LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI– 600 034 M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION HISTORY THIRD SEMESTER NOVEMBER 2003 HT 3802/H 917 PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF ARCHAEOLOGY 07.11.2003 Max: 100 Marks 1.00 4.00 PART A (4 5= 20 Marks) Answer any FOUR of the following in not exceeding 100 words each 01. Salvage Archaeology 02. Alexander Cunningham 03. Exploration Kit 04. Objectives of site survey 05. Conservation 06. Grid system PART B (2 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following in not exceeding 200 words each 07. Examine the value of Pottery in Archaeology. 08. What is the relation between Archaeology and Anthropology? 09. Explain the Carbon Dating method. 10. Explain how the miniature objects are displayed in a museum. PART C (3 20 = 60 Marks) Answer any THREE of the following not exceeding 1200 words each 11. What is Neoarchaeology? Write an essay on the different kinds of Archaeology. 12. Trace the development of Archaeology in the 19th and 20th century. 13. Describe the various scientific aids used in prospecting and in the survey of Archaeological sites. 14. Explain the role of excavation staff and equipments involved therein. 15. Narrate the Documentation and publication methods. *****