HINDUISM - Terms to review for test... In preparation for our test, you should review the entire fact sheet as well as recall and reflect on the various discussions and activities we have had in class. Pay special attention to the following terms/concepts: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sanatana Dharma Mandir Origin of the term "Hindu" Darshan Prasad Meaning of greeting "Namaste" Puja OM (A-U-M) Pandit Significance of Lotus Mantra Mudras Hinduism is Monotheistic/Henotheistic Yantra Hindu understanding of reincarnation Lingham/Yoni (...also recall the term incarnation) Ahisma Hindu understanding of the sacred Sat/Asat Maya BRAHMAN Identify Sacred Scripture: B'ghavad Gita/Vedas/Upanishads TRIMURTI: Brahma Vishnu Shiva Four stages of life & relationship to four sacred goals in life (their roles and their consorts) Paths to moksha: Ways of knowledge; action and devotion Ganesha (general understanding of deities) Atman Samsara Karma Moksha Dharma Murti