Spanish A/B Syllabus 2015 - 2016 Susan Bernard, M.Ed., instructor COURSE DESCRIPTION This is a year-long course that is essentially equivalent to Spanish I. This course introduces students to the basic vocabulary of the language and components of the culture of the countries in which the language is spoken. The text we will be using is Realidades A and B from Pearson-Prentice Hall. A companion to the text can be found on my webpage: COURSE OBJECTIVES The objective of Spanish A/B is to have student feel comfortable writing, reading, speaking and listening to basic Spanish. Students should be able to make greetings both formally and informally, ask and answer basic personal questions (age, likes, dislikes, etc.), describing people, weather, seasons, holidays, family and relations, food & beverages, activities and things in the home. Spanish A/B is one of the few courses at the Junior High level where a student can receive High School credit if they pass the course and take the Avant Assessment (Stamp4S test) at the end of the school year. The Avant Assessment is a comprehensive, 3rd party, online assessment that covers reading, writing, listening and speaking in the target language and is at no cost to the student. When testing dates are available, I will make them known to students and their parents/guardians. COURSE MATERIALS The only 2 things I ask of students are to have a large spiral notebook dedicated just for Spanish class which they are to keep in their school-wide binder and a writing utensil every day. If students have access to the internet, there are many helpful websites that are located on my main page: GRADING POLICY The grading policy per Mesa Public Schools states that a minimum of 90% of a student’s grades will be comprised of assessments such as quizzes, chapter tests, oral presentations, writing assignments and tests on brief reading comprehension. Only 10% of the grade will come from homework or class participation. LATE HOMEWORK IS NOT ACCEPTED! Do NOT test me on this – late homework will not be accepted in the HS World Language departments and will not be accepted in this class for credit. In the first semester, students will be allowed to re-take any assessment ONCE as long as they can back it up with Focused Note-taking that shows they have studied the information. They need to request it in advance. Generally, there are weekly quizzes and monthly tests. Quizzes count for more than tests because students are expected to keep up on in-class assignments and participation. In the second semester, retakes are limited to 2 quizzes, 2 tests per quarter. “Pop-quizzes” aren’t included. My Grading Scale is as follows: A= 90%-100% D= 69%- 60% B = 80%- 89% F= below 60% C = 70%- 79% Grades are averaged for the semester from both of the previous quarters. There is no extra credit available so again, it is essential that students show up for class and participate. Students are also expected to keep their planner up to date with assignments and their grade will be updated by me on a regular basis in the portal. Not knowing is not an excuse for missing retakes! CLASSROOM RULES There are 4 basic classroom rules that all students must follow. Be respectful of other students, teachers, administration, and school and personal property. Classroom behavior should be that of young adults. No one has the right to interfere with another person's right to learn. If you choose to be disruptive or disrespectful, you will be given a logical consequence. Part of respect is honesty in all your work. It is expected that students hand in only original work that they have completed and earned. Be responsible. If you are absent, you, the student, needs to approach the instructor to make up tests or quizzes. This is NOT to be done during class, but either before or after or on lunch. You may also come after school or email me. You should get notes you missed from your classmates or the website. This is your grade, please take responsibility for it. Be prepared. Bring a writing utensil, paper, spiral bound notebook (just for Spanish) and any in-class work that you may need. If you need water, please bring it. Water breaks are also your responsibility between classes. Please be in your seat, quiet and listening for directions when class begins. Participate fully - if you need help, do not hesitate to seek it from me. This part includes seeking opportunities outside of class to use and access Spanish (books, magazines, newspapers, newscasts on TV, etc.) as much as possible. This is a language class and as such, demands the participation of all involved. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Students are expected to follow the classroom rules and not interfere with the learning of others. The classroom is a place of learning. All students have the right to learn without interruption. Students who choose to disrupt the learning process will be subject to the following steps: 1. Verbal warning and discussion with student 2. Removal from class and written warning (Step 1) 3. Detention and written documentation with call/email home (Step 2) 4. Extended detention and/or service with written documentation and call/email home (Step 3) 5. Written documentation and Office Referral (Step 4) NOTE: Any or all of the following steps may be accelerated in accordance with school policy depending on the severity of the situation (This will be especially true in matters of classroom safety violations). KEEPING IN TOUCH I am split between Fremont and Smith Junior Highs and my ph#’s are listed on each website and you are welcome to leave me a message which I will return as soon as possible. The best way to contact me is via email which I check several times a day: PRINTED STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ *Student signature _______________ date ____________________________________________________ *Parent/Guardian signature _________ date *By signing above, you agree that you have read and understood the syllabus & rules and agree to them.