Annual Report of Institutional Progress University Libraries University of Georgia

Annual Report of Institutional Progress
University Libraries
University of Georgia
1. Summary of Major Accomplishments
Library Collections. Total holdings surpassed 3.7M volumes, placing the Libraries 35th
among the 111 academic members of the Association of Research Libraries
ARL Ranking. Due to increased subscriptions to electronic journals, the Libraries
continued to rank 28th in ARL membership index. In specific types of material,
the Libraries rank 13th in sound recordings, 6th in archival and manuscript
holdings, 7th in cartographic materials, and 2nd in film and video.
Galileo Intergrated Libraries (GIL). This marked the second full year of using GIL as
our automated library system to support the catalog, circulation, and processing
functions. Beta testing was completed for Universal Borrowing, a program
whereby any system institution member can have access to materials from all
University System libraries. We are now conducting training sessions for a
grouping of University system libraries in the southern part of the state.
Renovation of library buildings. The re-tiling project for the entire entry floor at the
Science Library was completed. This project afforded us the opportunity to
reconfigure staff work areas, to redefine the public areas on the floor, and to do
some reduction of the material shelved in that area. This project also included
new ceiling tiles and installation of new lighting.
Installation of compact shelving (12,765 gross lineal feet of space) in the Main
Library was completed. This project allows for future expansion of the Media
Archives and the Peabody Archives Collection.
Student Learning Center. Ground was broken for the Student Learning Center on
September 1, 2000. A furniture consultant was hired and furniture has been
selected. Work is underway to expedite the bid process. Working with UCNS, a
Student Learning Center Prototype has been developed in the Main Library where
we can further define programs, needs, and services for the SLC. A web page for
the Student Learning Center has been created that includes a project history, a live
image from a video camera, floor plans, time-lapsed video of the construction
site, and an interior tour.
Special Collections Libraries Building. Design drawings were completed and a display
model was built to use for fundraising. The building was presented before the
Board of Regents this spring. Although it didn’t make it on list of capital projects
this year, we anticipate that it will next year.
Development. The Libraries continue to make substantial progress in fund raising. This
past year, commitments and collections totaling over $730,000 were received.
Major New Online Resources. Spending for online resources continues to increase, with
licenses that permit campus-wide access becoming the norm. This past year, the
Libraries acquired access to 39 new resources, including journals, books, and
databases. A sampling follows:
Art Index Retrospective
Business Cycle Indicators
Columbia International Affairs
Communication Abstracts
Index of Christian Art
Index to Current Urban Documents
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts
New Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians
Poem Finder
Policy File
Political Risk Yearbook
Poole’s Plus, and Tech Data Express
Libraries Homepage. Greatly enhanced the Libraries Homepage with several features
including an interactive staff directory, 54 subject guides, and a Frequently Asked
Question file. Sixteen departmental sites were re-worked. In addition, we
compiled an extensive guide to Government Information on the Web as a possible
prototype for a GALILEO government information database for the state and
designed a new interface for the Electronic Journal Locator.
Coordinating Electronic Resources. Two positions were created to monitor the use and
effectiveness of various electronic resources and to coordinate procurement and
licensing of these resources. Data gathering and the design and programming of a
Web-based system for tracking electronic resource purchases, licensing, and
problems was completed this year. This information will be invaluable in
assessing electronic resources
Digital Library of Georgia DLG released the Southeastern Native American Documents
online resource to the public as part of GALILEO. Work on the Clifford “Baldy”
Baldowski collection continued, with the successful creation of an Ultimate
database, images, and web interface to the collection. This collection is expected
to go live in the fall of 2001. Numerous collections from the Hargrett Rare Book
and Manuscript Library were imaged, transcribed, and SGML encoded
throughout the year, and moves were made to create the infrastructure to house
these materials online under GALILEO. Summer saw the start of the first DLG
project working with materials from outside the UGA Libraries. The Camilla
Riot Manuscripts contains materials from the National Archives documenting the
incident in Mitchell County Georgia during Reconstruction. Other digital projects
such as the Georgia Books and Newspapers (mainly transcription of the Cherokee
Phoenix) continued – an additional year of the Phoenix was added to the
prototype Georgia Historic Newspapers Database.
Library Organization. Two AULs accepted appointments outside UGA, Merryll Penson
to the Board of Regents, University System of Georgia and Barbara Winters to
Marshal University. The result was a further flattening of the organization by not
replacing that administrative tier, thus demonstrating our interdependence. The
Department Heads Group continues to meet weekly in a facilitated fashion
employing appropriate methods to address and resolve issues. In addition, this
year saw the positive five-year review of the University Librarian.
Government Documents
Processing. Automated current U.S. documents processing, began automation of
Georgia documents processing which will result in much improved access to
government documents in the online catalog.
State Publications of Georgia. We digitized our first video and audio cd and added
approximately 250 documents in electronic text to the database. As a result of a
statewide meeting of members of the FDLP (Federal Library Depository Program)
hosted by the UGA Libraries on May 10, a commitment was received for cooperative
cataloging for state documents and Valdosta State University and Georgia Southern
University committed to 100% selective depository status for Georgia documents
2. Progress in Strategic Planning
University Strategic Planning Process.
The Libraries strategic plan was reviewed and adopted by the University’s Office
of Strategic Planning in October 1999. A copy of this plan is included with some slight
modification to costs and timetables.
Report on 2000/2001 Goals
Continue planning for new library space.
 The Regents authorized the use of private funds for an architect to design the
special collections building. Design drawings have been completed (see major
 Milestones for the Student Learning Center include furniture selection,
determining the nature of the book collection in the reading room, and finalizing
staffing and service patterns.
