LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 B.Com. DEGREE EXAMINATION – COMMERCE SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION – JUNE 2008 CO 6606 - ADV. CORPORATE ACCOUNTS Date : 28-06-08 Time : 9.00 – 12.00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks PART A Answer ALL questions 10 x 2 = 20 marks Explain the following: 1. Holding Company 2. Valuation Balance Sheet 3. Rebate on bills discounted 4. Reserve for unexpired risk 5. Standard assets 6. Pooling of interest 7. Commission on reinsurance accepted and ceded. 8. Non performing assets 9. Minority interest 10. Reasonable return PART B Answer ANY FIVE questions 5 x 8 = 40 marks 11. Distinguish between ‘amalgamation’ in the nature of purchase and merger. 12. What is ‘double account system’? How does it differ from Single account system 13. H Ltd acquired 8000 shares in S Ltd at a cost of Rs.1,40,000. On that date S Ltd had Rs.30,000 in General Reserve. S Ltd earned a profit of Rs.40,000 after the purchase of shares. S Ltd decided to issue bonus shares out of the post acquisition profit, in the ratio of 2 shares for every 5 held. Calculate the cost of control before the issue of bonus shares and after the issue of bonus shares. 14. On 31st March 2008, Bharat Bank Ltd finds its advances classified as follows: Rs. Standard assets 14,91,300 Sub standard assets 92,800 Doubtful assets secured: Less than 1 year 25,660 1 year to 3 years 15,640 More than 3 years 6,580 Doubtful assets unsecured 8,000 Loss assets 10,350 Calculate the amount of provision to be made by the bank against the above mentioned advances. 15. X Electricity Company decided to replace one of its generating plants with a modern one with a larger capacity. The original Plant was installed in 1950 at a cost of Rs.20,00,000. The components of material, labor and overheads being in the ratio of 5:3:2. It is ascertained that the cost of material and labor have gone up by 40% and 80% resp. The proportion of overheads to total costs is expected to remain the same as before. 1 The new Plant cost Rs.65,00,000. Materials recovered from the old Plant of the value of Rs.1,00,000 was used in the new construction and included in the cost given above. Materials from the old Plant were sold for Rs.50,000. Show how the cost will be apportioned between capital and revenue expenditure. Also pass the Journal entries to record the above. 16. From the following data, prepare a Profit and Loss A/c of ABC Bank Ltd., for the year ended 31st March 2008: Rs. Interest on loan 2,59,000 Interest on Fixed deposits 2,75,000 Commission 8,200 Salaries 54,000 Discount on Bills discounted 1,95,000 Interest on cash credits 2,33,000 Interest on savings accounts 1,10,000 Rent and taxes 18,000 Interest on overdraft 1,54,000 Directors’ fees 4,200 Printing and stationery 4,300 Sundry charges 1,700 Profit and loss balance on 1st April 2007 1,20,000 Adjustments: a) Provide Rs.40,000 for Bad Debts and Rs.49,000 for rebate on Bills Discounted. b) Directors recommend Rs.20,000 as dividend. c) Provision for tax to be made at 50% 17. The books of XY Insurance Co. contains the following information in respect of fire insurance as on 31/3/2008: Rs. Provision for unexpired risk (1/4/2007) 80,000 Outstanding claims on 1/4/2007 10,000 Outstanding claims on 31/3/2008 15,000 Claims paid 71,000 Reinsurance premium 14,500 Reinsurance recoveries 1,500 Premiums 1,90,000 Commission on direct business 25,000 Commission on reinsurance ceded 3,000 Commission on reinsurance accepted 1,000 Management expenses 55,000 Interest and dividend 8,600 Legal expenses regarding claims 1,500 Profit on sale of investment 1,750 Additional reserve on 31/3/2007 60,000 Additional reserve is to be increased by 10% of net premium. Prepare Fire Revenue account. 18. Life insurance Co. got its valuation made once in every two years. Its Life Assurance Fund on 31/12/2006 amounted to Rs.40,00,000, before providing Rs.40,000 for Shareholders dividend for the year 2006. Its actuarial valuation disclosed a net liability of Rs.38,00,000. An Interim bonus of Rs.50,000 was paid to Policy Holders during the valuation period. Prepare a statement showing the amount now available as bonus to policy hodlers. 2 PART C Answer ANY TWO questions 2 x 20 = 40 marks 19. From the following Balance sheets on 31/12/2007 relating to H Ltd Balance sheet: H Ltd S Ltd (Rs.) (Rs.) Share capital (Rs.10) 10,00,000 2,00,000 Fixed Assets P/L 4,00,000 1,20,000 Stock Reserves 1,00,000 60,000 Debtors Creditors 2,00,000 1,20,000 Bills Receivable Bills Payable 30,000 15,000 shares in S _______ ______ Ltd 17,00,000 5,30,000 and S Ltd prepare the consolidate H Ltd (Rs.) 8,00,000 6,10,000 1,30,000 10,000 1,50,000 _______ 17,00,000 S Ltd (Rs.) 1,20,000 2,40,000 1,70,000 ______ 5,30,000 a) All profits of S ltd have been earned after the shares were acquired by S Ltd., but there was already a reserve of Rs.60,000 on that date. b) All the Bills Payable of S Ltd were accepted in favour of H Ltd. c) Stock of H Ltd included Rs.50,000 purchased from S Ltd., which company had made a profit of 25% on cost. 20. Balance sheets of X Ltd and Y Ltd on 31st March 2008 are as follows: Share capital (Rs.10) Reserves 9%Debentures(Rs.100) Creditors Loan from X Ltd X Ltd (Rs.) 2,00,000 40,000 1,00,000 50,000 _______ 3,90,000 Y Ltd (Rs.) 4,00,000 1,00,000 50,000 70,000 30,000 ______ 6,50,000 X Ltd (Rs.) Fixed Assets Loan to Y Ltd Current Assets 5,000 shares in S Ltd 2,00,000 30,000 1,10,000 50,000 _______ 3,90,000 Y Ltd Rs.) 4,00,000 2,50,000 ______ 6.50,000 X Ltd agrees to take over Y Ltd. on the following terms: a) X Ltd. will issue one share of Rs.10 each (market price Rs.15) and Rs.8 in cash for every two shares in Y Ltd. b) Debenture holders of Y Ltd are to be discharged at a premium of 10% by the issue of 9% debentures in X Ltd. c) Expenses of amalgamation Rs.5,000 is to be paid by X Ltd. Show the calculation of purchase consideration. Pass entries for the take over in the books of X Ltd and prepare the Balance Sheet of X Ltd after the take over. 21. City Electricity Co earned a profit of Rs.8,45,000 during the year ended 31st March, 2006. From the following data show the disposal of profits: Original cost of Fixed Assets Rs.100,00,000. Preliminary expenses Rs.5,00,000 Monthly average of current assets Rs.25,00,000 4% Govt. securities Rs.10,00,000 Contingency Reserve fund investments Rs.2,50,000 Loan from Electricity Board Rs.15,00,000 Total depreciation written off to date Rs.20,00,000 Tariff and Dividend control reserve Rs.50,000 Security deposits received from customers Rs.2,00,000 7.5% debentures Rs.2,50,000 Assume Bank rate to be 6% ************* 3