NAME_____________________________________________________________________ ALGEBRA 2 FEBRUARY BREAK ASSIGNMENT Read the notes and use the model problems to answer each question. Write all your answers on this sheet and ATTACH the loose leaf with all the accompanying work. Be sure to write the formulas each time you use them. BE NEAT so I could follow your work. This assignment is due IN class the first time we meet after vacation. It will be counted as a QUIZ. No LATE assignments will be accepted. 1. 22. 43. 2. 23. 44. 3. 24. 45. 4. 25. 46. 5. 26. 47. 6. 27. 48. 7. 28. 49. 8. 29. 50. 9. 30. 51. 10. 31. 52. 11. 32. 53. 12. 33. 54. 13. 34. 55. 14. 35. 56. 15. 36. 57. 16. 37. 58. 17. 38. 59. 18. 39. 19. 40. 20. 41. 21. 42.