Article I – Identity

Bylaws of the Community Health Advocates at Tufts
Article I – Identity
Section 1: Official Name. The name of the organization shall be the Community Health
Advocates at Tufts.
Section 2: Nature of Organization. The Community Health Advocates at Tufts
hereinafter referred to as CHAT, is an organization of Tufts University students with a
special interest in health promotion, health policy and engaging the community at local,
state and national levels about issues of public health relating to health promotion,
disease prevention and management.
Section 3: State and National Affiliation. The Student Chapter shall be affiliated with
the Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA). MPHA shall provide CHAT
members with volunteer opportunities and guidance related to health promotion and
Section 4: University Accreditation. CHAT shall be formally accredited as a student
organization with Tufts University’s Office of Public Health and Professional Degree
Section 5: Official Address. The official address and secretariat of CHAT shall be c/o
the Office of Public Health and Professional Degree Programs at the Tufts School of
Section 6: Official Website
Article II – Purpose
Section 1: Vision. CHAT shall be a highly motivated and enthusiastic body of future
leaders in health promotion advocacy growing together in their knowledge and
understanding of public health and health policy issues related to health promotion and
networking with one another and with key experts in the field.
Section 2: Mission. CHAT shall build and maintain an active network for Tufts
University students with an interest in health promotion advocacy and policy to interact
with one another, as well as with faculty and other stakeholders in health promotion,
policy and program implementation. Provide students with real-world work experience
in health promotion advocacy through short and long-term opportunities.
Section 3: Goals. CHAT will strive:
To enhance the professional development experience of Tufts University
students interested in health promotion and policy by exposing them to the
current state of the art in the fields of health promotion, policy and disease
b. To provide extra-curricular learning opportunities through interaction with health
policy professionals, legislators and stakeholders.
c. Encourage student participation in public health related conferences through
financial support including registration and associated travel costs.
To foster an environment in which interested Tufts University students can
envision an exciting career pathway in health promotion policy, program
implementation and management.
Article III – Membership
Section 1: Members. Full members of CHAT must be current part-time or full-time
students at Tufts University. Members may also be joint degree program students with
Tufts’ affiliate programs.
Section 2: Minimum Membership. CHAT must maintain at least ten (10) full members
from TUSM in order to be an active chapter in good standing with Tufts University.
Section 3: Open Membership. Membership shall be open to all students from any
school or department of Tufts University, provided they have an active interest in health
policy, with priority given to PHPD students.
Section 4: Diversity. There shall be no discrimination in individual membership on the
basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, social status, economic background,
national origin, academic level, or program of study.
Article IV – Officers and Leaders
Section 1: Faculty Advisor. CHAT shall maintain one of the professors in the PHPD
department as a faculty advisor. The faculty advisor shall be available as a general
mentor to the officers and members of CHAT, and provide liaison with other faculty,
university administration, and field experts.
Section 2: Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall comprise the
following officers:
Vice President
Publicity Officer
Section 3: The President.
Acts as the chief executive officer, and chairs all meetings of CHAT
Serves as the main spokesperson of CHAT, and chief signatory on its behalf
Represents CHAT to the MHPA and to the PHPD of Tufts School of Medicine
Oversees CHAT‘s adherence to its statutes and bylaws, as well as to Tufts University
Supervises the implementation of the annual plan of CHAT activities
Appoints interim subcommittees and member task forces to perform specific
assignments on behalf of CHAT
Submits an annual report on the status of CHAT to all stakeholders
Performs such lawful actions as may be required to sustain the good standing of
Section 5: The Vice President.
Maintain records of all the official documents of CHAT including but not restricted to
correspondence, minutes of meetings, and bylaws and statutes
■ Prepares and distributes summaries of minutes of CHAT’s meetings
■ Acts as the time-keeper during meetings of CHAT
Maintains an accurate record of all current members of CHAT
Announces meeting dates, venues, and agendas to all participants
Plan and organized 1-2 learning lecture lunches per semester
Introduces new members to the procedures and activities of CHAT
Spearheads peer-to-peer collaboration and mutual mentorship among members
Serves as acting President in the absence of the President
Section 6: The Treasurer.
Conducts financial transactions and administers funds on CHAT’s behalf
Negotiates with vendors for student discounts on travel and other expenditures
Issues periodic financial reports to the executive and to members
Cultivates potential donors and financial benefactors of CHAT
Spearheads fundraising drives
Prepares and submits an annual budget of projected expenditure
Section 7: Publicity Officer.
Publicizes CHAT and its activities
Secures venues for upcoming Chapter events and meetings
Synchronizes Chapter events with those of other on-campus groups
Oversees website and social networking site upkeep
Produces pamphlets, brochures, and other materials showcasing CHAT
Places ads of CHAT in Tufts University, Tufts School of Medicine and PHPD
magazines, newsletters and other publications
■ Provides feedback to the Executive Committee from Chapter members and Tufts
students about the on campus perceptions of CHAT
Article V – General Meetings of Members
Section 1: Frequency. CHAT shall hold a meeting of its members at least four times
each academic year, two times each semester.
