All work on LL!!! MUST BE STAPLED!! Due: 7:30 AM, 2/26/07 Part I:

All work on LL!!!
Due: 7:30 AM, 2/26/07
Part I:
1) A snack stand at Yankee Stadium sells sodas for $4.00 and hot dogs for $7.50.
During one game the stand sold 6 more hot dogs than triple the sodas. If the total sales
for sodas and hot dogs were $3,755; how many of each item were sold?
2) A store sold Yankee t-shirts for $26 and Met t-shirts for $19. The store sold 320 shirts
and made $8,299. How many of each T-shirt were sold?
3) A phone call cost $3.98. Introductory minutes cost $.22/min and additional minutes
are $.14/min. If there were 5 less additional minutes than quadruple the introductory
minutes, how many minutes were billed at each rate?
4) A jar of change has 500 coins in it. Some are dimes and the rest are quarters. If there
is total amount of money is $79.70, how many of each coin are there in the jar?
5) Sally’s cell phone company’s daytime rate is $.18/minute and nighttime rate (after
7:00 PM) is $.11/minute. When she got her bill she saw a 42-minute phone call that cost
$5.53. What time did the call begin? What time did it end? (Hint: you still need to find
how many minutes were billed at each rate).
6) A store sells workbooks for $7.50 and textbooks for $42.25. Last weekend the store
sold 10 less textbooks than 3 times the amount of workbooks and the sales were
$14,747.75. How many of each were sold?
Part II:
1) (9x3y10z-8)(-7xy7z5)
2) (8x5y2z4)3
3) (3x-3y5z2)4(2x6y -9z -12)2
4) 49x4y2z7 .
5) (6x4yz2)3
6) (2x5yz6)6
7) 9x(4x2 - 6x + 8) - 6x(6x2 +9x + 12)
8) 4x(7x2 + 6x - 4) - 9(10x2 -7x - 1)
Part III:
1) 3|9x – 6| + 5 = 23
2) ⅝ |4x + 8| - 9 = 26
3) 6|10x - 5| - 3 = 267
4) 2|7x + 14| + 2 _ = 8
5) 4|3x – 3|__ + 11 = -5
6) 3|6x – 24| + 6_
7) 7|8x + 4| + 6 = -142
8) 7|5x – 20|
Part IV:
1) 6x(2x2 – 4x + 8) – 4(6x2 + 10x - 12)
3) Substitute and Evaluate: b = 5 and c = -9
bc2 ÷ ( 47 – 4b) + 2c =
2) 21 – 4x > 33 U 4(2x – 1) > -12
4) 32 – (x/3) = -16
= 12
- 15 = -1
All work on LL!!!
Part V:
Solve each system algebraically and check:
1) 6x – 9y = 3
2) 5x – 8y = 86
11x - 9y = -17
4x - 7y = 67
Part VI:
Solve each system graphically and check:
36x – 12 y = 24
y - 4 = ⅓(x + 6)
y = -5
y + 7 = -2(x – 2)
Due: 7:30 AM, 2/26/07
3) 3x = 5y -11
4x -11y = -45
y – 8 = ½ (x – 2)
24x + 24y = 24
27x + 18y = 72
y + 5 = -3(x – 2)
Part VII:
1) Two trains leave the station at the same time. One is traveling north at a speed of 81
mph. The other is traveling north at 66 mph. How long until they are 69.75 miles apart?
2) Two planes leave the airport at the same time. One is traveling east at a speed of 418
mph. The other is traveling west at 399 mph. How long until they are 1,674.85 miles
3) A jar of change has $71.90 in it. There are 2 nickels less than 2 times the amount of
quarters and 5 more dimes than triple the amount of quarters. How many nickels, dimes,
and quarters are in the jar? (There are no pennies.)
4) Find 5 consecutive integers such that the sum of the 4th and the 5th is 74 less than
triple the first.
5) Find 5 consecutive integers with the sum of -365.
6) Find 5 consecutive even integers such that the sum of the 2nd and 3rd is 210.
Part VIII:
Complete the Matching Column (put the corresponding letter next to the number)
1) 2(14 – 3) = 2(14) – 2(3)
a) Reflexive
2) 22 + 0 = 0
b) Additive Identity
3) 15 ∙ 4 = 4 ∙ 15
c) Multiplicative identity
4) 18 ∙ 1 = 18
d) Associative Property of Mult.
5) 7 ∙ (9 ∙ 6) = (7 ∙ 9) ∙ 6
e) Transitive
6) 9 + 8 = 9 + 8
f) Associative Property of Addition
7) 3 + (5 + 12) = (3 + 5) + 12
g) Symmetric
8) If 11 + 4 =15, then 15 = 11 + 4
h) Commutative Property of Mult.
9) If 2 +7 = 9 and 9 = 3 ∙ 3, then 2 + 7 = 3 ∙ 3 I) Multiplicative property of Zero
10) 11 + 0 = 11
j) Distributive