LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI600 034. M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION ZOOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER APRIL 2003 ZO 4803 / Z 1020 CLINICAL TECHNOLOGY 26.04.2003 1.00 4.00 Max: 100 Marks SECTION A (10 2 = 20 Marks) Answer ALL the questions 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. What is Haeomoglobinuria? Expand the abbreviations: MMR, ACD, DPT, ESR. Write the normal values of PCV and Hb. Write the procedure for detection of bile salt. What is Hydatid cyst? Write the symptoms of cholera. What is GTT? Explain. What is erythroblastosis foetalis? What is Noscomic infection? What is the importance of HC protein? SECTION B Answer any FOUR of the following (4 10 = 40 Marks) 11. Give an account of any two groups of pathogenic viruses of man. 12. Write the principle and procedure for estimation of blood glucose. 13. Describe the composition of human blood cells. Add a note on their abnormalities. 14. List the criteria for screening a donor in a blood bank. 15. Write the macroscopic characteristics of human urine sample. Add a note on casts and crystals. 16. Write short notes on a) medical ethics b) Quality control SECTION C Answer any TWO of the following (2 20 = 40 Marks) 17. Describe the cycle of Golgi. Add a note on types of Plasmodia and their clinical symptoms. 18. Write the principle, procedure, normal value and clinical significance of WBC count with suitable sketches. 19. Give an account on air borne bacterial diseases. 20. a) Explain physical methods of sterilisation. b) Explain the principle and procedure for estimation of ketone bodies. *****