COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE July 14, 2010 MINUTES Members Present: Colin Archibald, Joe Bivins, Melody Boeringer, Karen Borglum (co-chair), Diane Dalrymple, Dan Dutkofski, Catherine Espenscheid, Yolanda Gonzalez, Anita Kovalsky, James McDonald, John Niss (co-chair), Pam Sandy, Betty Wanielista Ex-Officio Present: Alys Arceneaux, Cheryl Robinson Staff Present: Kim Adams (recording) Guests Present: Julie McCaughtry, Louise Pitts John Niss opened the meeting with a greeting and a request to approve the minutes from the June 9, 2010 CCC meeting. 1. Review of Minutes – June 9, 2010 The minutes of the June 9, 2010 College Curriculum Committee meeting were approved by consensus. 2. Consent Agenda – Course modifications or deletions involving minor editing of course descriptions or level changes which do not impact other departments are eligible for placement on the consent agenda. Any members of the committee may request to remove a proposal from the consent agenda for the purpose of discussion. The following course(s) have outlines in Course Outline Builder which may be viewed in ATLAS: HUN 2015 RTE 1111C Diet Therapy for Health Care Professionals (new course) Patient Care in Radiography (new course) The following outlines are being presented as part of the Two-Year Program Review Cycle None this month The Consent Agenda was approved by consensus. 3. Regular Agenda 0910-209 HUN 2015 Diet Therapy for Health Care Professionals, CCA ............................................ Kristin Bartholomew Purpose: This course will fulfill the diet therapy component for students wanting to apply to the Nursing Program at Valencia, who have only completed the basic nutrition HUN 1001 course. It is not a requirement for the program; HUN 2202 will remain the requirement for the Nursing Program. This class will provide a solution for those who took a basic nutrition class that will not transfer as HUN 2202; Catalog Course Description: Assessment and application of nutrition within health care, focusing on prevention and medical nutrition therapy in disease management; Prerequisites: HUN 1001 or department approval, based on prior completion of a college nutrition course with a minimum grade of C; Co-requisites: None; Credit/Class/Lab Hours: 1/1/0; Effective Date: Fall 2010 (201110). Proposal 0910-209 was approved as submitted. 0910-210 RTE 1111C Patient Care in Radiography, CCA ........................ Julie McCaughtry Purpose: This course is a modified version of HSC 1230C, Methods of Patient Care, to include additional patient care skills specific to practice in the radiology department (hence the RTE prefix). To accommodate the increased content, the course credits were increased from 2 to 3; Catalog Course Description: Content is designed to provide the basic concepts of patient care including consideration for physical, psychological, legal, and ethical needs of the patient and family. Routine and emergency patient care procedures are described, as well as infection control procedures using standard precautions. The role of the radiographer in patient education is identified. Basic concepts of pharmacology/drug administration and theory and practice of venipuncture techniques are presented. A minimum grade of C is required to pass this course (Special Fee: $20.00); Prerequisites: Acceptance to Radiography, A.S. Degree program; Co-requisites: RTE 1000; Credit/Class/Lab Hours: 3/2/3; Effective Date: Fall 2010 (201110). Proposal 0910-210 was approved as submitted. 0910-211 Radiography, A.S. Degree, CPM ................................................. Julie McCaughtry Purpose: A new course (RTE 1111C) in Patient Care was created specifically for the Radiography Program, replacing the previous course, HSC 1230C, Methods of Patient Care. HSC 1230C is being modified, and will be used only for the Sonography Program, while the new course, RTE 1111C, will be utilized specifically for the Radiography Program (see CPM form for detailed explanation of the changes); Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposal 0910-211 was approved as submitted. 0910-212 HSC 1230C Methods of Patient Care, CCM............................. Julie McCaughtry Purpose: Separation of radiography and sonography students from this course. This is the original patient care course that fits the credit hour limit for the Sonography Program and the course content required for the Sonography curriculum; Revised Catalog Course Description: Introduces basic theories, skills, and techniques of quality patient care. Includes communication, assessment skills, aseptic technique, drug administration, emergency situations, and AIDS education. Presents theoretical and practical knowledge to make sound clinical judgments and carry out patient care activities. (Special Fee: $20.00); Revised Prerequisites: Acceptance to Sonography A.S. Degree Program (previously, “Acceptance to A.S. Degree Radiography Program”); Revised Co-requisites: SON 1000C (previously, “Minimum Page 2 grade of C in RTE 1000”); Revised Credit/Class/Lab Hours: 2/1/3 (previously, “3/2/3”); Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposal 0910-212 was presented with an effective date of Fall 2011 (201210), which follows the guidelines of the CCC; however, Karen said that the department informed her that waiting until this date to make the modification will present a problem for students. The problems are twofold: 1) students affected will have to pay for an additional, unnecessary credit hour; and 2) they will go over the program hours. There would be approximately 10 students affected, but since it would impact them negatively and it was a Valencia error, it was agreed by consensus to do the modification for Fall 2010 (201110). 