Introduce the Digital Library of Georgia. Stephen Miller joined the faculty as the
program director for this project. In collaboration with GALILEO, books,
manuscripts, radio and television programs, maps, and other materials are being
digitized and made available on the Internet (see major accomplishments).
Integrate local web resources with GALILEO. The University Libraries offer an
increasing variety of electronic resources through the Internet in addition to those
offered by GALILEO. This year, we integrated UGA and GALILEO offerings so
that students and faculty can access all resources from one place.
Evaluate the administrative organization of the Libraries. The Libraries adopted a
flatter organization (see major accomplishments).
Expand collection of electronic publications. 39 new electronic resources were added
in 00/01, which include journals, books, and databases, for a total of 167. Sselect
databases include multiple titles. For example, the EJL (Electronic Journal Locator
currently has 24,458 items of which approximately 18,000 are unique titles.
Goals for 2001/2002
Complete planning for the Student Learning Center. This building will be complete
and occupied by July 2003. Many final decisions on furniture, staffing, equipment,
and program offerings will be completed over the coming year.
Design a wireless network in both the Main Library and the Science Library. A
wireless network would allow students to use portable computers anywhere in these
libraries. In addition, a program to allow students to check-out portable computers to
use in these libraries will be explored.
Continue planning for Special Collections Libraries facility. This building currently
tops the University's list of capital priorities. During the coming year, it will be
important to move it onto the Regents list of projects and to continue raising funds for
construction and endowment.
Complete remodel of the main floor of the Science Library. Thanks to funding from
Physical Plant, the main floor of the science library has been re-tiled, new ceiling tiles
and lighting was also completed (see major accomplishments). Over the coming year,
the rearrangement of the collection and the purchase of new furniture and equipment
will greatly enhance this space.
Expand collection of electronic publications. This is an ongoing goal.
Progress in assessing unit/area effectiveness
Access to More Information. Completed the conversion of GALILEO to version 7
(SiteSearch version 4) with the new homepage becoming the sole access to
GALILEO. Migrated GALILEO participating institutions to the new FirstSearch
interface for 70+ databases. There are now 112 new databases in the GALILEO
menus that are UGA-purchased resources. Completed the first full year of remote
access to GALILEO by all Georgia citizens via public library passwords. Initiated
and completed the DOOR (Database of Online Resources) project. It is currently
in the GALILEO Demo system and will be in the production system this month.
Interlibrary Loan. The Lending Unit increased their fill rate to other libraries from 57%
in FY 2000 to 59% for this year. The Borrowing Unit cut turnaround time for
UGA users’ requests, now averaging 8.4 calendar days (not working days). This
is an improvement from last year’s 9.8 days and a very significant improvement
from the benchmark 14.0 days measured in a 1996 ARL study. Our web-based
request form, electronic payment of fees, electronically transmitted articles,
electronic delivery of articles to patrons along with e-mail notifications, all aided
in significantly shortening turnaround time. The continued increase in requests for
UGA materials demonstrates both how richly our collection is regarded by other
institutions and how responsive ILL Lending is in its commitment to resource
sharing. As a final tribute to our work in the area ILL Department was named the
recipient of the 2001 GOLD Interlibrary Loan Library of The Year Award "in
recognition of service excellence and commitment to resource sharing." This
award is voted by members of GOLD (Georgia Online Database), the statewide
organization of approximately 200 libraries of all types.
Performance Assessment.
With the hire of the Performance Assessment Librarian, Joan Conger, and the
Electronic Resources Coordinator, Dana Walker, we began collecting database
usage statistics from ABC-CLIO, Bell & Howell, ISI, JSTOR, Lexis/Nexis, ISI,
Poole’s Plus, Project Muse, RLG Research Group and SilverPlatter databases.
Continuing to try to procure figures from other vendors.
Conducted an extensive comparison of the journal coverage for Ebsco and
Proquest to assist the GALILEO Collection Development Committee assess the
strengths of each product.
Surveyed 500 south campus faculty and graduate students on their use of the
Electronic Journal Locator and began tracking use of the Electronic Journal
Locator. As a result, designed and programmed a Web-based system for tracking
electronic resource purchases, licensing, and problems.
Departments evaluated the effectiveness of their workflow. In addition, an
internal workflow committee was formed to examine the processing of materials
across department lines. The objective of both activities was to reduce the time it
takes from receipt of material to patron availability and to be more responsive to
patron needs. The result, thus far, has been 1) a new ordering workflow, 2) DLC
copy cataloging upon receipt, 3) a new gift books review procedure, 4) extensive
use of SQL and Access to support routine processing tasks and special projects,
and 5) the use of macros. This is an ongoing activity.
Identified the need to develop an assessment strategy for library programs and
services. While relying on national standards such as ARL statistics, we will
need develop our own standards of assessment in areas where there is a lack of a
national standard.
Comparator and Aspirational Institutions. Tables comparing the University Libraries
with our 15 comparator institutions is attached. In summary, the Libraries
consistently rank in the top third of the comparator institutions and in the lower
third against the aspirational institutions. However, even against the aspirational
institutions, the Libraries compares very favorable in its special collections,
ranking 2nd in manuscripts and archives, 2nd in video and film collections, and 5th
in its collection of sound recordings. Clearly, these are areas of remarkable
collection strength.
4. Not applicable
5. Overall health of the Libraries
The following factors will affect the overall health of the Libraries and need to be
monitored closely. (These are essentially the same concerns that were listed last year.)
