Ms. Macias 316-794-4100 ex 3121 Honors English 11 Classroom Rules, Regulations and Requirements: Materials: Each student must have a three-ring binder with loose leaf notebook paper, a flash drive, writing utensils, and highlighters. Also, students must bring to class any text currently in use. Reading Requirements: Students will be responsible for the reading, comprehension, and analysis of various literary pieces, including but not limited to the following: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammet The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald The Crucible by Arthur Miller Various Text Selections Selection of Great American Author Short Stories, Poems, Essays Students should expect frequent, sometimes unannounced, quizzes and tests of any and all reading assignments. If you have been assigned reading, you should expect to be tested. Writing Requirements: Students will complete 2 – 4 formal essays, including the research paper. Students will understand and use MLA format, including proper citation of resources. The persuasive research paper is a requirement for passing English 11. If you don’t turn one in, you have not met the requirements for the class and cannot pass. NO LATE RESEARCH PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. The Big Read: GHS Honors Junior English students are required to participate in The Big Read by attending at least one community event and hosting an event at GHS. We will work in groups to present an interactive museum presentation of the The Wonderly World of The Maltese Falcon on November 7 at 7:00 pm. Attendance is required for full class credit. This project will require work outside of class. Grammar and Punctuation Lessons: Yes! These lessons will be done in preparation for the ACT. Extra Credit: Extra credit is given ONLY to students who have turned in all assignments, and will be allowed on a case-by-case basis. Hall Passes: The classroom is conveniently located close to bathrooms and water fountains. Take care of these needs during passing period. If an emergency arises, students can use a hall pass one time each nine weeks. After that, students can make up out-of-class time before or after school. Night Library: Night Library provides computer and teacher access to students during after school hours. If you miss school on a test day, you might need to use Night Library to make up your test. Class time is not always available for make-up work. Night Library is also a great time to stay caught up on reading, study vocabulary, type an essay, or work on The Big Read project. Make Up/Late Work: It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to make sure all make up work is turned in. I will not hunt you down and ask for missed assignments. Due dates on long term projects or papers are NON-NEGOTIABLE! Even if you are absent, your assignment still MUST be turned in on that date. Send it with a friend, send it with a parent, or email it. No excuses! If you are in class the day a test date is announced, you are still responsible for taking the test on that date. Non-Long Term Late Work: Assignments can be turned in 1 day late for half credit. After 24 hours, no late work will be accepted. If you are struggling with an assignment, PLEASE talk to me BEFORE the due date. If you wait until it is due, it is too late. RULES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be Respectful! Remain in your seat until the bell rings. DO NOT line up at the door. DO NOT touch anything on the teacher’s desk. Use your own electronic device with teacher permission ONLY. Back Packs and purses can be stored on the front table while class is in session. Take only your notebook, texts, and writing utensils to your desk. 6. Laugh at my jokes. I have read and understand the Rules, Regulations, and Requirements for Macias English 11. __________________________________ ___________________________________ Student Parent Date Date