Name Due: 2/9/07 Alg1 Q3 Test 1 Review

Alg1 Q3 Test 1 Review
Due: 2/9/07
Test Monday: 2/12/07
Part I:
1) A snack stand at Yankee Stadium sells sodas for $4.00 and hot dogs for $7.50.
During one game the stand sold 6 more hot dogs than triple the sodas. If the total sales
for sodas and hot dogs were $3,755; how many of each item were sold?
2) A store sold Yankee t-shirts for $26 and Met t-shirts for $19. The store sold 320 shirts
and made $8,299. How many of each T-shirt were sold?
3) A phone call cost $3.98. Introductory minutes cost $.22/min and additional minutes
are $.14/min. If there were 5 less additional minutes than quadruple the introductory
minutes, how many minutes were billed at each rate?
4) A jar of change has 500 coins in it. Some are dimes and the rest are quarters. If there
is total amount of money is $79.70, how many of each coin are there in the jar?
5) Sally’s cell phone company’s daytime rate is $.18/minute and nighttime rate (after
7:00 PM) is $.11/minute. When she got her bill she saw a 42-minute phone call that cost
$5.53. What time did the call begin? What time did it end? (Hint: you still need to find
how many minutes were billed at each rate).
6) A store sells workbooks for $7.50 and textbooks for $42.25. Last weekend the store
sold 10 less textbooks than 3 times the amount of workbooks and the sales were
$14,747.75. How many of each were sold?
Part II:
1) (9x3y10z-8)(-7xy7z5)
2) (8x5y2z4)3
3) (3x-3y5z2)4(2x6y -9z -12)2
4) 49x4y2z7 .
5) (6x4yz2)3
6) (2x5yz6)6
7) 9x(4x2 - 6x + 8) - 6x(6x2 +9x + 12)
Part III:
1) (x - 6)(x - 9)
4) (6x + 7)(2x – 3)
7) (4x – 5)(4x2 + 2x – 5)
8) 4x(7x2 + 6x - 4) - 9(10x2 -7x - 1)
2) (x + 12)(x + 7)
3) (2x – 11)(3x + 5)
5) (5x - 9)2
6) (4x + 7)3
8) (7x2 + 3x - 4)(8x2 -5x + 9)
Answer Key:
1) 140 Sodas and 426 Hot Dogs
2) 317 Yanks 3 Mets.... True Story
3) 6 Intro. Min and 19 Add. Min
4) 302 dimes 198 quarters
5) 6:47 pm – 7:29 pm (11 DT min and 29 NT min)
6) 113 wb 329 tb
(Rest of the answer Key will be given in class)