Paper due on June 6th, 2007 4 pages, Double spaced Times New Roman Size 12 1 inch margins Proper Heading (as explained in class) Be sure to PROOFREAD. Points taken off for grammar and spelling Topic: Address how, during your service experience, you have respected the human dignity of others, contributed to the common good, and acted in solidarity with others. Be sure your paper reflects an understanding of the Principle of the Life and Dignity of the Human Person, Common Good and Solidarity. I don’t need definitions of what they are, I need to know that you know what they mean. Address how a just society can be achieved in today’s world and how your service has contributed to making our society more just. Make sure to include at some point, where you work, who you work with, etc., might be good in the intro. Your paper should be coherent and in proper format with an introduction and a closing paragraph.