Cost of books, journals, and electronic resources. More and more electronic
resources are being published every year. However, despite this and despite
the general impression that print is a fading medium, more books are being
published every year. At the same time, the cost of journals continues to
escalate at rates above 10% per year and electronic means of publishing do
not yet provide any relief from these increasing costs. This is an especially
critical problem because the base budget for books and journals was not
increased for FY99, FY00, or FY01. We continue to appreciate the one-time
funding that has been forthcoming from the Provost and appreciate her
continued statements that the library budget for these materials is very
Salaries. According to the most recent survey of the 111 academic library
members of the Association of Research Libraries, the median salary for
librarians at the University of Georgia has dropped from 63rd in FY2000 to
75th in FY2001. It should be pointed out that the overall ranking for the
Libraries is 28th out of these same 111 institutions in the ARL membership
index. It is doubtful that any other unit on campus that ranks this high among
its peers would also rank so low in median salaries compared to the same peer
group. Additional attention to salaries would be welcome before market
pressure begins to hamper recruitment and retention. The same applies to
staff salaries as well as librarians. We are looking forward to guidance on this
issue as a result of the Deloitte & Touche report.
Information Technology. All libraries are increasingly reliant upon
information technology and we have been very successful in providing new
electronic resources. This has largely been accomplished through reallocation
and through one-time funds. As with the rest of the campus, information
technology in the Libraries needs more focused and secure funding. The
technology fee will provide considerable relief for technology used directly by
Library Organization. As stated above, after the two Associate University
Librarians left for other positions, we’ve introduced a flatter organization. Our
goal is to have an organization that can quickly identify and respond to
Consistently ranked in the top 30 of the 110 members of the Association of Research
Libraries, the University Libraries are one of the University’s greatest strengths and a
point of pride. Surveys of students and faculty reveal that the Libraries are held in
high regard and provide outstanding support for instruction, research, and service.
Student Learning Center
Opportunity: The library component of the Student Learning Center will allow us to
improve library services and to build stronger partnerships with faculty and other
campus units, especially UCNS and OISD.
Need: Staff and equipment not covered by the construction budget.
One-time costs: $1,500,000 to fully equip the facility with computer workstations and
associated devices for opening day, July 2003.
On-going costs: 15 FTE new staff positions ($340,000 plus fringe benefits). Maintain
and replace the computer workstations and associated devices ($500,000).
Development: The Libraries have identified $6M in naming opportunities in the
Electronic Teaching Library that could be used to support programs for that
Special Collections Building
Opportunity: The Special Collections of the University Libraries are a major strength for
the University. In the figures reported to the Association of Research Libraries,
the University Libraries rank 6th out of the 111 members in archive holdings.
Need: Adequate space to house and preserve these expanding collections. The proposed
special collections building, now second on the campus list of capital priorities,
meets this need.
Cost: The new building will cost $36M, with one-third coming from private sources and
the remainder funded through the Regents. As of spring 2001, the Libraries have
raised $8.5M of its $12M goal. The President will present the building for a
second time to the Regents in June 2002.
Development: The Libraries are seeking an additional $12M in private funding for an
endowment to support the collections, related programs, and staffing.
The New Collection
Opportunity: The flow of recorded knowledge is as vital to the University as water
and electricity. As the importance of electronic publications increases, the
Libraries are seeking the appropriate balance of print and electronic
publications. It is also supporting attempts to use the Internet to improve
scholarly communication, but these attempts to date have not reduced costs.
Need: The cost of scholarly publications, both print and electronic, continues to
increase each year at a significant rate, especially in bio-medicine and the life
sciences. Other universities, notably Ohio State University, have indexed the
library materials budget to match inflationary costs. We need a similar index
to continue to support instruction and research. Otherwise, we will face an
intellectual brown-out as the flow of recorded knowledge is impeded. (Note:
the library materials budget has not been increased since FY1998.)
Cost: Experience at other Universities over the past few years indicate that an annual
increase of about 5% is needed to keep pace. This would amount to an
increase of about $580,000 based on the FY2002 budget.
Digital Library of Georgia
Opportunity: The technology to create a digital library of text, images, sound, and video
is becoming increasingly powerful. Several projects are already underway.
Need: Funding for staff and equipment.
Cost: The Regents have requested funding for digital library efforts in their FY2002
budget. This funding would be managed by the Regents office, but a significant
portion would cover the expansion of efforts in the University Libraries and make
us a leader in this area.
Development: State funding will be used as matching funds to leverage grants from
federal and private sources whenever possible.
New Media Department and Digital Media Lab
Opportunity: With over 80,000 radio and television programs, the Media Archive and
Peabody Awards Collection is the third largest such collection in the country.
Need: A facility where students and faculty can find sophisticated workstations to view
and use the collection for research and instruction. A new Media Department
and Digital Media Lab should be included in the building that will be constructed
to face the Student Learning Center. The President has stated that he supports
including this facility in this building.
Cost: The space required is about 20,000 square feet and would cost about $4M.
Fine Arts Library
Opportunity: When the School of Art occupies its new facility, most of the faculty and
students who use the art and music collections will be grouped together on the
east campus.
Need: A Fine Arts Library located on the east campus. The School of Art, the School of
Music, and the Libraries have proposed that the existing Music Library in the
Music Building be expanded to house such a library.
Cost: $7M to expand the Music Library.
Development: It is anticipated that $2M could be raised privately.
University of Georgia Libraries
Library Accounts
Operating Expenses
Personal Services
Operating Expenses
Personal Services
University of Georgia Libraries
Service Activities
Reference Questions Answered
Main Library/Government Documents
Science Library
Main Library
Science Library
Main Library
Science Library
Items Borrowed
Items Lent
Circulation – General Collections
Circulation – Reserve Collections
Interlibrary Loan
Exits from Buildings
Main Library
Science Library
Instructions in Library Use
University of Georgia Libraries
Collection Activity
Compact Discs
Video Recordings
Laser Discs
Magnetic Tapes
Compact Discs-ROM
Photographs, Pictures, Prints
Sound Recordings
** Includes Off Campus Branches Binding
Individual Accomplishments
Abolins, Ruta
Director of the Board, Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA).
