LET Minutes Wed., April 12, 2006 East 5-112 Present:

LET Minutes
Wed., April 12, 2006
East 5-112
Present:Linda Anthon, Nick Bekas, Kira Bishop, Philip Bishop, Melody BoeringerHartnup, Mike Bosley, Jenny Britton, Helen Clarke, Suzette Dohany, Kurt Ewen, Emily
Hooker, Celine Kavalec-Miller, Maryke Lee, Patrick Nellis, Melissa Pedone, Julie
Phelps, Ann Puyana, Cheryl Robinson, David Rogers, Allison, Sloan, Roberta
Vandermast, Sharon Wyly
Regrets: Aida Diaz
The following items were agreed upon during the meeting.
 We don’t know how we will get along without Roberta, but we will have to
persevere. We wish her peace and happiness in her retirement and send with her
our gratitude for her years of service to Valencia and the LET.
 The revised proposal for the future direction and organization of the Learning
Evidence Team received the unanimous support of the LET and will be forwarded
to Dr. Walter within the next few days.
THINK Workshop Update
The final THINK focus groups will meet next week. Student work that
participants assessed with the THINK analytic rubric will be coming in over the next two
weeks. We still need to plan for holistic scoring over the summer.
NOTE: Suzette Dohany announced the Excellence in Learning Ceremony on the Winter
Park Campus is focused on THINK this year and all are welcome on April 13, 12:302:00.
Year of COMMUNICATE Work Team Report
Draft versions of the two rubrics developed for oral and written communication
were distributed. Both of these rubrics were developed from existing communication
rubrics at Valencia. The committee asked for members of the LET to answer two
questions. 1) Can you imagine using this instrument? 2) What would make it more
functional? Feedback should be sent to Suzette Dohany in writing.
Draft versions of both rubrics will be used with faculty participating in
Destination 2006. We need to be planning what to present at the academic assembly to
kick-off the Year of COMMUNICATE. We also need to get on the agenda of an IAC
meeting soon to build partnerships with willing deans for Year of COMMUNICATE
assessment projects.
The LET may want to suggest to the Learning Council and the Faculty Council
that listening and reading be added as learning indicators to the COMMUNICATE
CAAP Report
The CAAP report was postponed until the May meeting. Any questions we would
like answered at that meeting should be sent to Allison Sloan as soon as possible.
Marketing Team Report
 A “banquet” to celebrate faculty participants in the Year of THINK and promote
participation in the Year of COMMUNICATE will be held during one of the
Destination 2006 meetings.
 The May/June newsletter will feature the THINK Clearinghouse and the Course
Outline Builder.
 The CCSSE student course evaluation is now available as a Flashlight survey.
Organizational Redesign Proposal
The revised proposal for the future direction and organization of the Learning
Evidence Team was discussed. Minor changes in terminology were suggested. The
Special Assistant for the Learning Centered Initiative was added as an ex officio member
of the reformed LET.
Next LET Meeting
Wed., May 10, 2006
Osceola Campus, 3-228