1. Evil and suffering entered the world through human choice.
 Genesis authors teach us that evil has been part of the human experience
since the very beginning.
 In the second Creation account, the first man and woman (Adam & Eve), did
not suffer at first. God had created human beings to be in friendship with
Him, and in harmony with all of creation.
 Sin and evil entered the world when Adam & Eve listened to the serpent.
They thought they would be like God if they ate the forbidden fruit.
 Adam & Eve disobeyed God and chose evil over good.
2. All of us suffer from the effects of Original Sin.
The story of Adam & Eve taught very important truths of faith.
To the Israelites, the garden was a symbol of God’s Grace – the participation,
or a sharing, in God’s life and friendship.
The serpent was a symbol of evil
Hearing that Adam & Eve chose to eat the forbidden fruit helps us appreciate
the power we have as human beings to choose between good and evil.
Adam & Eve being sent out of the garden represents the consequences of
turning away from God
This story tells of the first sin committed by the first human beings –
Original Sin
o Because of Original Sin, each one of us in inclined to sin
3. God promised to send the world a Savior.
When God’s people were discouraged and without hope, God inspired the
prophets to give the people encouragement and to remind them that God had
not forgotten them.
God promised that Jesus, the Messiah, would come restore the people’s
relationship with Him.
At Mass, we celebrate the Paschal Mystery – through Jesus’ suffering, Death,
Resurrection, and Ascension he saves us from evil and shares God’s life and
love with us.