Organizer, “AMIA Archival Screening Night”, Academy of Motion Picture Arts
& Sciences, Los Angeles, CA, November 17, 2000.
Member, Women’s History Month Committee, University of Georgia, March,
Panel participant, “Television History of the Actor’s Studio”, Actor’s Studio,
New York, New York, March 3, 2001.
Presentation, “Meet the Archivists,” Broadcast Educators Association annual
meeting, Las Vegas, NV, April 19-22, 2001.
Presentation, “Special Collections: Converting a Legacy Database” at GIL Users’
Group Meeting, Georgia Center for Continuing Education, June 4-5, 2001.
Aaron, Linda
Consulted with Rabun Gap Nagoochee School on setting up their archives.
Worked with State Representative Louise McBee on the Georgia County Records
Barber, Charles
Society of Georgia Archivists -- Member Scholarship Committee
Society of American Archivists -- Member Publicity Committee of Preservation
Book Review: Our Nations Archive, published in 1999 edition of Provenance.
Baxter, Brad
Technical Coordinator, GALILEO Statewide Project.
Member, GALILEO Technical Operations Sub-Committee.
Bishop, Carol
Awarded the GLA Paraprofessional of the Year, 2000.
Secretary, Paraprofessional Division, GLA.
Library representative, the University of Georgia Academic Affairs Unit of the
Staff Representative Group.
Accepted into the MLIS Program at Valdosta State University.
Bridges, Danny
Presentation, “Universal Catalog/Universal Borrowing: an overview” GIL User’s
Group Conference, June 5 – 6, 2001.
Member, University Librarian Review Committee.
Brooks, Mary Ellen
Panelist, Cortona International Symposium: A Print Odyssey 2001, Cortona,
Brown, Steven
Chair - Georgia Library Association’s Circulation & Access Services Interest
Organized and moderated the group’s panel presentation, “Circulation Across
Georgia: PINES & GIL” at the 2000 GLA/COMO Conference.
Completed the 2001 Georgia Archives Institute.
Brown, Jimmy
Member, Athens Chamber Singers
Brown, Nancy
Interim NACO Liaison to the Library of Congress
Buss, Carla
Chair, Education Committee, Instruction Section, ACRL/ALA 2000-2001.
Member, ACRL, Instruction Section, Preconference Planning Committee, 20002001.
Presentation, “GIL/GALILEO training”, Extension Agents’ Winter School, Rock
Eagle, January 19, 2001.
Presentation, “Freshmen College Summer”, Atlanta Area Bibliographic
Instruction Group Meeting, Kennesaw State University, May 11, 2001.
Book review, Chase’s 2001 Calendar of Events, Reference & User Services
Quarterly, 40 (3) Spring 2001: 296-297.
Book review, Encyclopedia of Millennialism and Millennial Movements,
Reference & User Services Quarterly, forthcoming.
Cammon, Laura
Attended Georgia Library Association COMO Conference, October, 2000
Cetwinski, Thomas
Chair, Academic Library Division of the Georgia Library Association/Georgia
Chapter of ACRL, Academic Paper Presentations. COMO/SELA Annual
Conference, Jekyll Island, October 11-13.
Chu, Jane
Completed 500 Level Certification for Voyager System Administration.
Clayton, Bill
Member, Endeavor/USG Universal Catalog Task Force.
Member, GALILEO Technical Operations Sub-Committee.
Member, GIL Cataloging Committee, Liaison from GIL Steering Committee.
Member, GIL Steering Committee.
Cohen, Nadine
Chair, GLA Reference Services Interest Group.
Presentation Coordinator, “Testing the Design of a Library Information
Gateway.” COMO/SELA Conference, Jekyll Island GA, October 11-13, 2000.
Colombo, Claire
Member, LAMA Program Committee, ALA.
Member, BES Executive Committee, LAMA/ALA.
Chair, Universal Borrowing Policy Task Force, University System of Georgia
Chair, GIL Circulation Functional User Group, University System of Georgia
Planned agenda and chaired Circulation Committee meetings at GIL User Group
meeting .
Member, Universal Borrowing Development Task Force with Endeavor
Information Systems, Inc., University System of Georgia.
Member, Interlibrary Use Committee, ARCHE.
Conger, Joan
“Wake up that back row: Cooperative learning in bibliographic instruction.”
Reference Librarian No. 73 (2001): 309-322.
Formed the Electronic Resources Librarians’ Special Interest Group at the North
American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), to meet at various associations’
conferences throughout the year. May 25, 2001.
Cooksey, Elizabeth
American Library Association
Attended Mid-Winter conference, Washington, January 2001
Attended annual conference, San Francisco, June 2001
Science & Technology Section
Publications Committee
Co-editor The Signal (Section newsletter)
International Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers,
Southeastern Association of IAMSLIC Librarians
Attended annual conference, Sarasota, May 2001
Chair, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Library Committee
Coscarelli,William F.
Coordinator of the Organ Music Round Table of the Music Library Association,
Vice President, Athena Grand Opera Company Guild, 2000[Support organization for the joint venture between the UGA School of Music
and the Classic Center]
Curtis, Susan
Chair, Cooperative Reference Committee, RUSA, ALA.
President, GOLD, 2000/2001.
Presentation. “Bibliographic Access to Digital Objects.” GIL User’s Conference,
Athens, GA, June 5, 2001.
Presentation, “Undergraduate Focus Group Results.” COMO/SELA
Conference, Jekyll Island GA, October 11-13, 2000.
