PRINT OUT THIS DOCUMENT AND TAPE/STAPLE INTO NOTEBOOK! COURSE TITLE: BIOLOGY Regents and Honors Sections INSTRUCTOR: Mr. David Ganci Course Requirements / Guidelines for Behavior These guidelines have been established for both Honors and Regents Sections to make the learning environment in the classroom enjoyable and productive. They are not to be oppressive, but rather to ensure that all the members of the class are respectful to each other, the teacher, and classroom policies. We will follow an essentially simple game plan based on 3 "R's": 1) RESPECT: There is to be mutual respect at all times. 2) RESPONSIBILTY: Throughout the course of the year, the student will be responsible for handing in all assignments, projects, and reports on the appropriate due dates. You are responsible for all work missed in the case of absence----get a classmate's phone number/email address to get the work you missed. You must also bring in your binder filled with looseleaf and dividers, HighMarks Review Book, a red pen, and a blue/black pen/pencils at all times. The SFP Biology Lab Manual is to be in your binder ready to be used on lab days. The student will also be responsible to exhibit an appropriate level of maturity in the classroom and the laboratory. Misbehavior will only disturb the class, aggravate the teacher, and result in academic consequences. Class begins at the bell. You are expected to be QUIET and be prepared to WORK at that time. Cheating will NOT be tolerated. As this is an infraction of the Honor Code, serious academic consequences will follow. Cutting class will result in an immediate failure (65%) for that quarter---so don't even try it! iPad Usage: If you are seen using your iPads for reasons other than what is being done in class, your parents will be called and a meeting may be scheduled to resolve the problem. STAY FOCUSED and THERE WILL BE NO PROBLEM! 3) RECIPROCITY: Definition: mutual dependence, cooperation, or exchange between persons. This sums up the "mood" we want to attain for this class--a "one hand washes the other" type of atmosphere. Supplies RED 3 ring binder exclusively used for Biology* 2 Biology Review Books: HONORS: McGraw-Hill’s SAT Subject Test Biology E/M (purchase online by the end of September); ALL SECTIONS: Higher Marks Review Book (buy in SFP bookstore buy DAY 1 of second cycle) Dividers with pockets / Folder to hold the labs you do this year* Pencil case with supplies discussed in class Biology text book (Prentice Hall) The SFP Biology Lab Manual to be kept in binder at all times and used in lab GRADING PROCEDURE Grades are updated on a regular basis and can be viewed online/Power School *** 1) TESTS/QUIZZES: 50% 2) LAB REPORTS AND LAB QUIZZES =30% ***NOTE: THE STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HOLDING ON TO/NOT LOSING THE LABS COMPLETED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR! A COMPLETED LAB FOLDER WITH A MINIMUM OF 15 LABS (4 STATE REQUIRED LABS + 11 OTHER) WILL BE COLLECTED AT THE END OF THE 4TH QUARTER AND IS REQUIRED OF EACH STUDENT IN ORDER TO TAKE THE REGENTS AND QUALIFY FOR REGENTS CREDIT. Labs will be submitted on TurnItIn several times a quarter. You must create an account! 3) CW/ HW="20%" All HW is done at home and brought to school COMPLETED on due date. Any incomplete/unsatisfactorily done HW will earn a ZERO. To replace that ZERO with a 55%, students must attend a Resource Room session, do the assignment from scratch, get the signature and the time stamp from the supervising teacher on duty and return to class the by Friday of that wee. SIMPLY PUT--- JUST DO YOUR HW AND DO IT WELL! Extra Credit Assignments will NOT be given at any time throughout the study and do your required work for the credit you want to achieve. SPECIAL NOTES: 1)Full Typewritten Lab reports are due 1 CYCLE after the lab is performed, on next lab day. Failure to hand in a full typewritten lab on time will result in a start lab grade of 55% with one day late submission and 10 point deduction every day thereafter. 15 Labs must submitted for State requirement fulfillment. NOTE: There will be NO LAB MAKEUPS if you are absent/miss a lab. One absence is excused; the subsequent missing labs will be counted as a ZERO in your final grading procedure. You are allowed to miss ONE LAB ALL YEAR (not including STATE Labs: They must be completed if you are absent. Details to follow) 2)If the student is absent for an exam, NO MAKEUP EXAM will be issued. The first absence will be excused; you will be allowed ONE EXCUSED TEST for the entire year (except the final!) Subsequent absences will be counted as a ZERO in the final grading procedure. YOU MUST SCHEDULE THE MAKEUP WITH ME (I am not hunting you down!) the next day you return from your absence! 3)All students must keep track of all grades on Power School, checking on a regular basis. If there is an error in the input of a grade, please let me know ASAP. 4)All assignments/readings/outlines must be completed by the scheduled due dates. 5)If the need arises, you can email me at I will reply ASAP. 6)The teacher has the right to change any of the aforementioned policies as deemed necessary. 7) EXTRA HELP SESSIONS are Tues and Thursdays (H period and 2:45); Wed at 2:45. All are done in E112. SIGN HERE AFTERCOMPLETELY READ THE DOCUMENT. HAVE THEM ALSO INCLUDE A HOME OR CELL NUMBER WHERE THEY CAN BE REACHED. _______________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) _______________________________ (Parent/Guardian Email) ________________________________(Parent/Guardian Contact Number) ________________________________(student name and period in Biology)