Ming De Lin (US Citizen)

Permanent Address:
4-37 Hartley Pl.
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
(201) 796-6279
Ming De Lin (US Citizen)
To obtain a 2001 summer internship in Medical Instrumentation design & implementation.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI
GPA: 3.65 / 4.0
BS in Biomedical Engineering (Electrical concentration) & Minor in Electrical Engineering, May 2002.
President of the Biomedical Engineering Society. IEEE & Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
(EMBS) member. Tutor for Biomedical, Core Engineering, Mathematics, and Language classes.
CT Image Quality Evaluator
Assisting system image simulations and image testing on the CT Warp-3 program.
 Documenting and analyzing image test results using the Six-Sigma program.
 Investigating and reporting on image quality and accuracy.
 Collaborating with Image Quality Engineers and other program team leaders in eliminating image
artifacts, incorrectly reconstructed data that may resemble pathological structures.
Boston University, Boston, MA
Summer 2000
National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Conducted research on using patient-specific, computer-based computational models to investigate the
distribution of electric fields and currents produced during electrical defibrillation with implanted electrodes.
 Collaborated in the construction of 3-D finite volume models of a human thorax from CT scans using
C language and I-DEAS (CAD program) and compared them with previous models and clinical data.
 Designed and created website describing this research project and its cast of characters.
Fall 2000 – Present
Undergraduate Research Project with the NSF ERC Center for Sub-surface Imaging Systems (CenSSIS)
Evaluating new methods of precision soldering for electrical module and printed circuit assembly, and
investigating the reliability of digital potentiometer outputs at various frequencies.
 Enabling further development of an electrical impedance tomography device for creating time-varying
distribution images of electrical properties in the body (possible applications include breast cancer
screening, pulmonary emboli detection, etc.) within a reasonable size and image refresh rate.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Fall 2000 – Present
Laboratory Developer
Designing and implementing new experiments for the Chemistry of Materials students.
 Enhancing the student’s knowledge of chemistry, laboratory skills, and teamwork.
 Providing further insight and interest in the subject through “hands-on” experience.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Fall 1999 – Spring 2000
Supplemental Instructor
Mentored & motivated students enrolled in Chemistry of Materials through optional weekly review sessions.
 Set new standard in voluntary attendance from an average of 25 to 175 students.
 Raised average grade of attending students by at least one-half letter grade (e.g.: from B+ to A–).
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
P-Spice, LogicWorks, Espresso, MatLab & Simulink, Maple, ProEngineer, I-DEAS, C, C++, Perl, Pascal,
Basic, MSOffice 97 & 2000, UNIX, Windows 9x & 2000, MacOS, and fluent in Chinese Mandarin.
 Dean’s List  Tau Beta Pi  Rensselaer Alumni Scholarship  Valley Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship
Tennis, swimming, bowling, billiards, roller-blading, model building, coin, stamp and sports card collecting.