1) Weasel 19) Grasses 2) Mole 20) Hawk 3) Rat 21) Blue jay 4) House mouse 22) Sparrow 5) Deer mouse 23) Bat 6) Vole 24) Skink 7) Earthworm 25) Garter snake 8) Caterpillar 26) Red fox 9) Beetles 27) Grasshopper 10) Moth 28) Opossum 11) Snail or slug 29) Raccoon 12) Leaves of small plants 30) Prairie lizard 13) Salamander 31) Coyote 14) Shrew 32) Bobcat 15) Centipede 33) Rabbit 16) Seeds 17) Shoots (part of plant) 18) Roots Research these items about the organism you receive. Construct a 1-page poster about the organism. Include 1-2 pictures of your organism. 1) Common Name & Scientific Name of organism 2) Characteristics of the organism. (size, color, physical features, behavior) 3) Distribution (where does it live) 4) Describe its habitat 5) Food sources 6) Predators Begin your research at the Great Plains Nature Center website www.gpnc.org On the left menu bar click on “Flora and Fauna” Locate the category your organism fits Scroll through to the list of various types found in Kansas o Use this list to help you identify the common and scientific name of the Kansas organism o If there are links provided, begin your search for info there o If NO links are provided, search on google with the scientific name List your sources; Where did you get your information and pictures? GOOGLE is NOT a source! ********** EXAMPLE FOLLOWS ON NEXT PAGE ************ Barn Owl Tyto alba Characteristics: Length: 17-18inches Wingspan: 42-44inches Weight: 14-17ounces Build nests for young high on building (barn) ledges, cliffs, trees Nocturnal Habitat Description: Food: Distribution: Most urbanized owl, making its home easily in cities. Found on every continent except Antarctica Found throughout Kansas Lives in a wide range of habitats: cities, barns and large buildings, wooded areas, cliffs and canyons Rodents, insects, snakes, small birds, lizards, frogs, crayfish Predators: Sources: http://gpnc.org/owlbarn.htm ; http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Barn_Owl/id Fox, coyote, bobcat