+ 40 = 0 = -12

1) 8(6x – 7) .
+ 40 = 0
2) 2(8x - 5) + 2 .
= -12
3) 7(6x – 4) < 4(3x – 7)
4) (15x – 8) – (19x + 8) < -14
5) -13 < 3x - 13 < -1
6) 20 – 3x > 26  6x – 11 > 13
Put into slope intercept form: DO NOT GRAPH
7) (-3, 6)(4, -8)
8) (3, 5)(-6, -1)
10) m = - ¾ (-8, 7)
11) m = 2 (5, 6)
13) y - 5 = ¼(x - 4)
14) 48x - 12y = 72
9) (4, -6)(-4, -6)
12) 24x + 36y = 144
15) y + 2 = (-3/5)(x - 10)
Solve each system graphically: Graph both lines and find the point of intersection. CHECK!
16) 15x + 15y = 75
17) y = 5
y + 6 = (3/2)(x + 4)
Solve the system of inequalities graphically: Graph, test 2 1 above and 1 below, SHADE!
18) 24x – 8y > 16
19) y + 6 > -1(x – 6)
12x – 12y < 12
Parallel Lines:
a) Find the equation of the line formed by (-8, 5)(4, 2) and graph:
b) Find the equation of the parallel to the line found in part (a) that passes
through (-8, -3) and graph:
21) The difference of 2 numbers is 49. The smaller number is 9 less than ½ the larger number.
Find both numbers.
22) Find 5 even consecutive integers such that the sum of the 2nd and 4th is 188.
23) Find 5 odd negative consecutive integers such that the product of the 2nd and 4th is 621.
24) A 54-minute phone call cost $7.08. Introductory minutes cost $.18/min and additional
minutes are $.12/min. How many minutes were billed at each rate?
25) A jar of change has $141.15 in it. There are 2 nickels less than 3 times the amount of dimes
and 5 quarters more than 6 times the amount of dimes. How many nickels, dimes, and quarters
are in the jar? (There are no pennies.)
26) The store sells crewneck sweatshirts for $31. Hooded sweatshirts cost $37. The store sold 7
less hooded sweatshirts than triple the crewneck and sales were $12,663. How many of each
were sold?
27) Two planes leave the airport at the 11:40 pm. One is traveling east at a speed of 378 mph.
The other is traveling west at 465 mph. At what time will they be 2,276.1 miles apart?
Systems Algebraically:
28) x = 4- 3y
30) Benny and Bart went into Mickey D’s for some Snack Wraps and
7x + 10y = -27
sodas. Benny bought 5 Snack Wraps and 3 sodas and his bill was
$12.82. Bart bought 4 Snack Wraps and and 5 sodas for $14.91.
29) 4x + 3y = -6
Find the price of each item.
10x – 7y = 43
(Page 2 of the Quarter Exam Review will be online)
31) (4x15y8z5 )2
32) (7x7y4z3)2(4x-5y3z)3
34) 5x(4x2 – 8x + 3) + 4x(5x2 + 10x – 7)
36) (x – 3)(x – 6)
39) (5x – 4)3
42) (2x - 5)2
(8x12y6z3)2 _
35) 8x2(7x2 – 3x – 12) – 6x(4x2 – 16x – 3)
37) (5x – 7)(2x – 9)
40) (2x2 - 3x + 7)(6x - 7)
43) (2x – 5)3
38) (3x – 7)2
41) (2x – 5)(2x + 5)
44) (7x2–6x+3)(5x2 + 4)
Factor with GCF: (One step, you don’t have to factor after the GCF)
45) 32x5 + 80x4 – 64x3
46) 15a9b3c4 – 10a2b5c7
47) 9x4 + 6x3 – 33x2 + 18x
State why each quadratic is prime:
48) x2 + 81
49) x2 – x + 72
50) x2 + 13x - 40