Topic: The Early Years of World War II (1939-1944) Essential Question: How did the Allies turn the war around? The war begins Non-aggression Pact of 1939 Agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union Non-aggression Pact of 1939 Agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union Agreed to: Not go to war with each other Divide up Eastern Europe Not go to war with each other Divide up Eastern Europe Germany invaded Poland in 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later World War II officially began Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later World War II officially began Hitler unleashes the blitzkrieg (“lightning war”) World War II officially began Hitler unleashes the blitzkrieg (“lightning war”) Battle of France (1940) Battle of France (1940) Battle of France (1940) Germany defeated France in 6 weeks Battle of France (1940) Germany defeated France in 6 weeks Battle of Britain (1940) Germany defeated France in 6 weeks Battle of Britain (1940) The British Royal Air Force (RAF) defeated the German air force (Luftwaffe) Battle of Britain (1940) The British Royal Air Force (RAF) defeated the German air force (Luftwaffe) Lend-Lease U.S. program to give money and supplies to Britain and the other Allies Lend-Lease U.S. program to give money and supplies to Britain and the other Allies Hitler breaks the Non-aggression Pact and invades the Soviet Union (1941) Hitler breaks the Non-aggression Pact and invades the Soviet Union (1941) The Soviet Union joins the Allies Hitler breaks the Non-aggression Pact and invades the Soviet Union (1941) The Soviet Union joins the Allies Discuss Non-aggression Pact Invasion of Poland Blitzkrieg Battle of France Battle of Britain Lend-Lease Breaking of the Non-aggression Pact Write a sentence describing the importance of one of the following: Non-aggression Pact Battle of Britain