish are:
Practice. Circle the INDIRECT OBJECT (say the verb, then “to whom or for whom”)
gave my dog a hug.
bought my boyfriend a watch.
gave my girlfriend flowers.
sent you an email.
She told me (the news).
They made the poster for him.
We told him the truth.
The waiter brought us the mustard.
Using the object pronoun with infinitives and gerunds:
Ella va a mandarme una carta. – or – Ella me va a mandar una carta.
Estamos preparándoles un sándwich(a los chicos). – or – Les estamos preparando un
Guided practice. Follow the model to replace the indirect object.
Sra. Thompson gave Lucia a buen español sticker.
La Sra. Thompson le dio una estampilla de buen español (a Lucia).
This “a Lucia” is not necessary, but is used to clarify who
“LE” stands for because it can represent a gazillion things!!!
Having both LE and A LUCIA in the same sentence is
PERFECTLY OKAY in Spanish (but not in English!!).
Cada sábado le ayudo a él con
la tarea.
La profesora les dio los libros
a los estudiantes.
Le compré un libro a mi
To whom/for whom: Los objetos indirectos
Guided practice.
if necessary
for your
Step 1:
1. My dad ordered dinner for my mom.
Mi padre ____ pidió la cena (a mi madre)
2. They took out the meat for the girl.
Ellos ____ quitaron la carne (a la niña).
3. UFOs are fascinating to us.
_____ fascinan los UFOs (a nosotros).
4. Good grades are important to you.
_____importan las marcas buenas (a ti).
5. I left the waiter a good tip.
Yo _____ dejé una propina buena (al mesero).
Step 2: Add a clarifier.
Modelo: Te importa viajar (_____).
Te importa viajar (a ti).
1. Les encanta la música rap (___________________________).
2. Le encanta la música country (___________________________).
3. Nos preocupa el tiempo (___________________________).
4. Os enoja el profesor (___________________________).
5. Me duele la espalda (___________________________).
Step 3: Translate.
1. The waiter brought us a box.
2. The test seems hard to my friend and me. ___________________________________
3. Rap music is bothersome to them. _________________________________________
4. She gave them water.
5. They are going to give my family and me money.
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