Section 2: Order. Either the President or Vice President shall preside over all general
meetings as chairperson. In the absence of the said officers, the meeting chairperson
shall be selected by a plurality of the Executive Committee members present.
Section 3: Quorum. At least two officers and five other full members must be present
for a meeting to achieve the quorum required to make binding decisions governing the
day-to-day business of CHAT. No quorum or prior membership shall be required for
academic or social meetings unless and until a business decision needs to be made.
Section 4: Decisions. Ordinary business matters shall be settled by consensus among
all members present after a short, focused, and informed discussion. Where such
consensus is not forthcoming on any matter of CHAT’s business, the latter shall be
resolved by a plurality of votes by the members present. Every full member in good
standing who is present shall be entitled to one vote on CHAT’s ordinary business. In
the case of a tie vote, the President or Vice President (in that order) shall cast the tiebreaking vote. All full members (present or absent) are entitled to a vote on matters
deemed by the officers to be extra-ordinary business. The officers shall exercise
discretion over the extra-ordinary status of any business at hand, and will reserve the
right to solicit for a vote from all the registered full members without unduly holding up
CHAT’s progress.
Section 5: Collective Responsibility. Members who were not present at the meeting
where a general business matter was settled will be taken to have implicitly agreed to
the decision and to be collectively responsible for its implementation. An exception to
the ‘collective responsibility’ shall be exercised on condition that: (i) the absent person is
a full member of CHAT, (ii) that s/he proactively informed the officers of his or her
inability to attend the meeting, and (iii) proactively communicated a dissenting view on
the matter that would have changed or tied the vote in favor of the decision. Where such
an exception is determined by the executive to be applicable, the matter shall be
revisited and a new decision taken without unduly holding up CHAT’s progress.
Section 6: Communication and Notification Process. All CHAT members will be
notified about all meetings, group-sponsored activities, events (etc.) by email. Potential
members will be notified by email and posted announcements around the Tufts School
of Medicine.
Article VI – Meetings of Executive Committee
Section 1: Frequency. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice in each
semester and meetings shall be open to any full non-executive members who wish to
attend as non-voting observers.
Section 2: Convenor. Executive Committee meetings shall be convened and chaired
by the President, or Vice President if so delegated by the President.
Section 3: Medium. Executive Committee meetings can be either live face-to-face
discussions or via conference call or videoconference.
Section 4: Minutes. The Vice President shall record all minutes and circulate an
executive summary of the same in the period following the meeting.
Section 5: Decisions. Executive business shall be settled by consensus or plural vote,
upon the discretion of the situation. Matters critical to the well-being and good standing
of CHAT shall be referred, as extra-ordinary business, to a general meeting of full
members for their final and binding decision.
Section 6: Veto Power. Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be subject to veto
by two-thirds of all the current full members of CHAT.
Article VII – Elections and Balloting
Section 1: Frequency. Elections of officers shall be held once in each academic year
at an Election General Meeting called for the express purpose of such elections. In the
case that an elected executive member is unable to fulfill his/her year-term, elections
will be held a second time in accordance with bylaw and balloting procedures.
Section 2: Eligibility. Only full members of the Group shall be eligible to be elected as
officers of CHAT. All executive members must be able to serve for one full academic
year. All candidates must be present during the election to run for an executive team
Section 3: Timing. The Election General Meeting shall be announced at least one
week prior. The Fall Semester Election General Meeting shall be in March or April of
the preceding academic semester. If necessary, the Spring Semester Election General
Meeting shall be in December of the preceding academic semester.
Section 4: Electoral College. Each officer shall be elected on the basis of a plurality of
votes cast for that office by the full members present. Anonymous written votes shall be
counted by the Faculty Advisor. In the event of a tie vote in the first round, successive
rounds of balloting shall be conducted among full members only until one candidate
receives a plurality of full members’ votes.
Article VIII – Parliamentary Procedure
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all parliamentary procedure unless otherwise
Article IX – Chapter Probation or Inactive Status
Section 1: Probation Status. If CHAT does not meet affiliation requirements of
accreditation requirements by Tufts University, it will be placed on probation for six
months. CHAT’s eligibility for the benefits and privileges of such affiliation will be
suspended during the probation period.
Section 2: Inactive Status. If the requirements are not met by the end of the
probationary period, CHAT will be considered inactive and will lose all benefits of a
Tufts University student organization.
Section 3: Individual versus Chapter Status. The individual status of full members
with the MPHA will NOT be affected by CHAT’s status.
Article X – Amendment or Revision of Bylaws
These Bylaws may be amended or revised by a two-thirds majority vote of full members
of CHAT.