“Listening to Generation X.” Journal of Educational Media & Library Science
38:2 (December 2000): 122-132.
Cwiok, Jennifer
Member, AASRG
Davidson, Jo
Member, American Library Association, Map and Geography Round Table,
Cataloging and Classification Committee
Dawsey, Joe
Member, Choir of St. Stephen’s Anglican Catholic Church
Devaney, Sheila
Book review, Shaping Traditions: Folk Arts in a Changing South, Georgia
Library Quarterly, forthcoming.
Member, Membership Committee, ACRL Literatures in English Section, 20012003.
Member, Web Handbook Committee, NMRT, ALA, 2000-2001..
Liaison to Beta Phi Mu, NMRT, ALA, 2000-2001.
Peabody Awards Faculty Judge.
Davis, Drek
Organized several art exhibits with US, a socio-political art group
Ellis, Christopher.
Completed Dreamweaver (web page creation software) beginner and intermediate
workshops, February-March 2001.
Elkins, Linda Y.
Member, Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA). Attended annual
conference in Los Angeles, CA, November 6-13, 2000.
Chair, Election Subcommittee of AMIA Cataloging and Documentation (C&D)
Committee. Presented the Election Subcommittee report at the first session of the
C&D Committee at the AMIA annual conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Compiler (with Jane D. Johnson, Linda Tadic, Christine Lee, and Amy Wood;
Abigail Leab Martin, Editor) AMIA Compendium of Moving Image Cataloging
Practice, a joint publication of the Association of Moving Image Archivists and
the Society of American Archivists, 2001.
Field, Susan C.
Participated in the Regional Depository Librarians meeting held in October in
Washington, DC.
Attended the Federal Depository Library Conference meeting held in October in
Washington, DC.
Participated as member of panel in presentation to the Georgia Chapter of the
Special Libraries Association meeting in Atlanta on February 15 on topic of
“Future of Government Documents/Depositories”.
Attended meeting of the State Data Center held in Atlanta on March 7 concerning
the 2000 Census.
Planned, implemented, and conducted workshop for the Clarke-Oconee
Genealogical Society on March 17 on the topic of “Genealogy and US
Government Documents”.
Conducted a Census workshop with John Prechtel for the Information Services
staff of the Athens Regional Public Library on April 11.
Attended the Federal Depository Library Conference meeting held in San Antonio
in April.
Chaired the committee to revise the Georgia State Plan for Federal Documents.
Wrote the draft of the revised Georgia State Plan for Federal Documents
distributed to all depositories and discussed at May 10 meeting.
Conducted meeting at the request of the library director at Georgia College and
State University for the entire library staff on the Federal Depository Library
Program and made recommendations concerning Georgia College’s inspection
Checked list of older agriculture documents for special project for publisher
(Congressional Information Service) against UGA’s holdings.
Gants, Susan
Member, GALILEO Technical Operations Sub-Committee.
Presentation, “Innovations in Digitization: The Digital Library of Georgia and
Georgia HomePLACE,” 2000 GOLD/GALILEO 12th Annual Users Group
Conference, The Retreat at Lake Blackshear, August 11, 2000.
Presentation, “Special Collections: Converting a Legacy Database” at the GIL
Users’ Group Meeting, Georgia Continuing Education Center, June 4-5, 2001.
Garner, Jim
Completed 500 Level Certification for Voyager System Administration.
Griffith, Eric
"Navigating the Web" and co-presented "Access to Electronic Journals."
COMO/SELA Conference, Jekyll Island GA, October 11-13, 2000. Copresentation, "Innovations in Providing Access to Electronic Resources:
The Electronic Journal Locator and Online Subject Guide" at UGA TechExpo,
April 4, 2001.
Member, GALILEO Electronic Resources Access Study Group.
Hartle, Diana
Newsletter editor. Upper Oconee Watershed Network News.
Hawks-Bradley, Bucilla
Status on Women in Librarianship Committee, American Library Association,
Intern, Membership Committee, American Library Association, 2000-2002.
Healey, Marilyn “Carolingian Renaissance” November 2000 , Art Past Art
Present : Companion Website
“ A Paradigm Fulfilled in Landscape Painting : Li Cheng's Painting Style and
Technique, Buddhist Temple in the Hills after Rain” September 2000, Art Past
Art Present : Companion Website.
Head, Gilbert.
Member, Scholarship Committee of the Society of Georgia Archivists.
Member, Local Arrangements Committee for the 2000 Annual Conference of the
Society of Georgia Archivists.
Hope, Ann
Member, ALCTS Leadership Development Committee, American Library
Member, CMDS Education Committee, American Library Association
Member, USG GIL Cataloging Committee
Member, USG UC/UB Committee
Houston, Jacquie
Chair, GLA Paraprofessional Division.
Presentation, “Reaching the Student Assistants’ Potential : What works for you.”
COMO/SELA Conference, Jekyll Island GA, October 11-13, 2000.
Hughes, Martha Tanner
Member, GIL Reports Task Force, November 2000 – January 2001.
Recognized for 1,000 volunteer hours, Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic,
Georgia Unit.
Hughes, Neil
Member-at-Large, Executive Board, Music Library Association
Chair, Southeast Chapter, Music Library Association
Member, Music Library Association Education Committee (Pre-Conference
Continuing Education Workshop Coordinator
Co-Coordinator, Music Library Association “Best of Chapters” competition and
program, New York City
Chair, Music Library Association Search Committee for Editor, Music Cataloging
Wrote successful grant application for a $500 chapter grant, awarded to SEMLA
by the Music Library Association, for support of travel by student members, new
professional members, or paraprofessional members of the chapter
Volunteer recording monitor, Georgia, Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic;
awarded certificate in April for passing 500th volunteer hour during the fiscal year
Hulett, Keith Skip
Completed MS Access workshop, February 2001
Hurst,Anne S.
