Bandwidth Usage Policy Nipunn Koorapati Kahei Chan Kevin Williams

Bandwidth Usage Policy
Nipunn Koorapati
Kahei Chan
Kevin Williams
Alex Soto
• Many internet providers set policies to limit
bandwidth usage
• Bandwidth is the capacity to transfer data
over a network
• Too much bandwidth usage slows down entire
• Policy forces users to share bandwidth
• Ex. Universities, Internet service providers
CMU’s Bandwidth Policy
• Wired: 10Gigabytes / 5days (2gig/day)
• Wireless: 3.75Gigabytes / 5days (750meg/day)
• One gigabyte is roughly equal to 17 hours of MP3. One
gigabyte is roughly equivalent to 12 hours of Flash
• Activities that may use significant bandwidth:
Reinstalling an operating system
Performing Windows Update or Apple Software Updates
Downloading and installing applications
Performing system backups
Transferring large files (images, video, music, databases) to
other systems
CMU’s Consequences
• Initial violation of policy :
– Warning notification
– Usage is watched daily
• Subsequent violations:
– Further warnings
– Eventual network access may be revoked for up to
45 days
Comcast’s Bandwidth Policy
• “Excessive use means data usage that is not
characteristic of a typical residential user of the
service as determined by Comcast. Based on
Comcast's current policies, here are a few
examples of activities any one of which
represents excessive use in one month”:
Sending 20,000 high-resolution photos,
Sending 40 million emails;
Downloading 50,000 songs; or
Viewing 8,000 movie trailers
Comcast’s Consequences
• Comcast will send a warning if it deems your
usage to be atypicial
- Limiting bandwidth increases the speed
- Conserves Net Neutrality – user controls how
much they download (not isp)
- May evolve into a “pay per bit” system
(saving money for casual users)
- Restricts use of the internet – users are no
longer able to do whatever they wish once
- If a pay per bit system is used, will increase
the cost to connect
• Bandwidth usage policies are an effective way to
share bandwidth among users.
• Bandwidth policy should allow for occasional
spikes of file usage.
• Should be clear where the limitations are
• CMU’s policy is restrictive because it does not
allow a single large download. 60 gigs/month
would be better.
• Comcast’s policy does not clearly define