Name 11/9/09 Q2 Test 1 Review

Q2 Test 1 Review
Part I:
1) 4|6x – 12| - 17 = 223
Mr. McCormack
2) ½ |10x + 30| + 18 = 73
3) ¾|8x - 24| + 72 = 12
4) 3|4x + 20| _ - 7 = -1
5) 4|3x + 27| + 2 = 25
6) 7|5x - 10| - 8 = 72
7) 6|3x - 18|_ - 16 = 2
Answer Key for Part I:
1) x = {-8,12}
2) x = {-14, 8}
5) x = {--17,-1}
6) No Solution
8) 6|8x – 2| - 3 - 24 = 7
3) No Solution
7) x ={-1,13}
4) x = { -9,-1}
8) x = {-9.5, 10}
Part II:
A 54-minute phone call cost $7.08. Introductory minutes cost $.18/min and additional minutes are $.12/min.
How many minutes were billed at each rate?
10 IM, 44 AM
At a movie theater adult tickets cost $9.25 and child tickets cost $5.75. 130 people attended the last showing of
Superbad and $1024.00 was collected at the ticket booth. How many of each ticket was sold?
79A, 51C
A jar of change has $141.15 in it. There are 2 nickels less than 3 times the amount of dimes and 5 quarters more
than 6 times the amount of dimes. How many nickels, dimes, and quarters are in the jar? (There are no pennies.) 238n,
80d, 485q
The store sells crewneck sweatshirts for $31. Hooded sweatshirts cost $37. The store sold 7 less hooded
sweatshirts than triple the crewneck and sales were $12,663. How many of each were sold?
266 hooded, 91 crewneck
A phone call cost $4.07. Introductory minutes cost $.23/min and additional minutes are $.10/min. If there were 7 less
additional minutes than triple the introductory minutes, how many minutes were billed at each rate?
20 AM, 9 IM
6) A jar of change has $57.10 in it. There are 7 less dimes than triple the quarters. There are 4 more nickels than 5 times
the amount of quarters. How many nickels, dimes, and quarters are in the jar? (There are no pennies.) 364N, 209D, 72Q
7) A phone call cost $2.70. Introductory minutes cost $.18/min and additional minutes are $.09/min. If there were 5 less
additional minutes than triple the introductory minutes, how many minutes were billed at each rate? 7 IM, 16AM
8) A store sells hats for $17 and ties for $24. Last weekend the store sold 6 more hats than 4 times the amount of ties and
the sales were $4,610. How many of each were sold? 49 ties, 202 hats
9) There are 140 coins in a jar. Some of them are quarters and some of them are dimes. If there is $26.15 in the jar, how
many of each coin are there? 59D, 81Q
10) A 32-minute phone call cost $3.12. Introductory minutes cost $.15/min and additional minutes are $.08/min. How
many minutes were billed at each rate? 8 IM, 24 AM