Special Libraries Association
Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Division
Chair, Membership Committee
Contributor to Food for thought (newsletter)
Georgia Chapter, Member
Attended annual conference, San Antonio, June 2001
NEH/USAIN National Preservation Plan for Agricultural Literature. Wrote and
submitted grant application, spring, 2001
Jedlicka, Beth
Member, CONSER Operations Committee
Chair, ALCTS CCS Policy and Research Committee, American Library
Chair, ALCTS SS Bowker/Ulrich Serials Librarianship Award Committee,
American Library Association
Member, Awards and Recognition Committee, North American Serials Interest
Co-presented at GLA a workshop: “Do you speak MARC” with Gabrielle Karras.
Taught two SCCTP Basic Serials Cataloging workshops (Mobile, Ala. and Baton
Rouge, La.)
Karras, Gabrielle
Co-presented at GLA a workshop: “Do you speak MARC” with Beth Jedlicka
Chair, Professional and Continuing Education Interest Group, Georgia Library
Faculty judge for the Peabody Awards
Killens, Caroline
Co-chair, Acquisitions/Serials Committee, GIL: GALILEO Interconnected
Libraries Committees.
 Program planner/facilitator, “Now that You’re Up, What’s Next”, GIL User’s
Group Conference, Athens, GA, June 4, 2001.
King, Jermaine
Elected “Fan of the Year” for 2001 UGA Lady Gymnastics Team.
Langford, Will
Volunteer. Habitat for Humanity, Madison County.
Loughner, William
 Retired January 31, 2001 with 31 years service.
 Returned as half-time librarian/physical sciences bibliographer in March, 2001.
 NASIG, Attended annual conference, San Antonio, June 2001
Lopez, Christian
Presentation, “Reaching the Student Assistants’ Potential: What works for you.”
COMO/SELA Conference, Jekyll Island, GA, October 11 – 13, 2000.
Lunsford, Rachel
Accepted into the MLIS Program at Valdosta State University.
Marquardt, Jenifer
Moderated the April Voyager Users Group Meeting presentation “Authority
Control in a Consortial Environment” in Chicago, Ill., in April
Presented the program “Evaluating global Change Queue Proposals” at the GIL
Users Group Meeting in Athens, Ga.
McAlister, Sheila
Book review of EAD Application Guidelines, Provenance 1999.
Passed Academy of Certified Archivists certification exam, August 2000.
Consultant, January 2001-February 2001, Southern Labor Archives, Georgia State
University, Encoded William J. Usery finding aid in EAD using the standards
recommended by the EAD Cookbook and the NC-EAD Project.
Presentation: Special Collections: Converting a Legacy Database, GIL User’s
Group, Athens, GA, June 2001
McKay, Mary.
Member, Archives Week 2001 Planning Committee, Society of Georgia
McClusky, Duncan
Special Libraries Association
Environment and Resource Management Division
Listserv owner
Chair, Public Relations Committee
Special Recognition Award
Attended annual conference, San Antonio, June 2001
Attended Winter Conference, Savannah, January 2001
Society of Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society of North America
Certificate of Recognition
Dixie Wheelchair Athletic Association
Special Recognition Award
Georgia District of Kiwanis
Distinguished Secretary
Kiwanis Club of Tifton
Newsletter Editor
Historian & Photographer
McMurry, Nan
“Future Directions for Digital Libraries,” presentation, Georgia Library Association
Annual Meeting, Jeckyll Island, Georgia, October 2000.
“Digital Projects,” presentation, Society of Georgia Archivists Annual Meeting,
Athens, Georgia, November 2000.
Miley, John.
Member, Athens Human Rights Festival committee.
Miller, Mary
Participated in the “Mining Archival Resources on the Web” program at Georgia
State University, October 11, 2000, for National Archives Week.
Served on UGA 2001 King Week Committee, January 2001.
Served on UGA Black History Month Committee, February 2001.
Miller, Stephen
Book review of Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for
Preservation and Access, Provenance Forthcoming.
Presentations for Library and GALILEO staff on the Digital Library of Georgia
and creation of exhibit along with DLG staff.
Presented on Southeastern Native American Documents Project, EDUCAUSE,
Oct. 12, 2000, Digital Library Federation Forum, Nov. 17-20, 2000, and UGA
Tech Expo, April 2001.
Society of American Archivists EAD Roundtable Vice Chair.
Participated in UGA New Faculty Tour of Georgia, August, 2000.
Selected to participate in the Frye Leadership Institute, June, 2001.
Mittelman, Willard
Instructor. UGA. Independent Study. PHIL 1000 (Introduction to Philosophy)
and PHIL 1500 (Critical Thinking).
Morris, Susan
Committee Memberships
 GOLD Advisory Committee, representative of large academic library,
Term ended August 2000
 GIL ILL Committee Co-chair , ongoing.
 GIL UCUB Committee, ongoing
Endeavor Universal Borrowing Task Force
Universal Borrowing Policy Task Force
 GLA Academic Library Division
Vice-chair, chair –elect, October 1999-October 2000
Chair, 2000-2001
 GLA Executive Board Member 2000-2001
 ARCHE ILL Committee representative, ongoing
 ASERL ILL Reciprocal Agreement Oversight Committee chair, ongoing
 ALA RUSA MOUSS ILL Subcommittee on Continuing Education, ongoing
Presentations and Participation
 GIL ILL Committee: Authored and oversaw implementation of “GIL Interlibrary
Loan Policies and Procedures, “ approved by RACL October 2000.
