Geometry Mr. Borrmann

Mr. Borrmann
Room 421
Voice Mail 472-9547
This geometry course assists students in meeting the state mathematics
standards for 10th grade. Topics will include inductive and deductive reasoning
and topics from plane and solid geometry. Practical applications of content will
also be presented.
 Respect
 Responsibility
 Personal Best
 Bring materials to class
o Paper, pencil, eraser
o 3 ring notebook
o completed
 No food or drink (except
water) in class
 By the time the bell rings, you
should be working on the
 Take care of grooming needs
before coming to class or after
leaving class. This includes
brushing hair, putting on
make-up, lotion, fragrance of
any kind, hairspray or
 NO cell phones, CD or MP3
players are allowed in class. If
you have one with you, it must
stay in a backpack, purse, or
in your pockets and must be
turned off. District policy WILL
be observed.
J. Borrmann
Students are expected to behave
in a manner that allows every
student in the class to learn to the
best of their ability
 Use class time for math
unless given permission to do
something else.
 Students are expected to be
in class the entire hour
 Errands and bathroom breaks
need to be done between
classes and at lunchtime. If
an emergency arises, then
this is the procedure for
obtaining a pass:
o When it will not disrupt
class, ask for
permission to leave
o Show me your ID
o Sign out at teacher’s
o Take pass and ID with
o Go only to the location
requested- NO detours
 There are no passes to the
students store
 Stay in your seat until I
dismiss the class
Geometry revised August 2008
 If work is not finished in class it much be completed at home
 Clearly identify the assignment with your name, period and date. The
page and problem numbers must be on the top line
 Only assignments done neatly will be accepted
 Show all work on problems as done in class. Answers alone will not give
students any credit for the assignment
 NO late papers will be accepted
To be successful, students must do all assignments and attentively
attend class each day. It is very important that all of the work is made up.
Worksheets may be picked up when the student returns to school. Students
have one day for each day absent to make up missed assignments. Ask if help
is needed.
Unless tests cover new material missed during the absence, tests are
made up the day the student returns to school. Whenever, possible, tests
are made up during class. The student is responsible for any extra material
covered in class while making up the exam. In the event of an extended
absence, please contact me to make special arrangements.
Credit for assignments and tests is given only when the absence is
Students sent to Sweep are responsible for the work done in class that
day. Since the student is on campus, before the student leaves, he/she must
turn in any work due that day and arrange to make up any assessments. If a
student is repeatedly swept on test days, the student will receive a zero for tests
missed due to sweep. Students absent due to school-related functions are
expected to turn in assignments and make up missed tests or quizzes the day
they return to school.
The school’s student code of conduct, dress code, and cheating policy will
be followed. If a student fails to abide by the rules and procedures, or disrupts
the learning of other students, the student will be counseled, sent to ALC, parent
contacted or referred to the administrator. Students must come to class with
their required materials or they will be sent to ALC. Students found cheating on
tests, quizzes, or assignments or allowing students to copy their assignments is
considered cheating. Students ditching class will receive a zero on any
assignments that would have been turned in or assigned in class that day, and a
zero on any test or quiz missed that day.
J. Borrmann
Geometry revised August 2008
Get help as soon as you are unsure about anything. Waiting until
just before a test is too late!! I am available to tutor on the following schedule
unless I have a meeting or other obligation.
Daily 7:30-8:00 AM
Daily 3:00-3:30 PM
Other times by appointment
Parents, do not hesitate to call or e-mail me to check on student progress.
Leave a message on voice mail or e-mail and I will return you call or e-mail as
soon as possible.
Consistently good attendance is mandatory for success in this class.
Make-up work resulting from long or frequent absences is overwhelming, making
it difficult to catch up. The school attendance policy and audit policy will be
Grading scale:
90-100 %
Below 60% F
9-weeks grade:
Tests and quizzes
Assignments and participation
Semester grade:
1st 9 week grade
2nd 9 weeks grade
Final Exam
_______________________________Cut here__________________________
We have read and understand the expectations of Mr. Borrmann’s Geometry
class. Return this section only. The rest must be kept in the student’s notebook.
Print student name
Student Signature
Print Parent name
Parent Signature
J. Borrmann
Geometry revised August 2008