2-1-06 PROPOSAL FOR HARDWARE NEEDED TO ACCOMMODATE ONE-INCH SUBSTRATES IN DRYTEK4 ETCH SYSTEM FOR CDMS PROGRAM (PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR – BLAS CABRERA) SCOPE: To provide a means to etch one-inch thick substrates in the Drytek4 plasma etch system. IMPACT: The proposed hardware shall be designed in a way that will not make any permanent changes to the existing equipment. The new hardware will be put in place on the Drytek4 to allow etching of our substrates and will be removed upon completion of that process, reverting the machine to it’s normal configuration and operational status. We will limit the initial process to use of existing gases currently used with the Drytek4 with the possibility of using an additional gas (CF4) at a future date. DETAILS: The new hardware will consist of a chamber extension collar, some guide pins, an aluminum etching platform, a non conductive spacer ring for the perimeter of the etching platform and a rod for proper integration of the machine’s safety interlock. Drawings shall be provided for review by the SpecMat Committee prior to fabrication of the proposed hardware. DESIGN ENGINEER: Dale Gill (725-2216) USERS: Cabrera Group (currently Paul Brink, Astrid Tomada, Larry Novak, Matt Pyle)