GIL Annual Users Meeting June 4-5, 2001. Planned agenda and cochaired ILL Committee meetings.
 GLA Annual Meeting, October 2000. Planned and coordinated six programs for
the Academic Library Division’s contribution to the joint COMO/SELA
GLA Leadership Conference Dec 1. Presided over the Academic Library
Division meeting and participated in overall planning for COMO 2001
 Updated ASERL ILL web information in cooperation with SOLINET webmaster
 Presented program at OCLC/SOLINET Users’ Meeting, Nov. 3, Georgia
Perimeter College, “Saying ‘Yes’ to ‘Reasons for No’ and other ILL
Morton, Gail
Accepted into and began the MLS program at the University of South Carolina
Summer 2001
Mowery, M. Kay
Retired on May 1, 2001
Nielsen, Kristin
President, BIG (Bibliographic Instruction Group), Georgia.
Organized and facilitated spring meeting at Kennesaw State University, "First
Impressions: Getting Your Freshmen Into the Library" May 11, 2001.
Member, Board of Regents eCore Library Skills Tutorial development team.
Intern, Membership Committee, Instruction Section, ACRL/ALA, 2000-2001.
Member, Communications Committee, Women's Studies Section, ACRL/ALA,
Pereira, Monica
Chair, Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) Interest Group, Georgia
Library Association.
Organizer, “Do you speak MARC?”
Organizer, “Dynamics of Georgia’s Barrier Islands.”
Organizer, “Getting what you want for your library: advocacy training for public
library friends, trustees, and staff.”
Organizer, “Nature walk in St. Andrew’s Park”; “Sixty websites in an hour”.
Organizer, COMO/SELA Conference, Jekyll Island, GA, October 11-13, 2000.
Presenter, “GIL/GALILEO Training,” Extension Agents’ Winter School, Rock
Eagle, January 19, 2001.
.Presenter, “GIL/GALILEO Training,” Personnel of Savannah River Ecology
Laboratory, May 16, 2001.
Member, ACRL, Science & Technology Section, 2002 Program Planning
Committee, 2000-2001.
Pollock, Rod
Faculty Judge, 2000 Peabody Awards Screening Committee
Member, OCLC Web Review Panel
Participant, Library of Congress Geography and Map Division's 50th
anniversary Special Project
Member, OCLC/CORC Special Interest Group
Participant, Library of Congress Classification Web, Pilot Test
Potter, William Gray
Named editor of College and Research Libraries
Distinguished alumnus of the year and honorary doctorate from Southern Illinois
University at Edwardsville
Served on search committees for State Librarian, Director of UGA Press, Director of
the Peabody Awards, and Dean of the College of Journalism
Elected to the Board of Directors of the Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET)
Prechtel, John
“Accessing numeric data in the social sciences at the University of Georgia
Libraries” University Computing and Networking Services Computer Review, Fall
Participated in the Georgia Depository Library meeting discussions, Macon, GA,
December 13, 2000.
Participated in the State Data and Research Center Annual Conference
discussions, Atlanta, GA, March 7, 2001.
Presentation and discussion of Census 2000 data products, Athens Regional
Library, Athens, GA, April 11, 2001.
Pulley, Angela
Presented on Southeastern Native American Documents Project at SASA
(Southern American Studies Association), February 2001, MELUS (MultiEthnic
Literatures of the U.S.), March 2001, GAMS-UGA (Graduate Association for
Multicultural Studies), March 2001, UGA Tech Expo, April 2001.
"A Reading of Rhetoric: Elias Boudinot and Cherokee Removal" accepted for
inclusion in: Native American Rhetorical Strategies Ed. Ernest Stromberg,
"The Cherokee Phoenix" New Georgia Encyclopedia (Online), forthcoming
"Elias Boudinot, 1800-1839" New Georgia Encyclopedia (Online), forthcoming
"Immigrants and the Civil War" Encyclopedia of American Immigration Ed.
James Ciment, Publisher: M.E. Sharpe, June 2001
Accepted as Ph.D. candidate in American Studies at Yale Univ.
Reidenbaugh, Patrick
"Recent Studies in French Linguistics", Comparative Romance Linguistics
Newsletter, Spring 2001.
Rowland, Lucy M.
University of Georgia SACS Self-Study. Vice-Chair and Recorder, Committee on
Research and the Undergraduate Experience. Self-study was completed in spring,
2001. Co-authored final Report for the Steering Committee.
Center for Research Libraries, Science Research Materials Project. Project ended
in December, 2000
National Patient Safety Foundation, American Medical Association,
Communications Program
Special Libraries Association
National Program Planning Committee, 1998-2000, to plan 2000 Philadelphia
Attended annual conference, San Antonio, June 2001
Biomedical and Life Sciences Division
Chair, Awards Committee
Member, Social Sciences Division
Member, North Carolina and Georgia Chapter
American Association of Law Librarians, “Medical research in the legal world,”
Program J-7. Panel Member and invited speaker, Philadelphia, July 2000
United States Agricultural Information Network, Institutional Member
American Society for Microbiology, Member
New York Academy of Sciences, Member
Society of Sigma Xi, Scientific Society of North America, Member
Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 26th edition, 1999-2000 (Marquis
Who’s Who).
Leadership Athens, active alumna, class of 1988-89
Athens-Clarke Co. Planning Commission, appointed to five-year term effective
July 1, 2000.
