U.S. History 10 Mr. Rehse Syllabus – Spring 2016

U.S. History 10
Mr. Rehse
Syllabus – Spring 2016
My philosophy on running my class is simple. We all know what is and
is not appropriate behavior in the classroom. If you show me respect as your
teacher, I will show you the same amount of respect as a student. I don’t have
a long list of rules, but the ones I do have I expect to be followed.
1. Be prepared. That means bringing all materials to class: books, paper,
pencils, pens etc.
2. Respect: For the learning of others & for the opinions of others
3. Be Responsible: you are responsible for your choices and your actions.
4. The Bell does not dismiss you, I DO.
5. Common Courtesy and Common Sense should be common.
Required Materials:
Pen / Pencil
Three Ring Loose paper
(Book Cover)
Do You Need To Keep Your Papers? Each class will have a final exam at the
end of each semester. That exam will consist of questions that are pulled
directly from tests and quizzes given throughout the semester. If you keep your
tests and quizzes and make the necessary corrections, you will be allowed to
use them on the midterm or final as a test aide.
Homework Policy: All homework will be posted and is due at the beginning of
class the following day. Any assignment turned in after that time is considered
late. The majority of homework assignments will be assigned in class with
time given to work on completion. Whatever part of assignment is not
completed by the end of the hour will be due the next day.
Late Assignments: Any assignment not completed on time, but turned in the
same day will receive 75% credit. Any assignment turned in after the day it is
due will receive 50% credit. Most homework assignments are worth between
10 & 20 points. Incomplete work will receive a 10% deduction. Remember,
nothing will drag your grade down faster than a zero. Make up missing
assignments and get that credit, it helps.
Absences: Each day’s assignment will be posted on the yellow clipboards on
the front wall. It is the student’s responsibility to review work missed.
Leaving the Classroom: It is up to the teacher’s discretion whether or not
passes are issued. No passes will be issued during lectures, discussions or
group projects, so don’t ask. Persons abusing their pass privileges by excessive
use or inappropriate behavior in the hall will lose their privileges. No passes
will be issued the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes. So plan
accordingly. You will need your agenda book to leave the room.
Grading Policy: Your grade in this class will be based on the following: daily
bell work questions, in class assignments, homework, lecture notes, quizzes,
exams, video questions, projects and midterm or final exams.
Academic Honesty: Cheating or copying will not be tolerated at any time. Do
your own work. I would much rather you tell me that you forgot to do the
assignment than to have to copy it and turn it in. Cheating will be reported to
the Administration.
Electronic Devices: School policy will be enforced in regards to use of cell
phones or texting in class. Students may listen to IPods and other music
devices during individual seat assignments as long as the volume does not
disturb others. Electronic devices are not permitted during lectures, quizzes or
Heading for papers in Social Studies Class:
See Below.
(Chapter, Section, Title, etc.)
* A grace period to learn heading procedure will be given, after which points
will be deducted.