Eighth Grade English Brenda Dubovick EN08 bkdubovick@mpsaz.org 472-8343 Kelley Brown EN08/EN16 kmholmes@mpsaz.org 472-8340 Christine Miller EN07/ EN08 cmmiller@mpsaz.org 472-8345 Alissa Hall EN08 aehall@mpsaz.org 472-8374 Christina Cronin EN08 cmcronin@mpsaz.org 472-8350 Marissa Frazey EN08/EN16 mafrazey@mpsaz.org 472-8342 ELA Standards Arizona's Common Core ELA Standards. ► http://www.azed.gov/k12-literacy/elastandards/ The focus of this course will be to have students master the objectives set forth by the Core Curriculum Standards for both Reading and Writing. Why Common Core State Standards? ► ► ► ► ► Preparation: The standards are college- and career-ready. They will help prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in education and training after high school. Competition: The standards are internationally benchmarked. Common standards will help ensure our students are globally competitive. Equity: Expectations are consistent for all – and not dependent on a student’s zip code. Clarity: The standards are focused, coherent, and clear. Clearer standards help students (and parents and teachers) understand what is expected of them. Collaboration: The standards create a foundation to work collaboratively across states and districts, pooling resources and expertise, to create curricular tools, professional development, common assessments and other materials. PARCC Timeline ► This is the second full year we are implementing the ELA Core Standards. ► 2014-15 will be the first PARCC Assessment. ► PARCC will replace AIMS. Common Core Focus ► Reading Balance of literature and informational texts Text complexity ► Writing Emphasis on argument and informative/explanatory writing Writing about sources ► Speaking and Listening Inclusion of formal and informal talk ► Language Includes vocabulary and conventions Stress on general academic and domain-specific vocabulary ► Reading and Writing in History, Science, & Technical Subjects Complement rather than replace the content standards Example: http://www.azed.gov/standards-developmentassessment/files/2012/07/grade-8-summary-of-changes-documentassessment-6-22-124.pdf Eighth Grade English PLC Expectations ► Students will come to class prepared and ready to actively engage in their own learning. ► Warm-ups will start every class period and are expected to be finished within the first 5 minutes of the period. ► Students need to respect themselves and group members during instruction and discussion. Eighth Grade English PLC Expectations – Continued ► Students are expected to request make-up work before or after the class period. As per district policy, students are given two days for each excused absence (suspensions are not included). ► The teacher dismisses class, not the bell. Do not pack up early. ► Students must respect themselves, others, and classroom property. th 8 Grade Calendar Parents and students should visit their teachers’ calendars to find out important information like what topics/concepts are being taught and important due dates. Teacher calendars can be found by going to the Fremont website, clicking on the STAFF tab at the top, and then locating the teacher’s name. Each teacher updates her own calendar. Staying Informed ► Students will be required to utilize their planners this school year. Here are the 4 ways they will be expected to use it: Record homework everyday, which will be posted in every classroom. Record major due dates in planner for upcoming tests or projects. Students should check teacher calendars for dates. Students must present their planner as their pass to go places on campus. Use their planner as a reference for important information. Grades will not be written in the planner. Students and parents should continue to use MyMps to monitor grades. School-Wide Non-Negotiables ► Students will follow the rules outlined in the Fremont Student Handbook including dress code. ► Students will arrive to class on time and ready to work. Tardies will be documented. ► All electronic devices (ipods, cell phones, etc.) MUST be turned off. Failure to do so will result in the item being confiscated and turned into the office for parent pickup. School-Wide Grading Policy Assessments: 80% Assessments may be separated into categories: Example: Major Assessments Unit (chapter) assessments Essays, research papers, presentations, etc. District (Course/Grade Level) Assessments such as Acuity, DRP, CRT, etc. Minor Assessments Quizzes, ticket out the door, discussion questions, etc. School-Wide Grading Policy Assignments: 20% • Independent practice on daily work (daily assignments and homework) • Warm ups • Participation • Notes Students have until the end of the quarter to turn in missing work for partial credit. Suggested Materials The following materials will help students perform better academically during this 8th grade experience. • • • • Pencils (mechanical pencils/lead) Pens (blue/black) Loose-leaf notebook paper 2 – pocket folder with 3-prongs (for the literacy handbook) • We recommend plastic folders as they last longer.