Transition Advisory Committee on Zoning Ordinance, appointed by Mayor,
2001Democratic Party of Georgia State Committee
Clarke Co. Democratic Committee, Executive Board
President, Board of Directors, Jeannette Rankin Foundation
Congress for the New Urbanism
Educators Task Force
Made two presentations at Congress for the New Urbanism CNU IX, New
York, June, 2001
CNU Charter Council, Charleston SC, March, 2001 (by invitation)
Editor, New Urban Papers
Associate Advisor, Students for the New Urbanism, UGA. First student chapter of
Congress for the New Urbanism, established January 29, 2001
External reviewer, faculty promotion and tenure, for library faculty at Auburn
University and University of South Carolina
Guest lecturer, Third Year Design Studio, School of Environmental Design,
Spring, 2001
Reading Committee and Visiting Examiner, UGA School of Environmental
Design, Masters in Landscape Architecture candidate Matt Wilder, April 27, 2001
Severn, Jill.
“Adventures in the Third Dimension: Re-envisioning the Place of Artifacts in the
Archival Collection.” Paper. Annual Meeting, Society of Georgia Archivists, 10
November 2000, Athens, GA.
Member, Steering Committee (2000-2002), Congressional Papers Roundtable,
Society of American Archivists.
Secretary, Society of Georgia Archivists.
Chair, Taskforce on Publication Standards, Society of Georgia Archivists.
Archives Week 2001 Planning Committee, Society of Georgia Archivists.
Representative Archives Week 2001, University of Georgia, Society of Georgia
Shedenhelm, Laura, D.
Participated in the “Mining Archival Resources on the Web” program at Georgia
State University, October 11, 2000, for National Archives Week.
Coordinated and participated in “African-American Research Resources in
Athens” program at the Athens Regional Library, January 9, 2001.
Coordinated African American film series at the Athens Regional Library,
February 2001.
Editor of the Latin American Information Series, an online publication sponsored
by the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials and
hosted by the UGA Libraries.
and Bartley A. Burk. “Book Vendor Records in the OCLC Database: Boon or
Bane?” Library Resources & Technical Services 45:1 (January 2001), 10-20.
Presented paper “OCLC, Vendor Records, and Cataloging Triage” at SALALM
XLVI, Tempe, AZ, May 29, 2001.
Shedenhelm, Richard.
Editor, Summa Philosophiae.Cumulative index and some contents now available
“Where Were the Counting Crows?” The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, 2(1):18995. Fall 2000.
Secretary of the Phi Sigma Tau (philosophy honor society), Alpha Chapter, and
elected President for 2001-2002.
Invited to participate in the 2001 Summer Advanced Seminar for the Objectivist
Center, held in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
Stanley, Deborah
Member, 2000 Conference Program Planning Committee, New Members Round
Table, American Library Association.
Co-presented "Access to Electronic Journals." COMO/SELA Conference, Jekyll
Island GA, October 11-13, 2000.
Co-presented, "Innovations in Providing Access to Electronic Resources:
The Electronic Journal Locator and Online Subject Guide" at UGA TechExpo,
April 4, 2001.
Member,GALILEO Electronic Resources Access Study Group.
“Reference assistance to Remote Users.” The Reference Librarian No. 73 (2001):
Sullivan, Lysa
Actor, Pulling Threads
Sutherland, Johnnie D.
Member, North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS).
Member, Board of Directors, Committee On Southern Map Libraries (COSML)
Moderated MAPS-L, an Internet Listserv discussion list for map librarians and
others interested in cartographic information.
Taylor, Lisa
Presented "A Post-Soviet Positive Hero? Sasha Pankratov in Anatolii Rybakov's
'Deti Arbata' Novels" at American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East
European Languages Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., December 2000
Article, "How to Find that First Job: Tips and Techniques for LIS Students
(InfoCareer Trends, January 2001)
Nominated to Beta Phi Mu
Trotter, Bob
Coordinator, University of Georgia GIL (GALILEO Interconnected Libraries)
Service Support site.
Member, Endeavor/USG/Keystone Universal Borrowing Task Force.
Member, Endeavor/USG Universal Catalog Task Force.
Member, GIL Reports Task Force, November 2000 – January 2001.
Member, GIL Technical Committee.
Member, GIL Universal Borrowing Policy Committee.
Tuggle, Susan
Secretary, Government Documents Interest Group, GLA.
Presentation, “Overview of the Georgia Government Documents Depository at
UGA Libraries.” Meeting of the U.S. Depository Library Directors and
Documents Coordinators in the State of Georgia, Athens, GA, May 10, 2001.
Contributor, “The Virtual Southeast.” Southeastern Librarian 48:2(2000): 15-16.
Vogt, Sheryl B.
Member, 2001 Program Planning Committee, Society of American Archivists.
Editor of Provenance, the journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists.
Member (ex officio), Executive Board of the Society of Georgia Archivists.
Library representative, Joint Study Committee on Historic Local Government
Records, H.R. 1011
Ware, Rodney
Founded the Reading Aloud Program (RAP) to introduce low-income children to
reading and books.
Nominated for an Asset Award for Community Service Recognition and
Outstanding Employee of the Year.
Wheeler, Carol
Discussion facilitator, “Discussion of MARCIVE, GPO Tapes, Voyager, etc.,”
Georgia Depository Librarians Meeting, Macon, GA, December 13, 2000.
Program planner/coordinator, “Government Documents Processing Using
Marcive and Voyager,” GIL User’s Group Conference, Athens, GA, June 4, 2001.
Williams, Gayle
ARL Coordinator of Latin American Partnerships, Title VI grant appointment,
October 2000-September 2001.
Book Exhibits Chair, Organizing Committee for the Brazilian Studies Association
International Congress VI, Atlanta, Georgia, April 4-6, 2002.
Book Exhibits Chair, Organizing Committee for the International Congress of
Ethnobiology 2000, October 2000.
Zeeuw, Elizabeth
Internship, Team Clermont
Volunteer, Athens Music History Museum