0910-213 Course List for Provisional Students ............................................... Karen Borglum The list of courses that are available for provisional students (courses without a prerequisite) is being presented for approval. The College Catalog defines a Provisional Student as: “You have a Certificate of Completion (Attendance) from a Florida high school. You will be admitted as a non-degree-seeking Provisional Student; your enrollment will be limited to college-preparatory courses and other selected courses; and you will not be eligible to earn an applied technology diploma, a technical certificate, or a degree. You will remain classified as a non-degree-seeking Provisional Student until you provide a high school equivalency diploma and score report after completing the GED through a state department of education.” Cheryl Robinson was asked to explain provisional students, since it is a term that many Valencia faculty and staff are not familiar with. Cheryl explained that provisional students are those without a standard high school diploma or GED. While they may take courses at Valencia, they are not entitled to earn a degree or any type of certificate. In other words, they are not permitted to be “degree-seeking” students. She discussed the application process, and the fact that the College depends upon the honesty of the student in cases where they present a college transcript, that they do indeed have a diploma or GED. John Niss noted that a number of prep courses are not listed, although the Catalog states that all prep courses are included. It was discussed that there is a stated and/or implied hierarchy of prerequisites for preparatory courses. The Committee had several questions: Can a student, by taking a combination of courses on the Provisional Course List, pull together any type of Certificate or Degree? Should ALL courses without prerequisites be on this list, or just the “front door” courses? Should the prep sequence be included, even if some of the courses have prerequisites? Karen recommended, since the Agenda was a small one and the time was available, that the Committee thoroughly review the list; make recommended revisions, particularly for courses that they feel should not be on the list; and submit to the IAC for their approval. This course of action was agreed upon, and Kim was asked to sit at the computer and make the changes, Page 3 highlighting the revisions and typing in comments to explain the reason for the recommendations. 4. Discussion Items Additional Faculty Representative for Architecture, Engineering, and Technologies – Karen Borglum will lead a discussion based on the request for an additional faculty member to represent the Architecture Department of the Division of Architecture, Engineering, and Technology. Karen told the Committee members that she had solicited e-mail discussion on this topic, but of the half dozen or so people who replied, they replied to only her, so there was no broad discussion with all CCC members. Of the people who replied, some felt that adding another faculty member from Architecture, Engineering, and Technologies would create an unfair advantage; other felt that if faculty want to participate, they should be allowed to do so. Karen also reminded everyone that there are other divisions with more than one representative from different departments. Dan Dutkofski suggested that overall representation, as stated in the Curriculum manual, should be re-visited, particularly in light of the new B.A./B.S. degrees that Valencia will be offering. It was decided that the conversation will be continued in the fall, when the full Committee will be available for discussion. 5. Information Items Field Review - The SCNS recently reviewed their course inventory and found a number of discrepancies – courses credentialed as A.S./Occupational being aligned taxonomically with academic courses. The reconciliation of credential transfer level issues has created the need for the following Valencia course change. This change was made and has been approved by the department here at Valencia. OST 2852, MS Excel - Introductory will become OST 2859, effective August 1, 2011 The next meeting of the College Curriculum Committee will be September 8, 2010, and will be held on the West Campus, Room 6-202. Deadline for submission of materials for the September Agenda is August 25, 2010. ENJOY YOUR SUMMER! Page 4