Name 1/8/07 Alg1 Q2 Test 3 Review

Alg1 Q2 Test 3 Review
Test: 1/11/07
A 54-minute phone call cost $7.08. Introductory minutes cost $.18/min and
additional minutes are $.12/min. How many minutes were billed at each rate?
10 IM, 44 AM
At a movie theater adult tickets cost $9.25 and child tickets cost $5.75. 130
people attended the last showing of Superbad and $1024.00 was collected at the ticket
booth. How many of each ticket was sold?
79A, 51C
A jar of change has $141.15 in it. There are 2 nickels less than 3 times the
amount of dimes and 5 quarters more than 6 times the amount of dimes. How many
nickels, dimes, and quarters are in the jar? (There are no pennies.) 238n, 80d, 485q
The store sells crewneck sweatshirts for $31. Hooded sweatshirts cost $37. The
store sold 7 less hooded sweatshirts than triple the crewneck and sales were $12,663.
How many of each were sold?
266 hooded, 91 crewneck
A phone call cost $4.07. Introductory minutes cost $.23/min and additional
minutes are $.10/min. If there were 7 less additional minutes than triple the introductory
minutes, how many minutes were billed at each rate?
20 AM, 9 IM
Find 5 consecutive integers with a sum of – 235.
-49, -48,-47,-46,-45
Find 5 consecutive odd integers such that the sum of the 2nd and 4th is 226.
Find 3 consecutive even numbers such that the triple the 3rd number is 72 more
than the sum of the 1st and 2nd numbers.
A jar of change has $43.40 in it. There are 6 more nickels than triple the quarters.
There is 1 less dime than double the amount of quarters. How many nickels, dimes, and
quarters are in the jar?
222n, 143d, 72q
Find 5 consecutive integers such that the sum of the 2nd and 4th is -900. Find the
sum of the 3rd and the 5th integers.
-452,-451,-450,-449,-448 sum= -898
Find 6 consecutive even integers such that the sum of the 3rd and 4th is 198 more
than 4 times the 2nd.
The difference of 2 numbers is 15. The smaller number is 3 more than half the
larger. Find both numbers.
sm# = 21 and lg# = 36
The difference of two numbers is 39. The smaller number is 6 less than half the
larger. Find both numbers.
sm# = 27 and lg# = 66
4 numbers have the sum of 448. The 1st number is 9 less than double the 4th. The
2nd number is 4 more than quadruple the 4th. The 3rd number is 13 more than the 4th. Find
all four numbers.
1st# = 101 2nd# = 224 3rd # = 68 4th# = 55